Published papers

The impact of generative artificial intelligence on socioeconomic inequalities and policy making (with V Capraro, A Lentsch, D Acemoglu, S Akgun, A Akhmedova, E Bilancini, JF Bonnefon, ..., P Van Lange, F Wall, J Van Bavel, R Viale)

PNAS Nexus, 3(6):191, 2024 [link]

Young teens at play: Girls are egalitarian, boys are generous 

Personality and Individual Differences, 226:12703, 2024 [link]

The Cultural Prevalence of the Minimal Group Effect (with J. Schulz, K. Yang, Y. Dunham, A. Exner, I. Dalgar,  ..., A. Gaviria, R. Galang, J. Benito, A. Espín, J. Kovarik)

Nature Human Behavior, accepted (Pre-registered report)

The complexity of climate change mitigation: An experiment with large groups (with: A. Alfonso, A. Cabrales & A. Sánchez)

Journal of Physics: Complexity 5(1): 015007, 2024 [link]

Triadic influence as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships (with M. Ruiz-García, J. Ozaita, M. Pereda, A. Alfonso, JA. Cuesta & A. Sánchez)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  120(13): e2215041120, z2023 [link]

The adventure of running experiments with teenagers (with A. Alfonso, D. Jorrat, P. Montero, B. Prissé, M. Vasco & MJ. Vázquez)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 106:102048, 2023 [link, old version]

Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence (with: D. Jorrat,  A.M. Espin & A. Sanchez)

Experimental Economics 2-434, 2023 [link]

Born This Way”: Prenatal exposure to testosterone may shape conflict behaviour (with S. Chowdhury, A. Espin & J. Nieboer)

Journal of Economic Psychology 96: 102623, 2023 (link)

Parents’ knowledge and predictions about the age of menarche (with M. Accerenzi & D. Jorrat)

Archives of Public Health 81: 20, 2023 (link)

Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach (with A. Cabrales, G. Mateu, A. Sanchez & A. Sutan)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 102: 101948, 2023 [link, preprint] 

Continuous and binary sets of responses differ in the field (with: N. Garrido, M. Ramos & M. Accerenzi)

Nature Scientific Reports 12: 14376, 2022  [link]

Cultural and group-functional punishment behavior (with A. M. Espín, B. Herrmann, J. Gamella & J. Martin)

Evolutionary Human Sciences 4, e35: 1-23, 2022 [link]

On the transmission of democratic values (with M.P. Espinosa & A.E. Giritligil)

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 200: 885-896, 2022

Anchors matters: Eliciting maternal expectations on educational choices (with R. Ciacci & E. Rascón-Ramírez)

Journal of Economics Psychology 90: 102510, 2022 [link]

Does the die-under-the-cup device exaggerate cheating? (with A. Alfonso & MC. López)

Economics Letters 214: 110424, 2022 [link]

Exposure to the Covid-19 pandemic environment and generosity (with A. Alfonso, A. Espín, T. García, D. Jorrat, & J. Kovarik)

Royal Society Open Science 9: 210919, 2022  [supplementary materials, link]

To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field (with L. Estepa, D. Jorrat, V. Orozco, E. Rascón-Ramírez)

Judgment and Decision Making 16(5): 1290-1313, 2021 [link]

Hyper-altruistic behavior vanishes with high stakes (with D. Jorrat, J. Kovarik & MC López)

PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255668, 2021 [link]

Cognitive abilities and risk-taking: Errors, not preferences (with L. Amador,  A.M. Espin, T. Garcia & A. Hernandez)

European Economic Review 134: 103694, 2021 [link]

Exposure to inequality may cause under-provision of public goods: Experimental evidence (with E. Molis & L. Neyse)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 92: 10679, 2021 [link, paper]

Altruism and information (with M. Bucheli & M.P. Espinosa)

Journal of Economic Psychology  81: 102332, 2020 [link, paper]

