Papers to read

..... on economic behavior and 2D.4D

Apicella, CL., Dreber A., Gray PB., Hoffman M., Little AC., & Campbell BC. 2011.Androgens and Competitiveness in Men. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 4(1): 54-62. [link]

Apicella, CL., Dreber, A., Campbell, BC., Gray, PB., Hoffman, M., & Little, AC. 2008. Testosterone and financial risk preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior 29(6): 384-390. [link]

Bosch-Domènech, A., Brañas-Garza, P., & Espín, AM. 2014. Can exposure to prenatal sex hormones (2D:4D) predict cognitive reflection Psychoneuroendocrinology 43:1-10, 2014. [wpaper]

Brañas-Garza, P., Kovářík, J., & Neyse, L. 2013. Second-to-fourth digit ratio has a non-monotonic impact on altruism. PLoS ONE 8(4), e60419. [link]

Brañas-Garza, P., & Kovářík, J. 2013. Digit Ratios and Social Preferences. A comment on Buser (2012). unpublished. [wpaper]

Brañas-Garza, P., & Rustichini A. 2011. Organizing Effects of Testosterone and Economic Behavior: Not Just Risk Taking. PLoS ONE 6(12): e29842. [link]

Buser, T. 2012. Digit ratios, the menstrual cycle and social preferences. Games and Economic Behavior 76(2): 457–470. [link]

Buser, T. 2011. Hormones and Social Preferences. unpublished. [wpaper]

Dalton, P., Ghosal, S. 2014. Self-confidence, overconfidence and testosterone exposure: Evidence from the lab. unpublished [wpaper]

Coates, JM., Gurnell, M., & Rustichini, A. 2009. Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio Predicts Success among High-Frequency Financial Traders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(2): 623-628. 10.1073/pnas.0810907106e. [link]

Coates, JM., & Page, L. 2009. A Note on Trader Sharpe Ratios. PLoS ONE 4(11): e8036. 10.1371/journal.pone.0008036. [link]

Da Silva, S., Baldo, D., & Matsushita, R. 2011. Biological Correlates of the Allais Paradox. Applied Economics 45(5): 555-568. [link]

De Neys, W., Hopfensitz, A., & Bonnefon, JF. 2013. Low second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts indiscriminant social suspicion, not improved trustworthiness detection. Biology Letters, vol. 9(2). [link]

Drichoutis, A., & Nayga, R. 2012. Do risk and time preferences have biological roots? unpublished. [wpaper]

Dreber, A., & Hoffman, M. 2007. Portfolio Selection in Utero. unpublished. [wpaper]

Dreber, A., & Hoffman, M. 2007. Biological basis of sex difference in risk aversion and competitiveness. unpublished. [wpaper]

Garbarino, E., Slonim, R., & Sydnor, J. 2011. Digit Ratios (2d:4d) as Predictors of Risky Decision Making for Both Sexes. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 42(1): 1-26. 0.1007/s11166-010-9109-6. [link]

Guiso, L., & Rustichini, A. 2011. What Drives Women out of Entrepreneurship? The Joint Role of Testosterone and Culture. unpublished. [wpaper]

Hoffman, M., Yoeli, E. & Jordan, J. 2013. The Evolutionary Basis of Sex Differences in Risk preferences. unpublished. [wpaper]

Millet, K., & Dewitte S. 2006. Second to Fourth Digit Ratio and Cooperative Behavior. Biological Psychology 71(1): 111-115. 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2005.06.001. [link]

Millet, K., & Dewitte, S. 2008. A Subordinate Status Position Increases the Present Value of Financial Resources for Low 2d:4d Men. American Journal of Human Biology 20(1): 110-115. 10.1002/ajhb.20689 [link]

Millet, K., & Dewitte, S. 2009. The Presence of Aggression Cues Inverts the Relation between Digit Ratio (2d:4d) and Prosocial Behaviour in a Dictator Game. British Journal of Psychology 100(1): 151–162. 10.1348/000712608X324359. [link]

Pearson, M., & Schipper, B. 2012. The Visible Hand: Finger Ratio (2D:4D) and Competitive Bidding. Experimental Economics 15 (2012), 510-529. [link]

Pearson, M., & Schipper, B. 2013. Menstrual Cycle and Competitive Bidding. Games and Economic Behavior, 78, 1-20. [link]

Ronay, R., & von Hippel, W. 2010. Power, testosterone, and risk‐taking. Journal of behavioral Decision Making, 23(5), 473-482. [link]

Ronay, R., & Galinsky, AD. 2011. Lex Talionis: Testosterone and the law of retaliation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47: 702–705. [link]

Sánchez-Domínguez, A., Sanchéz-Campillo, J., Moreno MD., & Rosales, V. 2013. Performance in Mathematics and DR: Evidence from 500 University Students. unpublished. [wpaper]

Sanchez-Pagés, S., & Turiegano, E. 2010. Testosterone, Facial Symmetry and Cooperation in the Prisoners' Dilemma. Physiology & Behavior 99(3): 355-361. 10.1016/j.physbeh.2009.11.013. [link]

Sapienza, P., Zingales, L., & Maestripieri, D. 2009. Gender Differences in Financial Risk Aversion and Career Choices Are Affected by Testosterone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 15268–15273. [link]

Schipper, BC. 2012. Sex hormones and competitive bidding. unpublished [wpaper]

Schipper, BC. 2012. Sex hormones and choice under risk: unpublished [wpaper].

Stenstrom, E., Saad, G., Nepomuceno, MV., & Mendenhall, Z. 2011. Testosterone and domain-specific risk: Digit ratios as predictors of recreational, financial, and social risk-taking behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences 51(4), 412-416. [link]

Trahms, CA., Coombs, JE., & Barrick, M. 2010. Does Biology Matter? How Prenatal Testosterone, Entrepreneur Risk Propensity, and Entrepreneur Risk Perceptions

Influence Venture Performance. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 30(5): article 4. [link]

van den Bergh, B., & Dewitte, S. 2006. Digit Ratio (2d:4d) Moderates the Impact of Sexual Cues on Men's Decisions in Ultimatum Games. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273(1597): 2091-2095. 10.1098/rspb.2006.3550 [link]

van Honk, J., Montoya, ER., Bos, PA., van Vugt, M., & Terburg, D. 2012. New evidence on testosterone and cooperation. Nature, 485(7399), E4-E5. [link]