A. Syllabus

Economics Syllabus

Spring 2015

Contact Information:

Ms. Acosta

Room # E310

Email:  rachel.acosta@lausd.net

Class Website: http://tinyurl.com/p8n9jd9


During the next twenty weeks you will be exposed to a course that will literally follow you through the rest of your life. Economics is not just a course, but a preview of what life in America is all about. From this point on, everything in your lives will revolve around economics. In this course we study the choices made by people. Choice is what will propel you to choose a future college or career and will eventually lead you to a sound retirement plan.

This course is an overview of what economics has to offer you. During your time in this class we will explore both microeconomics and macroeconomics theory. We will cover such topics as supply and demand to the importance of the Global economy. Over the term you will also be exposed to the theories of such notables as Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx.

To be successful in this course and throughout life requires your participation. If you intend to come into this class and not participate then your grade will inevitably suffer. The only way to succeed is to invest your time and effort in whatever you are doing and this course is no exception to this. At the very minimum you should review your notes each night. When you know what is in your notes and its location, you have taken a big step towards that elusive “A” for the course.

Another key to success is attendance. Do not miss class if at all possible. If you do miss a class it is up to you to find out what you missed and get that work. Remember, this course is like building blocks; each class is dependent on the previous one. When you miss class it will make it harder for you to keep abreast of what is happening.


Required Supplies:

 Please bring the following items with you EVERYDAY

1.      pen / pencil/highlighter/glue stick/color pencils/safety scissors

2.      interactive notebook

3.      textbook

Text Resources:

Chang, Ha-Joon. 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism. New York: Bloomsbury, 2012. Print.

Landsburg, Steven E. The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life. New York: Free, 1993. Print.

VanFossen, Phillip, and Bert Bower. Econ Alive!: The Power to Choose. Rancho Cordova, CA.: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2010. Print.

Wheelan, Charles J., and Burton Gordon Malkiel. Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science. New York: W. W. Norton, 2010. Print.


Grading Policy:

Grades will be based on 30% tests/quizzes, 30% daily work/homework, 30% projects/research papers, and 10% participation.


Late Work:  ALL LATE WORK will receive an immediate half grade deduction.  No Late work will be accepted a week after the assignment is due.  Absent work that is not turned in within the time allowed for absenteeism or is not labeled as absent with the date you missed will be treated as late work.  Late Work MUST be submitted in the “homework in” box upon your return.


Absenteeism Work:  If you are absent it is your (the students) responsibility to obtain all work from the teacher or your peers.  Please see me before, after, or during passing periods to obtain missed assignments.  ABSENT WORK WILL NOT BE GIVEN DURING CLASS TIME.  All absent work is due no later than the number of days you missed plus 1.  Please write “absent” on all work submitted or it will be counted as a late paper and suffer point deductions.


Quality of Work:  You will be required and expected to turn work in that is of a high quality and neat in appearance.  This includes clean paper, legible writing, a full title, and a heading on EVERYTHING turned in.  Any work submitted that is not neat and/or does not include a title and heading will be deducted 10 points.

Sample heading / title                                                                                                      Lisa Arrell             

Econ. 5th


                                                                                                    Class Procedures


Behavior and Discipline

All school rules outlined ASE website will be strictly followed and enforced.  In addition to this you will be held accountable for coming to class prepared with your required supplies (pen,  book, paper, and a planner/ assignment sheet).  Anything on my desk or the table directly behind my desk is OFF LIMITS!  You may feel free to use supplies provided to you on the student resource desk.  No food or drink is allowed in the classroom – with the exclusion of water.  No talking or moving around the room will be allowed while I am teaching or work has been assigned.  A seating chart will be provided and will be enforced at all times.  If any of the rules above are violated you will automatically lose participation points that day. If at any time your behavior is extreme you will receive a call home and/or be sent to the office.


Office Hours:

Office hours will be provided every Monday and Tuesday until 4:15 or M-F from 7:20 am-8:00 am. Other times may be arranged if requested by students.


Syllabus Contract



I ________________________________________________ have read and understand Ms. Acosta’s Class Syllabus, rules, and course outline. 




________________________________________________________ (Student Name Printed)



________________________________________________________ (Student Signature)



________________________________________________________ (Parent / Guardian Name Printed)



________________________________________________________ ( Parent / Guardian Signature)





Contact Information



1.      Name of parent or guardian Ms. Acosta may contact about grades, behavior, or attendance:





2.      Daytime phone number for the above individual:





3.      Alternate phone number for the above individual:





4.      Email address for the above individual (please write as clear as possible)


