Publications in journals

(You can access penultimate versions of published papers and work in progress from:

15. Bank sectoral concentration and risk: Evidence from a worldwide sample of banks

with Thorsten Beck and Klaas Mulier

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming

our new measures of sectoral specialization, differentiation and financial sector exposure are publicly available

14. Some borrowers are more equal than others: Bank funding shocks and credit reallocation

with Hans Dewachter, Klaas Mulier, Steven Ongena and Glenn Schepens

Review of Finance, Vol 24, 2020, pages 1-43

Editor's choice

13. Does banks' systemic importance affect their capital structure and balance sheet adjustment processes?

with Yassine Bakkar and Amine Tarazi

Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming

12. Bank capital (resuirements) and credit supply: Evidence from pillar 2 decisions

with Hans Dewachter and Steven Ongena

Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 60, 2020, article 101518

11. Identifying credit supply shocks with bank-firm data: methods and applications

with Hans Degryse, Sanja Jakovljevic, Klaas Mulier, and Glenn Schepens

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 40, 2019, article 100813

10. Bank Capital Management: International Evidence

with Özde Öztekin

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 24, 2015, pages 154-177

9. Banks’ size, scope and systemic risk: What role for conflicts of interest?

with Maaike Diepstraten and Glenn Schepens

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 61 (special issue 1), p. S3-S-13, 2015

8. Model uncertainty and systematic risk in US banking

with Lieven Baele, Valerie De Bruyckere and Rudi Vander Vennet.

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 53, 2015, p. 49–66

7. Do Stock Markets Discipline US Bank Holding Companies: Just Monitoring, or also Influencing?

with Lieven Baele, Valerie De Bruyckere and Rudi Vander Vennet

North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 29, 2014, pages 124-145.

6. Bank Competition and Stability: Cross-Country Heterogeneity

with Thorsten Beck and Glenn Schepens

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 22 (2), April 2013, Pages 218–244

Click here for an online appendix with more robustness checks

5. Corporate Governance, Opaque Bank Activities, and Risk/Return Efficiency: Pre- and Post-Crisis Evidence from Turkey

with Mustafa Disli and Koen Schoors

Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol. 41(1-2), April 2012, p. 51-80.

4. Back to the basics in banking? A micro-analysis of banking system stability

Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 19 (3), July 2010, p.387-417.

3. Competition versus efficiency: What drives franchise values in European banking

with Rudi Vander Vennet

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 32 (9), August 2008, p 1820-1835.

2. Does the stock market value bank diversification?

with Lieven Baele and Rudi Vander Vennet

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 31 (7), July 2007, p 1999-2023.

1. Competition, Transmission and Bank Pricing Policies: Evidence from Belgian Loan and Deposit Markets

with Ferre De Graeve and Rudi Vander Vennet

Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 31 (1), January 2007, p. 259-278.