
I am part of the program Geometry, Integrable systems and Mathematical Physics, RIMS Kyoto  (for summer 2024).

Conference Talks (Kyoto): Topological Recursion and Mirror Symmetry and CY.

Seminar: Lectures in RIMS seminar Kyoto (6 hours), Hiroshima University and Kobe University.

Current Position:

My sister Laura Dumitrescu

Grad students (UNC):  

Research interest: Catalan numbers/Witten-Kontsevich intersection numbers, Dimensionality for divisors; Topological Recursion, Quantization for Hitchin systems, positivity of divisors; Opers, conformal limits, 2D TQFT, CohFT, Foliations, Cones of Curves, Hodge theory.

Co-organizer Math Events 2024:

 New Aspects in Topological Recursion   -  RIMS  Kyoto, July.

American Institute for Mathematics - Miami May 2025 (with  A. Cruz Morales, T. Pantev, M. Mulase)  

Workshop on Moduli Spaces and Integrability - UNC Chapel Hill 2025 (with Justin Sawon, in progress)

Conference Talks:

New Aspects in Topological Recursion,  July RIMS Kyoto 2024 (K. Iwaki, T. Mochizuki, K. Osuga, MH. Saito)

Recent developments in mirror symmetry and Calabi Yau varieties - Aug 5-9 RIMS Kyoto 2024 (MH Saito, T Mochizuki, A Takahashi, S Hosono)

 Integrability, geometry and QFTs October 7 -11, Madrid, Spain (M. Logares, M. Kang, and A. Gonzalez).

 Joint Math Meetings Seattle 2025 - "Vector bundles and Quantization" January 11th. (R. Moraru, S. Rayan, L. Schaposnik)

Mathematical Congress of Mathematics - "Vector bundles on Varieties and Quantization", Miami 2025 July 21st-25th.

Seminar talks

RIMS Seminar lectures June - Kyoto Japan June

Hiroshima University and Kobe University, July

University of Trento, University of Ancona, Italy May 2025.

Budapest  May 2025 (Szilard Szabo)

UNC Grants:    FRG NSF website

Contact:  dolivia[at]unc[dot]edu


Dept. of Mathematics, 

UNC at Chapel Hill, 

431 Chapman Hall,

CB# 3250, Chapel Hill,

 NC 27599-3250.