Beach Jam - Camping on Wildwood Beach Sept 17-18, 2016
Post date: Sep 01, 2016 4:33:52 PM
Our annual pilgrimage to camp on the beach in Wildwood, NJ takes place this year on Sept 17-18th payment due Sept 15th. As usual Scouts of Pack 27 will head down to Wildwood, NJ Saturday morning and head home Sunday afternoon. Money MUST be in by Noon Thursday, Sept 15th. The cost of Beach Jam for registered Pack 27 scouts & adults is:
$65 per Scout - Includes rides Sat/Sun, Dinner & Breakfast, Bonfire, and camping on the beach (Pack subsidizes $11 per scout)
$50 per adult - Includes same as above with NO RIDES. $65/w Rides
Adults may purchase a Scout ticket if they want to ride the rides with their scout when applicable. Siblings are welcome for this trip provided they tent with their parent/guardian. Don't miss one of the best trips of the year, as last years Scouts participated in Monster Truck Rides on THE BEACH (nominal additional cost).
Please use the below PayPal buttons to purchase tickets for Beach Jam:
Meals included are Dinner on Sat, Sept 17th & Breakfast Sun, Sept 18th.
Check out Now Online via Credit/Debit Card