Skills to Train

*Put things together!  Work sequences/ build endurance

**Versatility- you are more usable/ attractive for nationals if you can do with multiple people!

***Start with Section 1- once mastered work skills from other sections simultaneously

*Section 1

Toss land libs

Toss land stretches

Toss cupies

Walk in land lib/ stretch/ cupie

High to high / low to high lib and stretch tick tocks

Cupie pop overs

Stretch/ arabesque full down cradles

*Section 2

Full to feet (stunt spinning down to ground with pop off)

Hands front flip/ back flip to cradles- tuck and layed out positions

Hands back flip with ½ turn to cradle

*Double downs from stretch and arabesque

Fullup target lib

Fullup land lib

Hands full arounds

Opposite lib- low to high full arounds

Fullup opposite stretch low to high tick tock/ high to high tick tocks

Target full arounds- then work immediate full arounds once stunt lands in target position

*Section 3

Backhandspring ups

Roundoff ups

Backhandspring fullups (BHFU)

BHFU land lib

BHFU immediate full around (spin left with BHFU then spin right)


Roundoff rewinds

Roundoff rewind immediate high to high full around

One arm rewinds

Purdue extended low to high pop throughs/ high to pop throughs- taget and cupies

Worm up extended high to high land lib

Worm up extended high to high land arabesque

Hand to Hand full to feet (pop through that includes a spin)

Front handspring ups

Cartwheel ups


Double ups

*Section 4

BH BH Fulls (no step preferred)

PH bh whip bh full

PH whip bh bh full

Standing Fulls