CV and degrees

Date of birth: 17h January 1981

Tel: 00 33 (0) 5.6128 5099 (office)

Mail: olivier.zemb AT toulouse.inra fr


A research fellow working on the microbial communities of the gut of the rabbit and piglets by cultivating-independant techniques and classical fermentation mesocosms. The aims are to :

-improve feed efficiency

-decrease antibiotic resistance


2011- current : INRA researcher working on gut microbial comunities (INRA TANDEM, Toulouse, France)

2007 – 2011: Postdoc fellow working on bioremediation of 1.2-dichloroethane with M MANEFIELD (University of New South Wales, Australia)

2003 – 2007: PhD on ecosystem stability with JJ GODON and P LEBARON using CE-SSCP fingerprints and modelling.

2002 – 2003: Master in animal production (University of Rennes)

2000 – 2001: Higher Education in Engineering (ENSAR), Agricultural sciences.

1998 – 2000: College to prepare higher education admission


2011- : Researcher at INRA (Toulouse, France):

I am using next generation sequencing techniques to understand the digestion of the rabbit and the pig.

2008-2011 : Research Associate working on bioremediation of 1,2 dichloroethane (C.M.B.)

During one year I worked on the bioremediation of 1,2 dichloroethane. This involved quarterly reports to the industrial partner. The major achievement is a culture that is now at the stage of scaling-up in order to be tested in the field.

2003 – 2007 : PhD student in microbial ecology (C.N.R.S and I.N.R.A.).

During three years I was in charge of developing CE-SSCP to questions of microbial ecology. Some conclusion of this work led to a program that is now used by a few laboratories. I also constructed chemostats that are now used for other studies. The work was divided between two laboratories, which needed organisation skills. I also supervised two students.

2003: Master student working on quantification of FSH Receptor in trout brain (I.N.R.A.)

I studied the repartition of a receptor using quantitative PCR during six months. This was in the context of controlling the sexual cycle of the trout. This involved extensive sampling and organization skills.

2001 : Purification of cyanobacteria phosphatase as student (E.N.S., Paris)

During two months I purified and characterized a putative phosphatase, possibly involved in the light-induced response of cyanobacteria

2000: Databases for the European subventions in Agriculture (C.N.A.S.E.A).

During two months I constructed a semi-automatic way to collect and process data using excel and access.

1999: Construction of GFP fusion protein in Arabidopsis Thaliana. (I.N.R.A.)

As undergraduate student I spend two months in the lab to construct a GFP protein and look at in using confocal microscopy.


Macintosh, Windows, Excel, Access, Word, Endnote, Turbo Pascal, Matlab™ and basis in Dynatica® (toolbox for modelisation of bacterial growth under Mathematica™)


Construction of anaerobic digester and aquatic chemostat

DNA extraction, PCR, real-time PCR

Clone library, Capillary Electrophoresis Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (CE SSCP)

Gas chromatography, Chemical Demand in Oxygen, Suspended Solids, Granulometer

Bacterial production by radioactive leucine incorporation, Cytometry.

Isolation of bacteriophage, Plaque Forming Units, zeta potential measurement (phage and bacteria)


Badminton, Volley, Guitar, Diving (20m license), Windsurf