O Cascadia 

Celebrating the Pacific Northwest

 Kwedachi  Welcome  Kwedachi  Welcome  Kwedachi  Welcome  Kwedachi

Featured Species

The Beaver

A First Nations Tribe Uses Beaver Relocation to Enhance Prospects of Salmon Restoration 

from Ben Goldfarb for Business Insider


Featured Report


Climate Change Is Changing Mount Rainier

Story by Rob Carson at The News Tribune. Photos and Video by Dean J. Koepfler.

Full Print Article at http://media.thenewstribune.com/static/pages/rainier/ 

Featured Interview

Freeman House: "Exploring the Meaning of Watershed Health" 

From Michael Furniss: Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RqNkboQyc0

Remembering Freeman House: Community-Based Restorationist


Bioregional Cascadia

Attention: David McCloskey's "Ish River" and "Cascadia Map" available:

Click: http://www.featheredstarproductions.com/map-gallery 

For Interviews with Professor McCloskey and more on the Cascadia Institute:

 Click: https://sites.google.com/site/ocascadia/ecosophically-speaking/david-mccloskey 

Featured Initiative

Fire Belongs Here

For centuries, indigenous First Nations partnered with fire to support their cultures and enhance the biodiversity of their life-providing forests. With the growing threat of climate disruption and the extended wildfire seasons that arise from hotter, drier summers, local tribes are challenging the fire suppression policies as practiced by the settler society and reasserting the traditional role that fire plays in the management of a healthy homeland. 

Below: "Fire Belongs Here" from Klamath Media. Or visit, Fire Works!, at the Karuk Tribe Climate Change Projects website: karuktribeclimatechangeprojects.com/fire-works/ 

Featured Investigation

Being Black in the Great Outdoors 

From Monica Samayoa and Oregon Public Broadcasting

Click: https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-northwest-racism-outdoors-nature-hiking/

Unlikely Hikers

 from Kelsey Wallace and Oregon Field Guide

Click: https://www.opb.org/television/programs/oregon-field-guide/article/unlikely-hikers-instagram-diversity-outdoors-jenny-bruso/

For more on Resistance, Resilience, and Diversity: Visit the You-View Library at:


Six Featured Videos

 "Occupied Cascadia"   

"Salmon Confidential" 

"Fractured Land"

   "Idle No More: Seattle WA"


"Disaster Bellingham"

Scroll down for summaries and links:

"O Cascadia"

 Like the song below, this site  is inspired by the possibilities of a green,  sustainable, earth-friendly homeland that honors the essence of "place"  and all its human and non-human peoples.  As a lived or imagined bioregion, may Cascadia always inspire and enlighten.

Heart-felt thanks to all who enjoy the music

 while growing good health and good wealth in our lives.

 Peace, Lloyd Vivola

Introducing: New Full Mix Orchestral Rendition and Video

As featured at the 2018 Cascadia Football Federation's CONifa World Cup debut in London UK where it was officially welcomed as a BIOREGION. 

Music and Lyrics: Lloyd Vivola... Vocals: Leah Hart... Orchestration: Jordana LeSesne...

Video: Cascadia Creatives ... Posted by freecascadia.org

To view the "O Cascadia" lyrics and chord changes, or to download an MP3 version, click: https://sites.google.com/site/ocascadia/folk-anthem-for-the-pacific-northwest

Library Links and Videos

For the You-View Longhouse Library general directory, click:



"Occupied Cascadia"

Imagine a revolution, one of consciousness, one of place, that transpires like a journey by sturdy canoe pressing forward across a sea of shifting tides... Mel Sweet and Devin Hess have created a remarkably astute and effective 2-hour introduction to Pacific Northwest bioregional identity and concerns, one that resonates well beyond Cascadia. The interviews are intimate and the perspectives as diverse and organic as the land-base itself; the expressionistic video montage as stunning as it is evocative. This is a story comprising many stories  that do not preach or extol ideology, but instead raise earnest, heart-felt questions regarding the crises  that stand before us at the start of the 21st century; questions which, no matter how urgent, seldom find voice or audience amid the violence, drama and political wrangling that dominate the daily news feed and conventional public discourse; questions which lead us not to seek answers in the corridors of power as we know them, but to create good solutions from the earth, water and air that we share and the ecology that sustains all life. In short: a very different "occupy" story. 

From Cascadia Matters... Produced by Casey Bryan Corcoran

Attention: The full "Occupied Cascadia" documentary can now be viewed online at Vimeo:

 Click: vimeo.com/55819924

Click below to view a trailer:

Click: vimeo.com/38078416 

"Salmon Confidential"

Directed by Twyla Roscovich

Dr. Alexandra Morton's two decade-long effort to expose the dangers that fish farms pose to British Columbia's wild salmon gained greater leverage when in 2012 a report by the Cohen Commission corroborated many of her concerns and recommended policy changes to provincial and federal authorities. Filmmaker Twyla Roscovich, employing a lucid storytelling style, now offers a valuable summary and update of Wild Salmon Warriors and the scientists who spearhead their cause.  Any citizen, Cascadian or otherwise, who thinks that they can entrust modern government alone with insuring public health, planning sustainable economies, or protecting the integrity of the natural environment,  must spend an hour watching this informative, troubling, yet hopeful documentary.

 Available in its entirety by clicking below.



"Fractured Land"

Directed by Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis

Caleb Behn is a member of the Dene people of northeastern British Columbia, where zealous industrial development is poisoning the homeland waters and threatening the good health of its inhabitants. By following Caleb on his journey as law student and indigenous environmental activist, the documentary, produced by Daniel Conrad, aims to raise awareness to the destructive policies of Big Oil & Gas that threaten the ecological sanity of communities and cultures in Cascadia and worldwide.

"Idle No More: Seattle WA"

From Brodie Lane Stevens at North West Coastal

Enough Is Enough! The colonial mindset is now knocking on - and knocking down - the front doors of all planet Earth's inhabitants.

On December 11, 2012, Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat band in northern Ontario  began a hunger strike to protest her opposition to Canadian omnibus law C-45, the latest assault by Stephen Harper's Conservative government on the treaty rights and sovereignty of First Nations peoples.  Over the ensuing weeks, Chief Spence became the focal point of an "Idle No More" movement that has quickly  gained supporters across the North American continent and around the world, uniting a range of indigenous and non-indigenous activists in the common cause of human rights and ecological good health.  Below, a short video documenting solidarity rallies and flash mobs in Seattle. 

 Posted by Rock Paper Jet on You Tube.

For updates and information on "Idle No More", visit its website at: http://idlenomore.ca/



The full-length documentary retells the story of a determined Cascadia Free State campaign that in 1991 organized to protect old-growth Oregon forests on land managed by the US Forest Service. An inspiring tribute to Cascadian defiance and resistance. And a call to citizen action.

 Produced and edited by Tim Lewis and Tim Ream 

AVAILABLE ONLINE at Internet Archives 25: archive.org/details/pickAxe_201810 

"Disaster Bellingham"

 Long before the dangers of fossil fuel pipelines began to frequent the news media, an explosion and subsequent rampaging fireball shattered the serenity of Bellingham, Washington,  scorching a popular park and wildlife reserve while taking the lives of three young citizens. 

Produced by the City of Bellingham to commemorate that tragic event and the city's determined response.

  Diverse as your people... with a mind for the future... 

    O Cascadia...  

      Work of the ages... garden of our dreams... 


Copyright 2011, 2015, 2024 Lloyd VivolaSend comments to kwedachi.ocascadia@gmail.com