PA Emissions Recertification

Pennsylvania Emissions Recertification testing has moved to an online recertification training and exam. All certified emissions inspectors looking to renew their emissions license will need to recertify through

As of August 1, 2018 the only way to renew your emissions license is through the online recertification program. This is explained in the March 2018 Emissions Bulletin.

The online certification will be available 180 days prior to the expiration date of your emissions inspection license. Once you pay the fee for your training you will receive access to a recertification training module and a 68 page recertification manual in .pdf form. For the standard emissions inspector recertification the training module consists of 190 slides broken up into 9 modules and takes approximately 2 hours to review.

After reviewing the training materials you will have access to complete the 24 question online exam which you must pass with a score of 80% or better. You will have 35 minutes to complete the exam. Upon successful completion of the online exam your license will be renewed for a period two years from the current expiration date. All training materials and updates will still be available during your two-year recertification period.

To recertify, emissions inspectors must go to

The PA training portal website also includes this FAQ on the recertification programs.

If you are unable to pass the online test in three attempts, you will be required to retake the initial training and exam at an PennDOT approved school.

Please remember, it is still imperative to recertify prior to the expiration of your emissions license. You can complete the recertification program any time within 6 months prior to your expiration. If you fail to pass the recertification exam before your emissions license expires you will be required to repeat the 8 hour emissions training program which will still be an Instructor led class. (Click here for the list of approved emissions training schools.)

Click here to view the FAQ that explains more about the recertification process.

The recertification process and pricing is also addressed in the Spring 2018 newsletter.