
The Solving Process

In this stage, write down what is the function to improve

This tool will help you to clearly define the environment, and the goals to achieve.

You will be able to have a list of evolution parameters.

Giving you a direction to follow, the laws of evolution will guide you to the solution.

It is important at this step to examine, for each law, what will be the predictable evolution of the system. This description will give you what is possible, taking into account the specific situation.

Don't hesitate, at this step, to formulate what would be ideal. The stronger the formulation is , the closer the solution is.

As told in the resource page, resources are part of the problem, and also part of the solution.

Defining the contradictions through ENV model

Define which contradiction must be solved

You must define here what is the priority to solve.

Solve the problem with the matrix and the evaluation parameters

Solve through the eleven separation principles, and the actionnable parameters