Parish Council

The Parish Council is made up of parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, who meet every quarter to discuss and assess the current situation of the parish, important items, financial issues and future events.

The current membership of the Parish Council is as follows:

Monsignor William Saunders (Chair), Carole Taylor (Vice Chair), Sister Maria Goretti (Convent Representative), Marie Devine-Bloomfield, Angela Chester, Marcos Da Costa, Hannah Parker, Alexandra Ground, Gerard Wright, Clive Sinnott and Jeanne Briggs.

The Parish Council has two sub-committees which meet regularly for specific planning and organisational purposes.

The current members of the sub committees are:

    • Spiritual Committee: Monsignor William Saunders and Sister Maria Goretti.

    • Social and Fundraising Committee: Jeanne Kay, Marie Devine-Bloomfield, Hannah Parker, Joanna Clarke, Lyndsey Andrews, Gaby Ojeda, Liz Thornhill and Emily Kelly.

All parishioners are welcome to attend any of the Parish Council meetings and to volunteer to join one of the sub-committees.