Conversational Agents (F20/F21 CA)

Class times: monday 9-11am: room GRID: Inspire & Collaborate 2:  slides, videos etc are available on CANVAS:    

Project group meetings: weds and thurs 10am and 11am (allocation TBD): rooms: 

BBC4:  Alana on  "The Joy of AI" with Jim Al Khalili  

Course descriptor:

This course aims to give students the opportunity to develop: 

This course covers current and emerging topics in conversational agents, spoken language processing, and multimodal interfaces, including: 


- by coursework and class participation: Presentation 15% + Demonstration 15% + Written report 60% + self-reflection-report  10%

Student Project description

Some ideas for projects:  

Each project should address several of the following topics:


Week 1: Course introduction (OL) :  

Your demo presentation should be a mixture of slides and video or a live demo – recommended length about 10 mins -  used to explain:

- the overall concept and aims of your system

- the main problems to be solved in creating your system

- what your demo is showing – i.e. what your system’s new features are

- the main software / NLP modules that your team has worked on

- the evaluation plan (and any results you have)

- how it could be improved / future work

- roles of different team members in the system development

Week 12: Project troubleshooting session, report writing (ALL):  

    1.     How did you plan and manage your own work within the group?

    2 .     To what extent did you independently solve problems and take initiative within the group?

    3.     How did you take responsibility for your own and other’s work by contributing effectively and conscientiously to the work of your group?

    4.     How did you actively maintain good working relationships with group members?

    5.     Did you lead the direction of the group project or any aspect of it?

    6.     Critically reflect on your roles and responsibilities within the group, and the roles and responsibilities of the other members.



SIGDIAL conferences: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 ...

Software and Tools

RASA masterclass / youtube channel 


InProTK: video demonstration with OpenDial integration [here]

DyLan: semantic parser

LUIS: example-based trainable SLU via http

Python NLP tools

Cereproc: speech synthesiser, free voices for windows and Mac OSX

NVivo: software for qualitative research

NLTK: Natural Language ToolKit: Information Extraction, chunking, tagging, parsing, NER

CoreNLP: Stanford parsing and NLP tools

AIML: free online course

Praat: speech analysis software

ELAN: annotation tool

Android speech API: speech recognition and synthesis on Android

OpenEars: free speech recognition and synthesis on iPhone

Web speech API for Chrome

KALDI: speech recognition toolkit

Boxer: language understanding

WIT AI : API for spoken language understanding

OpenDial: dialogue system toolkit

IrisTK: multimodal dialogue system toolkit

Voice XML


SPSS: statistical analysis (this is installed on the university computers)

Sirius: open source personal assistant (like Siri)

Balsamiq: wireframing / mockup tools


Relevant videos

Dialogue Semantics and Pragmatics: David Schlangen: part 1 part2

Interaction Lab videos: SpeechCity, JAMES, ECHOES, Parlance etc

Incremental spoken dialogue system: "Numbers"

Google video on speech understanding, deep neural networks

Cortana, AI, and project Adam

WIT AI : API for spoken language understanding

Stanford NLP lectures

FurHat the social robot

Jibo personal robot

Geoff Hinton's Royal Society Lecture on Deep Learning

Apps to play with

Google Now

Assistant (ai.api)





Assessment -- see mark sheet below
