Google Assistant

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There are other tools to develop assistant application apart from Dialogflow, such as PullString and notify.IO

Go to Dialog flow

Create an Agent - which is a NLU product for the assistant

Intent - what your says, and what action to be taken

Intent section consists of Usersays, action response and context.

Action - action corresponds to the steps taken by apposition based on user input. It gives JSON response for references for web hook. It is just a mapping tool to identify which intent is triggered in our fulfilment.

Context - represents the current context of user's request. This is helpful in differentiating phrases which may be vague or have different meanings depending on users preference. Like geographic location, the current page or the topic of conversation.

EVENT: Allows to invoke Intents by event name instead of use query.

Entities: Extract parameter values from nature language inputs. Any data which we get from user will have a corresponding entity. There are 3 types of entities

1. System Entity - Defined by Dialogflow

2. Developer Entity - defined by developers

3. User Entity - Build for every user in each request.

Setting up web hook allows you to pass information from a matching intent to a web service and get a result from it.

USER SAYS: There are 2 methods in which action can be written

a. Example mode - google recommends to user at least 10-15 user says, so that assistant will not miss out deliberate intent call from user.

b. In Template mode using the '@' character defining the parameter entities

ENTITY CREATION: Consider entity as boxes of similar contents. There are pre-defined entities(boxes)

time, date , numbers, geo-locations and many other things and we can create our own entities according to our needs.

Two options

Define synonyms - to define synonyms to our entity, which will result in better reception capability when the users uses a synonymous words to the entity.

Allow Automated expansion - allows expanding the entity when similar words are found in main entity.

Action on Google Integration

Go to the below link and enable location history, device information and voice activity.


install nodes and firebase

NodeJs - brew install node

(if you have issues in installing fire base install the updated version of node js

sudo npm cache clean -f

sudo npm install -g n

Firebase - sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

To deploy function - deploys only function. File name should be index.js(for node js)

firebase deploy --only functions