In progress:  Co-editor 2025: Advances in Complex LagrangiansIntegrable systems and Quantization, with L. Schaposnik and M. Mulase

Co-editor Sigma 2021: Special Issue on Integrability, Geometry and Moduli (in honor of M. Mulase) 


In progress; Oxford lectures 2023

30Duality and polyhedrality of cones for Mori dream spaces, with C. Brambilla, E. Postinghel and L. Santana-Sanchez (2023, submitted)

29.  Coxeter theory for the blowups of P^r, with R. Miranda (2022, under review)

28.   On (i) curves in blowups of P^r   with R. Miranda, (2021 under review) to Maxim, 

27.  On divisorial (i) classes,  with N. Priddis, 


26.  Positivity of divisors on blown-up projective spaces I,  with E. Postinghel

       Annali della  Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa,  Classe di Scienze (5), volume XXIV 2023, issue 2, 599-618.

25.  Cremona Orbits in P^4 and Applications, with R. Miranda   

        Trends in Mathematics: "The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry"  Springer, in honor of Ciro Ciliberto volume 2023, pages 161-185.

24. Weyl cycles on the blow up of P^4 at 8 points  with  M. C. Brambilla and E. Postinghel 

        Trends in Mathematics: "The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry" Springer, in honor of Ciro Ciliberto volume 2023, pages 1-21.

23From the Hitchin section to opers through Nonabelian Hodge, with L. Fredrickson, G. Kydonakis, R. Mazzeo, M. Mulase and A. Neitzke

       Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol. 117, No. 2, 2021, 223 - 253 . 

22.  Interplay between opers, quantum curves, WKB analysis, and Higgs bundles, with M. Mulase,  (journal version here)

       SIGMA 17 (2021), 036,  Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications

21.  Mirror curve of orbifolds Hurwitz numbers, with M. Mulase in Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., Vol. 66, No. 1, 2021 (journal version)

20.  A journey from the Hitchin section to the oper moduli,  to Anthony. 

       Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol.98, String Math 2016, American Mathematical  Society, 2018,  107- 137.

19.  An observation on (-1)-curves on rational surfaces, with B. Osserman, Proceedings of American Math. Society 147 (4), 1391 - 1398, 2019.

18Quantization of spectral curves for meromorphic Higgs bundles through topological recursion, with M. Mulase, (here)  

        Proceedings of the von Neumann Symposium 100, 179 - 230, American Mathematical Society 2018.

17. Positivity of divisors on blown-up projective spaces, II  with E. Postinghel,   Journal of Algebra, vol. 529, 226 - 267, 2019.

16.  Edge contraction on dual ribbon graphs and 2D TQFT,  with M. Mulase,   Journal of Algebra, vol. 494, 1 - 27,  2018 (online version here).

15. Vanishing theorems for linearly obstructed divisors, with E. Postinghel,   Journal of Algebra (40 pages),  vol. 477,  312 - 359, 2017 (here).

14. On a notion of speciality of linear systems in P^n, with M. C. Brambilla & E. Postinghel, 

      Trans. Am. Math. Soc. vol. 367, no. 8, 5447 - 5473, 2015

13.  Quantum curves for Hitchin fibrations and the Eynard-Orantin theory, with M. Mulase

        Letters in Mathematical Physics, vol. 104, no 6, 635 - 671, 2014.

12An invitation to 2D TQFT and quantization of Hitchin spectral curves, with M. Mulase,   Banach Center Publications 114, 85 - 144, 2018 .

11. An invitation to 2D TQFT and quantization of Hitchin spectral curves ( Enlarged Japanese Edition), with M. Mulase in 

       Proceedings of the 15th Oka Symposium, 2017

10Lectures on the topological recursion for Hitchin spectral curves and quantization, with M. Mulase, in Lecture Notes Series, Institute (2018).        Math. Sciences, National University of Singapore, vol. 36, The Geometry, Topology and Physics of Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles, 103 -198 

9Linear systems of P^3 with nine base points, with M. C. Brambilla and E. Postinghel

      Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, (- 1923), vol. 195, no. 5, 1551 - 1574, 2016.

8.  On Segre's bound for fat points in P^n, with E. Ballico, E. Postinghel,   

      Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,  vol. 220, no. 6,  2307 - 2323,  2015. 

7.  On the effective cone of P^n with n+3 points, with M. C. Brambilla and E. Postinghel

     Experimental Mathematics, vol. 25, no 4, 452 - 465, 2015.

6.  The Spectral Curve of the Eynard-Orantin Recursion via the Laplace Transform, with M. Mulase, B. Safnuk and A. Sorkin, 

      Algebraic and Geometric   Aspects of Integrable Systems and Random Matrices, Dzhamay, Maruno, Pierce. Contemporary Math.                   vol. 593, 263 - 315,  2013. 

5.  Cones of effective divisors on the blown-up projective space P^3 in general lines, with E. Postinghel and S. Urbinati,                     

     Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, vol. 66, Issue 2,  205 - 216, 2017 (online version  here).

4Plane curves with prescribed triple points: a toric approachCommunications in Algebra, vol. 41,  no. 5, 1626 - 1635, 2013.

3.  Cones of Divisors of Blow-ups of projective spaces, with S. Cacciola, M. Donten-Bury, A. Lo Giudice and J. Park

     Le Matematiche, vol. 66, no. 2,  153 - 187, 2011.

2.  Emptiness of Homogeneous Linear Systems with Ten General Base Points, with C. Ciliberto, R. Miranda and J. Roe

     Classification of algebraic varieties-Schiermonnikoog 2009, 189 - 195, 2011.

Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin, vol 16, 1 - 28, 2009.

Other works

i). Techniques in Interpolation Problems, Ph.d Thesis, to my father.

ii). From cellular graphs to topological quantum field theories, in Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach No. 9/2016, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2016/9 Report.