02.) Traces

Next, place copper foil traces along the light grey paths on the template.  

Eventually you will cover up a lot of the component footprints, so I've included this nifty diagram to help guide you through adding components once the template gets obscured!

You can use the back of your thumb nail to burnish/smooth the copper foil after it is stuck down.

The adhesive backing on this copper foil is insulative - meaning it will not conduct between seperate strips of tape.  This means we need to solder all of the corners of our overlapping traces!

For each corner, place your iron down, then feed solder right into the intersection between the iron tip and the copper foil corner.  Apply just enough solder to connect the two strips.

Your traces are complete!  You might want to double check continuity of each trace with a multimeter.

If all is good, you can move on to stuffing your circuit!