
Azure function provides simplified programming model

Just the code to respond to the event and no boiler plate codes


- Number of executions

- CPU Time (s) * RAM(gb)

Free - 1mil executions and 400,000 GB-s per/month

Two type of plans

Consumption Plan - pay as you go model

Dedicated Plan. (if you have dedicated servers and want to make use of the existing resources)

Consumption plan - Limited to run five minutes per execution.

(this will be useful if any functions start running on infinite loop) We can set the quota to be used in GBs so it does not exceed a set amount of resource.

To reduce the costs of function

- Fewer invocation

- Faster invocation time

- Reduced memory requirements

All the power of Azure WebApps are available in functions.


- Functions can be called as server less as the customers do not need to manage any servers and Azure will take care of managing the servers.

So, you can run your codes to respond to events and as Function as a Service(FaaS)