Digit ratio (2D:4D) and pro-social behavior in economic games: No direct correlation with with generosity, bargaining, or trust-related (with A.M. Espín, T. García & J. Kovarik)

Biology Letters 15(8): 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0185, 2019  [link]

The adaptive response of Spanish gitanos: short-run orientation beyond socio economic status (with A. Espín, B. Herrmann, J. Gamella & J. Martin)

Evolution & Human Behavior 40(1): 12-22, 2019  [paper, link]

Cognitive Reflection Test: Whom, how, when  (with P. Kujal & B. Lenkei)

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 82: 101455, 2019 [link]

Experimental and self-reported measures of risk taking and digit ratio (2D:4D): Evidence from a large, systematic study (with M. Galizzi & J. Nieboer)

International Economic Review 59(3): 1131-1157, 2018 , [link]

Gender Differences in Altruism on Mechanical Turk: Expectations and Actual Behaviour (with V. Capraro & E. Rascon-Ramirez)

Economics Letters 170: 19-23, 2018 [link]

Digit ratio (2D:4D) and social integration: An effect of prenatal sex hormones (with J. Kovarik, M. Davidson, D. Haim, S. Carcelli & J Fowler)

Network Science 5(4): 476-489, 2017 [link]

The emergence of altruism as a social norm (with M. Pereda, I. Rodriguez-Lara & A. Sanchez)

Nature Scientific Reports 7, 9683, 2017 [link]

Register replication report: Rand, Green & Novak (2012) (with S. Bouwmeester, Verkoeijen, P., Aczel, B., Barbosa, F., Bgue, L., Burgeno, J., Chmura, T., Cornelissen, Espín, et al.)

Perspectives of Psychological Science 12(3):527-542., 2017 [link]

Strategic risk and response time across games (with D. Meloso & L. Miller)

International Journal of Game Theory 46(2): 511-523, 2017 [link, appendix]

Eliciting real-life social networks: A guided tour (N. Jiménez & G. Ponti) 

Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 1(1): 33-39, 2017 [link, appendix

Humans expect generosity (with I. Rodriguez-Lara & A. Sanchez) 

Nature Scientific Reports 7: 42446, 2017 [link]

Editorial: Prosocial and antisocial behavior in economic games (with A. Espin, B. Herrmann, P. Kujal & R. Nagel) 

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 10: 243, 2016[link]

Editorial: Cognitive abilities and economic behavior (with J. Smith) 

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 64: 1-4, 2016 [link]

Self-identified obese people request less money: A field experiment (with A. Proestakis) 

Frontiers in Psychology 7: 1454, 2016 [link] Media coverage: Wall Street Journal, Economic Logic, PoliEcon

BMI is not related to altruism, fairness, trust or reciprocity: Experimental evidence from the field and the lab (with A. M. Espín & B. Lenkei) 

Physiology & Behavior 156: 79-93, 2016 [link]

Short- and long-run goals in ultimatum bargaining: Impatience predicts spite-based behavior  (with A.M. Espín, F. Exadaktylos & B. Herrmann) 

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9: 214, 2015, doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00214 [link].

Strategic behavior in Schelling dynamics: a new result and experimental evidence (with J. Benito, P. Hernandez & J. Sanchis) 

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 57: 134-147, 2015 [wpaper, link]

Context dependent cheating: Experimental evidence from 16 countries (with D. Pascual, TR. Fosgaard, JC. Cardenas, P. Kujal, R. Veszteg, B. Gil, B. Gunia, ..., Y. Pratomo, T. Jaber) 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 116: 379-386, 2015 [pdf]

Religious Pro-sociality? Experimental evidence from sample of 766 Spaniards (with A. Espin & S. Neuman) 

PLoS ONE 9(8): e104685, 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.e104685 [pdf] [SI, "city" project page]

Fair and unfair punishers coexist in the Ultimatum Game (with A.M. Espín, F. Exadaktylos & B. Herrmann) 

