Parsons in England

In a book title, Colonial Ways of Life, the author discusses the migration to America during the 1700’s.

“A massive migration to America began in Europe. People came from all over Western Europe: England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and Protestant Ireland.

Early American settlers were mostly young (half were under 25), and mostly male. Only 1/3 traveled with families; most came alone. Most were "middle" class, neither rich nor poor; some few were wealthy, but many more were destitute.”

Parsons researchers for many years have searched in vain to discover Joseph Garrett Parsons Sr’s father and mother. Perhaps this statement explains why. Joseph may have come alone leaving his parents, brothers and sisters in Great Britain. In my research of the families who lived and were associated with Joseph, not one family member married a Parsons. I had hoped to find a brother or sister of Joseph in Laurens County who married. None were found.

Parsons in England.pdf