Flipped Classroom

Expanding the Definition of a Flipped Learning Environment 

The term flipped classroom has become a hot topic in higher education. Ideas about and opinions about flipped learning environments vary. Some consider it simply another way of talking about student-centered learning. Others view flipped classrooms as the most cutting-edge approach to learning. Still others see flipping as just another fad that will eventually run its course. [here]

Maximizing PLC time to flip your class

Teachers helping teachers

Two years ago Jonathan was helping a couple of fourth grade teachers create their first flipped-class video. They were going to make an instructional video about long division. He overheard the two teachers discussing the best way to communicate long division to their students.

A few minutes later, the teachers were ready. They then presented long division to their students in a manner that was better than it would have been had they done it alone. This collaborative interaction, and other instances like it, have shown that when teachers collaborate to create flipped-class videos, there are several benefits, including:

Creating a Comprehensive Plan for the Flipped Learning Environment

The days of lecturing in front of a half-attentive class are over. Students in a flipped classroom are engaged with course material every time they walk through the door. They interact with their peers. They process course content by working with it while an instructor stands by to answer questions or offer clarification. There definitely is teaching, although it doesn’t look like it. But it is an incredibly different kind of teaching, which is scary for both instructors and students. So even though the flipped classroom offers a lot of promise, it can be daunting to set out to transform your traditional courses without a guide. That is what this live, interactive two-day workshop gives you. In Creating a Comprehensive Plan for the Flipped Learning Environment, you will explore the four key components of the flipped learning philosophy and develop a comprehensive plan and implementation strategy to enhance both student and faculty success in the flipped environment.