motivation board workshops

Motivation Board Workshops

What makes you get up out of bed? (Spiritual/Intellectual dimensions)

A motivation board is a visual representation of your motivational style for a certain project or just in general.

Motivation is the key to any type of success; whether it is starting a company or getting out of your bed and doing your daily maintenance when you are challenged by your mental health. It is essential that you understand what motivates you most effectively.

Are you motivated by money or other external factors? Are you motivated by need or greed? Are you motivated because you just want to be a better person? These are some of the questions we should ask ourselves as we define our personal “motivation spectrum.”

There are as many ways to be motivated as there are people. In my experience, I have found that I am my best motivator. But, no one is really motivated by one means. A spectrum of wants and needs produces a spectrum of motivational stances.

Whether you name it or not, there is a motive for everything you do—a reason. This is the conduit through which you find the energies to chase rainbows or just keep going. This is your motivation. Making a visual representation of this reminds us of how we are motivated and what we are motivated to do. (This is strongly recommended in addition to the Vision Board.)