OLQP Appeal for Donations

* THANK YOU TO ALL THE PARISHIONERS OF OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE for your kind and generous donations.

Thank you to the kindness of those who have set up standing orders, this is the easiest way for the parish to receive your generous gifts.

We hope you are able to continue to help your parish and its maintenance/upkeep. If you wish to make a donation or set up a Standing Order, please see how to do so in the following item.

* SETTING UP STANDING ORDER DONATIONS TO THE PARISH. The Parish is making an appeal to all those parishioners who are able to kindly and voluntarily give donations via Standing Order any amount to the Church for its maintenance. Please note this is not obligatory.

If you are able to donate via Standing Order (you can arrange this directly with your bank online) then please email the parish and let Nadia know the details of your Standing Order (date, amount and frequency). Bank details can be found below. Also, if you are an Income Tax payer and are not yet part of our Gift Aid Scheme, please would you sign up for this scheme by printing and filling in the Gift Aid Declaration Form attached below and returning the form – we need the original – to the presbytery. Thank you for your kind generosity in this difficult time.


Account – 20246757

Sort Code – 60-07-20

Bank – Natwest Plc

Reference – your surname