
Swarm is a native Docker solution for clustering which can cluster many docker hosts into a single large pool, so they look like single large engine. So, it can be managed at scale.

Alternative of Swarm are Kubernetes, Mesosphere, Apache Mesos etc.


It is client-server architecture where docker client sends commands(through tcp 2375) to docker demon.

Docker client could be Docker Engine(native client) or any 3rd party tools

Docker Demon(server) - Docker engine or 3rd party tools

Something that implements docker remote API can server as docker demon.

For a swarm cluster there are 2 things which are needed

1. Discovery Service

2. Swarm Manager

Discovery Service - We could use any of the key value stores like zookeeper, etcd or consel. The 'libkv' sits on top of the kv store and abstracts the differences. libkv is library build in go to abstract the underlying key value store.

If the backend kv store dies swarm data can be populated when a new kv store is spun up. But networking details cannot be populated.

Swarm Manager: Required to administer any program in the cluster. It supports HA. Only the primary sends all commands to the cluster. Secondaries automatically take over at the event of primary going down.

Filtering and Scheduling:

Filtering runs first and scheduling follows.

Filters: 3 types -

Affinity - Run new containers on the same Monde as existing containers or images i.e say run the containers where the images is already there

Constraint - 2 types Standard -- Data returned from docker info command. Custom - Labels assigned to engine demons.

Resource - Run new containers on nodes with particular resources free

Scheduling - 2 types - random, spread( deploys in least container host) and binpack ( deploys in most container host unit max out and move to next host)

To initialise Docker Swarm type docker init this will init the docker swarm mode and if you inspect docker info, you can find swarm in active mode.


4789 UDP - used by docker for overlay network

7946 - TCP and UDP - Used by Swarm

While creating overlay network docker connects to bridge network, so it can access external network it can be prevented by using --internal flags. You can encrypt your network by providing encrypted=true flag, but this will have overhead and reduce the performance of system.

You can use weavenet for overlay network and does not require etcd or consul. Works with Swarm IPAM and DNS discovery but can provide its own without swarm. Mesh works across hosts locally or in cloud or both. High performance peer-to-peer encryption. Allow full UDP multicast.

Ports required for weavenet - TCP 6783, UDP 6873 and 6784 to your docker host. Weave net can route through multiple hops in your cluster.

To initialise docker swarm

docker swarm init

To create service

docker service create --name web -p 8088:80 nginx

To list service

docker service ps web

To update service update

docker service update --replicas=2 web

To remove service

docker service rm web

To scale service

docker service scale web=2

To check the nodes in swarm

docker node ls

Swarm manager accepts your service definition as the desired state for your application.

Tor testing

To run customer api - there are many images are swarmgs (swarm getting started)

docker service --name customer-api --p 3000:3000 swarmgs/customer

curl localhost:3000/customer/1


You can use apache 'ab' tool to benchmark http servers


Below example makes 1000 requests with 4 concurrent. You can add more containers of the customer-api and see the difference in the request per second value.

ab -n 1000 -c 4

Requests per second: 150.39 [#/sec] (mean)

Time per request: 26.598 [ms] (mean)

Time per request: 6.649 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

Transfer rate: 35.83 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)

min mean[+/-sd] median max

Connect: 0 0 0.2 0 3

Processing: 12 26 12.8 24 152

Waiting: 12 26 12.2 24 139

Total: 12 26 12.8 24 152

To test linking linking between containers

docker run --rm -d -p 4000:3000 --name balance-api -e MYWEB_CUSTOMER_API= swarmgs/nodewebstress


To visualise docker swarm cluster use manomarks/visualizer image from docker hub

docker service create \ --name=viz \ --publish=8080:8080/tcp \ --constraint=node.role==manager \ --mount=type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \ dockersamples/visualizer


docker stack deploy -c ~/Projects/docker/myapp.yml myapp


# Schedule containers on a specific node environment: - "constraint:node==node-1" # Schedule containers on a node that has the 'storage' label set to 'ssd' environment: - "constraint:storage==ssd" # Schedule containers where the 'redis' image is already pulled environment: - "affinity:image==redis"


To Deploy Stack

docker stack deploy -c app.yml <app name>

Here c denotes that json is passed

To List services

docker stack services <servicename>

To list stack process

Docker stack ps is equivalent to docker service ps

docker stack ps <appname>

Update Service

To update service modify the yaml file and use the same deploy command to update

docker stack deploy -c app.yml <app name>

Remove Stack

docker stack rm <appname>

Tip: docker run is similar to docker service create. docker-compose is equivalent to docker stack deploy

To pass the image name to get the container id - Just a short cut

docker exec -it $(docker ps -ef name=imagename -q) bash

Monitoring Docker Containers

To check the statistics of container and with 'LogEntries' you can collect stats

docker stats

Docker Remote API :/container/{container-name|cid}/stats

Docker Universal Control Plane

cAdvisor - Data is a available only for 60 seconds, so we need to backend with Prometheus or InfluxDB and frontend with ELK dashboard. ie. cAdvisor + Prometheus/Influx + Kibana


ELK can be used for logging


Services send logs to standard output

Logspout fetches the logs and send to Logstash

Logstash parse the logs ans end them to central db

Visaualize it with dashboard

Elastic Search - is an open source RESTfule distributed search and analytics engine build on Apache Lucene. It can be used to provide near-real time analytics using large volumes of log data.

LogStash - open source server side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources, transforms it and sends it to stash.

KIbana - open source data visualisation and exploration tool. Kibana offers tight integration with elasticsearch which makes it the default choice for visualising data stored in Elasticsearch.

LOGSpout - logspout is a log router for Docker container that runs inside docker. It attaches to all containers on a host, then routes their logs wherever you want. Logspout will be deployed globally and it collects logs from all the containers the routes accordingly.

Create LogStash Config

echo '

input {

syslog { port => 51415 }


output {

elasticsearch {

hosts => ["http://elasticsearch:9200"]



' | docker config create logstash.conf -

Monitoring and Metrics


cAdvisor from google can be used for collecting metrics, but UI is not very helpful. But the metrics collected by cAdvisor will be helpful for prometheus. (metrics can be accessed by http:<ip>:<port>/metrics)

Prometheus - opens source system for monitoring and alerting build by SoundCloud.

Node Exporter 0 is an official exporter written by prometheus team an it is capable of collecting metrics from Hardware and OS metrics and exposing to prometheus.

https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter. There are lots of exporter for different systems.

Prometheus sends alerts to an alert manager. The alert manager then manages those alerts by notification by email, pager duty, Slack, hip chat.

Grafana - open source metric analytics and visualisation suite for time series date visualisation. Can be used with elastic search and prometheus.


To update a service i.e to restart . This will restart the container

docker service update --force <service-name>

Inside the yaml files(of compose )

add a healthcheck section

health check:

test: curl -f -s -S http://localhost/testurl || exit 1

interval: 1m5s //default is 30s

timeout: 10s //default 30s

retries: 3 //default 3

Docker check the url, and it if the url returns and non-zero, it exits with 1. This is because docker will execptect 0, 1 or 2 as the values to validate the responses, so value 1 is returned for failures.

You can embed the health check as part of the image

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s CMD /opt/knowesis/healthcheck || exit 1