Lent: A time of Prayer and Sacrifice
Daylight Savings Time - Clocks spring 'forward' 1 hour on 30 March 2025
Saturday 22 March
- 6.00pm – Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday 23 March
- 8.30am – Sunday Mass
- 10.30am – Sunday Mass
Monday 24 March at 9.30am
Tuesday 25 March at 9.30am
Wednesday 26 March at 10.00am (Holy Hour at 9:00am / Morning Prayer 9:35am)
Thursday 27 March at 9.30am
Friday 28 March at 9.30am
Friday 28 March at 3.00pm - Stations of the Cross
CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 12pm to 12.30pm and 7pm to 7.30pm; and by request to the parish priest.
LIVE STREAMING - we appreciate your patience if we have technical faults:
To watch live streaming of Mass, please click on the link below. (You will need to install/download Zoom to your device to join the streaming):
Meeting ID: 941 895 8305
Passcode: 27092020
PLEASE NOTE: The Bishops' Conference of England & Wales have released a statement on 6 May 2022 inviting all Catholics to return to Mass, who haven't done so yet, from this Pentecost Sunday (5th June 2022). 'Virtual viewing of Mass' does not fulfill the Sunday obligation. Please read the full statement on the Covid-19 tab of our parish website.
"Welcome to the new parish website for Our Lady Queen of Peace, East Sheen, which went live on Wednesday 25th August 2021 (eleven years after the original website launched on Sunday 15th August 2010). The change in look of the website is the result of Google sites, that hosts our website, migrating to another platform on 31st August 2021. The hard work in migrating the 'old' website into the new platform was undertaken over a period of months by the parish secretary, Mrs Nadia Galindo-Slim. To her the parish offers its thanks. The parish website provides information in three important areas: The Parish of East Sheen, the Diocese of Southwark and the Universal Church. May Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us."
Monsignor William Saunders - Parish Priest
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is a Roman Catholic Church, belonging to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Southwark.
The Parish Priest is the Reverend Monsignor William D. Saunders.
The Parish Administrator is Mrs Nadia Galindo-Slim.
We are located in Richmond, Surrey and service the area of East Sheen.
Epiphany - 7 January (transferred from Saturday 6 January)
SS Peter & Paul - 30 June (transferred from Saturday 29 June)
Assumption - 15 August
All Saints - 1 November
Christmas Day - 25 December (Wednesday)
Ash Wednesday - 14 February
Palm Sunday - 24 March
Good Friday - 29 March
Easter Sunday - 31 March
Ascension Thursday - 9 May
Pentecost Sunday - 19 May
Trinity Sunday - 26 May
Corpus Christi - 2 June
Christ the King - 24 November
First Sunday of Advent - 1 December
Special provisions obtained during the period of suspension. For further information please contact the Parish Priest.