Finished papers

Developmental meritocracy

with: I. Brocas & J. Carrillo


TeensLab dataset: Economic preferences and cognitive abilities among teenagers

with:  M. Vasco, A. Alfonso, A. Arenas, A. Cabrales, JA. Cuesta, AM. Espın, MP. Espinosa, T. Garcıa-Muñoz, A. Izquierdo-Nofuentes, D. Jorrat, J. Kovárík, P. Lomas, AC. Martínez-Estudillo, D. Montolio, MP. Ramos-Sosa, P. Román, A. Sánchez, MJ Vázquez


The development of rationality in games with hidden information

with: A. Alfonso, I. Brocas, J. Carrillo, J. González & MJ. Vázquez


The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment

with: A. Cabrales, MP. Espinosa & D. Jorrat


When is the midpoint beneficial in the assessment of participants at risk of social exclusion?

with: I. Benitez, P. Román & MJ. Vázquez


The baking of preferences throughout the high school

with: A. Alfonso, D. Jorrat, B. Prissé & MJ. Vázquez


Exposure to wealth inequality at 8 enhances pro-social behaviour in adult life

with: P. Caldentey, AM Espin, T Garcia & A Hernandez

To be Submitted

Natural identities overcome the minimal group paradigm

with: A. Espín, MP. Espinosa & MJ. Vázquez

To be Submitted

Won't be published

Digit Ratios and Social Preferences: A Comment on Buser (2012)

with: J. Kovárík

Unpublished (2013). Rejected in Games and Economic Behavior.

Dynamic panel data: A useful technique in experiments 

with: M. Bucheli & T. García

Unpublished (2011). We are no longer trying to get this paper published --> see   Vossler (2012).

Gender, education and reciprocal generosity

with: J.C. Cárdenas & M. Rossi

Unpublished (2009).