NGINX - Basics

NGINX uses the following logic when determining which virtual server should serve a specific request:

1. Match the IP address and port to the listen directive.

2. Match the Host header field against the server_name directive as a string.

3. Match the Host header field against the server_name directive with a wildcard at the beginning of the string.

4. Match the Host header field against the server_name directive with a wildcard at the end of the string.

5. Match the Host header field against the server_name directive as a regular expression.

6. If all the Host headers match fail, then direct to the listen directive marked as default_server.

7. If all the Host headers match fail and there is no default_server, direct to the first server with a listen directive that satisfies step 1.


sed -i .bak '/^\s*#/d;/^S/d' nginx.conf

First backup -- (-i .bak)

'/^\s*#/d - search for lines start with '#' and asterisks represent any amount of white space then delete

^S/d - Find while spaces and delete