03.) Stuffing

Before we begin soldering components, we have a few which we need to slightly modify.  It will also help to glue some of the components down to make soldering a bit easier.

For glueing things down, I like to use Krazy brand super glue - because it is fast setting without the need for a catalyst - and comes with a pretty handy little brush applicator.

This makes soldering easier, but also helps hold the components to the board so we're not just relying on solder alone when we use it.

For the IC socket (our ATTINY85 chip will sit in this), I am using the "Squished bug" technique.  You'll want to bend the pins on the socket to roughly match the template.  We'll do the same for the pushbutton switch.

Before any glueing or soldering, lay the components out on the circuit and make sure you understand where each goes.  They are each labeled clearly on this diagram.

You should not apply the glue to the metal leads on the components - but rather to the plastic housing or non-conductive parts.  Otherwise we will experience a pretty noxious smell when we solder...

Take care to align the IC socket before sticking down.  The krazy glue will give you a couple of seconds to adjust before it sets completely.

In addition to the IC socket and pushbutton, we need to slightly modify our potentiometer by bending the leads downward 90-ish degrees.

This will allow us to solder directly to our copper traces without any additional wires.

Rather than glueing the resistor, I like to use the SMT strategy for soldering components: lay down a blob of solder, sink one lead of the component into it, then solder the other leads.

The 8-ohm speaker is the last part to glue, because the LED strip and soft pot have their own adhesive backing.

Text here.

Take care to align the soft pot before sticking.  The third lead of the soft pot (at the bottom of the circuit) is not used in this design.

Soldering is so meditative.

We're almost done!  All we need now is our ATTINY85 microcontroller - but first we need to load it with the PaperSynth firmware.