Sport Psychology

See links below to schedule an appointment online for each Member of SPAWS Team.

Charron Sumler, LPCC

Dr. Jamey Houle

Dr. Emily Tyler –

"SPAWS has contracted three providers in the community, however, to get referred to them, athletes must meet with SPAWS first so they can assess and then make the referral. The three providers have been getting athletes in within 7-10 days so it’s usually a pretty quick process. Athletes will have up to 10 sessions covered with the community provider to help through this transition"


"Don't drop the Ball....Catch the Ball!"

When we said "Catch the Ball" we looked more comfortable/ more confident. Our tone changed from fear based to confident self talk

SAD Self Talk


A-ffirmative. Say what to do not what to avoid


Bell Breath- slow

Gratitude- cant be stressed/ grateful at same time. Gratitude amkes us feel more excited v anxious