My Hero Learning Circles

Elementary, middle, and high school classrooms around

the world collaborate on the subject of heroism.

A copy of the teacher's guide (pdf download) is effective in

explaining this project.

The MY HERO Learning Circles program is a joint venture

between the International Education Resource Network

( and The MY HERO Project. The MY HERO Learning

Circles provide a unique forum for students and teachers who

are interested in collaborating with other schools from around

the world on the topic of heroes and heroism through writing,

creating digital art, and filmmaking. Elementary, middle and

secondary schools from across the USA, Pakistan, Israel, Russia,

Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Peru and more share their essays, art, and short

films in the MY HERO Learning Circles.

A Learning Circle is created when a team of 6–8 teachers and

their classes join together in the virtual space of an electronic

classroom. The groups remain together over a 3–4 month period,

working on projects drawn from the curriculum of each of the

classrooms organized around a selected theme. At the end of

the term the group collects and publishes its work. Then, just as

any class of students does, the Learning Circle comes to an end.

Each session begins with new groupings of classes into new

Learning Circles.

iEARN is the world’s largest non-profit global network that

enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies

to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and

make a difference in the world. Membership in iEARN is

required to take part in the Learning Circles. To join, click here.

Once you become a member, complete the placement form to be

placed in a circle for the next session.