
Research Methods and Project Planning (F21RP)

2018 Schedule : Location: EM 1.82

Classes: wednesdays 14.15 - 17.15

NOTE: schedule is subject to change! ( * = confirmed)

Week 1, wed 10 January

2.15 Course Introduction and Overview (Lemon): 30 mins *

2.45-4.15 Literature Review (Rachel Whittington) - search 1 hour, referencing 30 mins

Week 2, wed 17 January

2.15: Project Planning and Scheduling (Broz) *

3.15 Tutorial: Project planning exercise (Lemon) *

4.15: Experimental Design and Statistical Methods (Lemon) *

Week 3, wed 24 January

2.15- 4.15 Technical writing (Gabbay) *

4.15 Tutorial: Experimental Design Exercise (Lemon) *

Week 4, wed 31 Jan

2.15: Introduction to Evaluation (McNeill) *

3.15: Tutorial: Evaluation Exercise (Lemon) *

Week 5, wed 7 Feb

2.15 Professional, Legal, and Ethical Issues (Taylor) *

3.15: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Issues (Taylor) *

4.15: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Issues (Taylor) *

Week 6: 14th Feb

2.15: Usability Design (Michaelson) *

3.15 Attribution and Collaboration (Michaelson) *

4.15 Tutorial: Attribution and Collaboration Exercise (Lemon) *

Week 7 : 21 Feb

onwards: write your Research Report, and meet with your project supervisor.

Fill out the Ethics Form for your project at https://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/cs/project-system/index.php?group_id=pgcse


Week 10 : 14 March

Wednesday 2.15 - 4.15 : Technical Writing -- peer assessment session (Lemon)

NOTE: You must attend the class with a draft of your research report (minimum 10 pages long), which will be assessed by your peers.

Final Deadline: Thursday 12th APRIL 2018: 6pm UK time Deliverables: Ethics Form + Research Report

- Submit pdf online using Vision (file must be less than 20 MB)

Research Report requirements, guidelines, and marking scheme

Note: the recommended citation and referencing style is Harvard.

You must use this style or else agree a different style with your project supervisor.

The latex template for your report is available on Overleaf here (recommended)

A Latex template for an MSc thesis is also attached to this page (see list of attachments below).

You can also download latex for free for linux, mac, and windows at http://latex-project.org/ftp.html

Seminars: https://sites.google.com/site/csresearchseminarsathwu/ (MSc students are expected to attend CS Seminars)

Important: read the student guide to plagiarism

** Note: you need to score 45% or above on this course to be permitted to continue to the full MSc dissertation **

MSc projects: online system