Helpful Technology

Helpful Technology for Students with ADHD

Note taking:

  • Portable Word Processors allow you to take notes on a keyboard without getting distracted by the internet!
  • Cornell Note Taking is my favorite tools for modifying into a notetaking system that will grow with you
  • LiveScribe Pen is often recommended as a tool for recording lectures while taking notes, but I have serious reservations that I'm happy to share with you!

Writing Papers:

  • WordQ is a writing tool that will read your writing back to you for auditory feedback and will also help with spelling
  • Inspiration is a graphic organizer tool that's pretty cool but some may find all the "bells and whistles" distracting
  • has a bunch of printable, old fashioned paper graphic organizers that I prefer to Inspiration
  • Draft:Builder is a helpful tool for organizing your thoughts into an outline and turning that outline into a draft