Schedule Example- K-12
This example comes from Learning Circles on the International Education and Resource Network ( Each year classes of students join with each class being one participant in the circle. This activity is completely online and connects students with their peers all over the world to work in theme-based learning circles. Each class is able to sponsor a project so that part of the circle work is highly linked to the curriculum of the school. There is a Teacher's Guide that explains how to use the learning circle model in K-12 schools. Learning Circles organize the exchange between students in many other secondary and elementary school organizations that have adapted the process to their own purposes.
Learning Circle Timeline
Getting Ready
Prior to Week 1
Sept 28 - Oct 4
Teachers log on to iEARN, receive Circle News and read the Teacher's Guide. They introduce the concept of Learning Circles to their students. Learning Circle Placements are sent on September 30th.
Opening the Circle
(2 weeks)
Oct 5- Oct 18
Learning Circle interaction begins. Classes log on and respond to the Electronic Roll Call. Each teacher sends an introductory message to the on-line Learning Circle forum. Teachers and students prepare and send their responses to the Classroom Survey. Welcome Packs are mailed to postal addresses.
Planning the Learning Circle Projects
(2 weeks)
Oct 19 - Nov 1
Teachers in the Learning Circle discuss the projects proposed in the Classroom Survey. Each class selects a section to sponsor. The class sends a message to the forum describing the information it would like to receive.
Exchanging Student Work
(5 weeks)
Nov 2- Dec 6
Student work on different projects is collected and sent to the Learning Circle forum at least once or twice a week. Teachers and students continue to plan and share work related to the Learning Circle projects. (Most groups will be out of school for at least a week during this period, the circle continues with those who are in school).
Organizing the Circle Publication
(3 weeks plus one week break)
Dec 7- Jan 3
Students evaluate, select, and edit the articles they received for their project. Teachers work with students in their classroom to layout and print their section of the Circle publication. Schools exchange project reports (electronically or via postal mail) and assemble their Circle publication.
Closing the Circle
(1 week)
Jan 4- Jan 11
Teachers and students send their final good-bye messages to the forum and the Learning Circle closes. The Christmas Break is used as time for mailing sections to the schools with the final comments and good-byes taking place when many students return to school in Jan. The list will still be active for a week after the end of Learning Circles to make sure all final messages are received.
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