Nature Scientific Reports 4: 6025, 2014, DOI: 10.1038/srep06025 [pdf] [SI, "city" project page]

Can exposure to prenatal sex hormones (2D:4D) predict cognitive reflection? (with A. Bosch-Domènech & A.M. Espín) 

Psychoneuroendocrinology 43: 1-10, 2014 [pdf] [guide to measure DR] Media coverage: Consultant360, MedicalXpress, National GeographicBiospace, Science & Technology 

Second-to-fourth digit ratio has a non-monotonic impact on altruism (with J. Kovarik & L. Neyse) 

PLoS ONE  8(4): e60419, 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060419 [pdf] Media coverage: Economic Logic; [guide to measure DR]

Experimental subjects are not different (with F. Exadaktylos & A.M. Espín) 

Nature Scientific Reports 3: 1213, 2013. doi:10.1038/srep01213 [pdf] [SI, "city" project page] Media coverage: World Bank Blogs

Moral cleansing and moral licenses: experimental evidence (with M. Bucheli, M.P. Espinosa & T. García) 

Economics & Philosophy 29: 199-212, 2013 [wpaper]

Determinants of disaffiliation: An international study (with T. Garcia & S. Neuman) 

Religions 4(1): 166-85, 2013 [pdf].

Patient and impatient punishers of free-riders (with A. M. Espín, B. Herrmann & J. Gamella) 

Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279 (1749), 4923-4928, 2012. [pdf] [link, additional materials]

Cognitive effort in the Beauty Contest Game (with T. García & R. Hernán) 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 83(2): 254-260, 2012. [link, wpaper]

Prosocial behavior and degree heterogeneity social networks (with R. Cobo, M. P. Espinosa, N. Jimenez, J. Kovarik & G. Ponti) 

Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its Applications 391: 849-853, 2012. [wpaper]

Favoring friends (with M. Duran & M.P. Espinosa) 

Bulletin of Economic Research 64(2): 172178, 2012 [pdf]

Time discounting (d) and pain anticipation: Experimental evidence (with MP. Espinosa & M. Repolles) 

Revista Internacional de Sociologia 70(M1): 73-81, 2012 [pdf]

Organizing effects of Testosterone and Economic Behavior: Not Just Risk Taking  (with A. Rustichini) 

PLoS ONE 6(12): e29842, 2011. [pdf] Media coverage: La Science Infuse, Nada es Gratis, Science JournalFeed

Unraveling Public Good Games (with M.P. Espinosa) 

Games 2(4): 434-451, 2011. [pdf]

Sequential vs. Simultaneous Schelling models (with J. Benito, P. Hernandez & J. Sanchis) 

Journal of Conflict Resolution 55(1): 33-59, 2011. [pdf]

Travelers` Types (with M.P. Espinosa & P. Rey-Biel) 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 78: 25-36, 2011. [pdf]

Intergenerational transmission of “Religious Capital”: Evidence from Spain (with  T. García & S. Neuman) 

Revista Internacional de Sociologia 69(3): 649-677, 2011. [pdf]

Altruism and Social Integration (with R. Cobo-Reyes, M. P. Espinosa, N. Jimenez, J. Kovarik & G. Ponti) 

Games and Economic Behavior 69(2): 249-257, 2010. [pdf]

Inducing efficient conditional cooperation patterns in public goods games, an experimental investigation (with E. Fatas & P. Guillén) 

Journal of Economic Psychology 31(6): 872-883, 2010. [pdf]

The big carrot: high-stakes incentives revisited (with T. García & S. Neuman) 

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23(3): 208-313, 2010. [pdf]

Discounting future pain: Effect on self-reported pain (with M. P. Espinosa & M. Repolles) 

Neuroscience & Medicine 1(1): 14-19, 2010. [pdf]

Religious favoritism in Europe: a political competition model (with A. Solano) 

