May 14-16, 2018

The Watershed Center at Valley Water Mill Park, Springfield, Missouri

"Celebrating 30 Years of OP-SETAC"

There were about 20 people that attended the meeting. There were 11 oral presentations and 9 poster presentations. The final agenda for the meeting is attached below. Attendees are pictured below.

Thanks to our corporate sponsors (Monsanto, Dow-DuPont, and EAG Laboratories) 16-$100 travel awards were given to students that presented at the regional meeting. This is in addition to waiving the registration fees for student presenters.

The student award winners are pictured below. From the left, Kendall Scarlett from Oklahoma State University won 2nd place poster presentation, Amber Tompsett-Higley (OP-SETAC President), Jeffrey Krall from Oklahoma State University won 1st place poster presentation, Md Ibraham from Oklahoma State University and Christopher Goodchild from Oklahoma State University won awards for their presentations. First place winners will receive a $500 award for travel expenses to attend the national SETAC meeting. North America SETAC is also providing $200 for both of the first place winners for travel to the meeting in November. Second place winners received $300 from OP-SETAC to attend the national meeting. Congrats to the winners!