Rationality & Society 22(3): 333-352, 2010. [link]

Personal Identity: a theoretical and experimental analysis (with F. Aguiar, M. P. Espinosa & L. Miller) 

Journal of Economic Methodology 17(3): 261-275, 2010. [pdf]

Individual Religiosity enhances Trust: Latin American evidence for the puzzle (with M. Rossi & D. Zaclicever) 

Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 41(2-3):555-566, 2009. [pdf]

The role of personal involvement and responsability in unfair decisions (with M. Duran & M. P. Espinosa) 

Rationality & Society 21(2):  225-248, 2009. [link]

Are women expected to be more generous? (with F. Aguiar, R. Cobo-Reyes, N. Jiménez & L. Miller) 

Experimental Economics 12:93-98, 2009. [pdf]

Math skills and Risk attitudes (with P. Guillén & R. López del Paso) 

Economics Letters 99(2):332-336, 2008. [pdf]

Moral distance in dictator games (with F. Aguiar & L. Miller) 

Judgment and Decision Making 3(4): 344-354, 2008. [pdf]

Promoting helping behavior with framing in dictator games 

Journal of Economic Psychology 28(4): 477-486, 2007 [pdf]

Direct and indirect effects of pathological gambling on risk attitudes (with N. Georgantzís & P. Guillén) 

Judgment and Decision Making 2(2): 126-136, 2007. [pdf]

Parental Religiosity and Daughters' Fertility: The Case of Catholics in Southern Europe (with S. Neuman) 

Review of Economics of the Household 5(3):305-327, 2007. [pdf]

Effects of Gender and Age on Retrospective Time Judgments (with L. Espinosa & R. Serrano) 

Time & Society 16(1): 99-118, 2007. [pdf]

Poverty in Dictator Games: Awakening Solidarity 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 60(3):306-320, 2006. [pdf]

Si él lo necesita: Gypsy fairness in Vallecas (with R. Cobo-Reyes & A. Domínguez) 

Experimental Economics 9(3): 253-264, 2006. [pdf, instructions]

Teaching Nash Equilibrium and Dominance: A Classroom Experiment on BCG (with V. Alba, F. Jiménez & J. Rodero) 

Journal of Economic Education 37(3): 305-322, 2006. [pdf]

Cambridge and the Spanish Connection: The Contribution of Germán Bernácer (with M. Boianovsky, H. Dar & J. R. Presley) 

History of Political Economy 38(3): 407-436, 2006. [pdf]

Altruism with social roots: an emerging literature (with M. P. Espinosa)

Desarrollo & Sociedad 58: 245-260, 2006. [pdf]

Analyzing Religiosity within an Economic Framework: The case of the Spanish Catholics (with S. Neuman)

Review of Economics of the Household 2(1): 5-22, 2004. [pdf]

Communication, Coordination and Competition in the BCG: eleven classroom experiments (with V. Alba, F. Jiménez & J. Rodero)

Central European Journal of Operation Research 12(4): 369-387, 2004. [link]

Strategic uncertainty and risk attitudes: The Experimental Connection (with F. Jiménez & A. J. Morales)

Cuadernos de Economía 27:139-152, 2004. [pdf]

Church Attendance in Spain: Secularization and Gender Differences 

Economics Bulletin 26(1):1-9, 2004. [pdf]

Believe of Not Believe: Generalising the Azzi-Ehrenberg model (with J. Rodero, A. Gourlay & A. Lorca)  

Cuadernos de Economía 25(1):33-44, 2002. [link]

The North-South Divide and House Price Island: the Case of Córdoba (with J. Rodero & J. R. Presley) 

European Journal of Housing Policy 2(1): 45-63, 2002. [link]

Hotelling and the Olympus: Modelling differences religious in prices (with J. Rodero)

Central European Journal of Operation Research 8(4): 265-283, 2000.  [link]