Remuera, St Heliers, Westmere


Nurse Grace, Sussex House, Vincent Street (1907), Norana Avenue (1908)

Nutsford Maternity Home, Rothesay Street (1917)

Nurse Wade (formerly Argyle Street)

Remuera Nursing Home (1913), Kelvin Nursing Home, Remuera Road (1915), Omahu Road (Sept. 1915-1918), 22 Clonbern Road (Sept. 1918-1924). Nurse Anne Gibbons

"A commission is to sit in February to inquire into the deaths from puerperal septicaemia last year at the Kelvin private hospital, 22 Clonbern Road, Remuera," stated the Minister for Health, Sir Maui Pomare, in response to an inquiry last evening. Under authority given in the Health Act, said Sir Maui, a committee of the Board of Health would be set up with the powers of a commission. So far as publicity was concerned, the commission would act according to the rules governing an ordinary royal commission. Kelvin Hospital, which was closed for a period by order of the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. T. J. Hughes, had been reopened." (NZ Herald, 25 January 1924)

Several newspaper accounts succeeding, plus Kelvin Commission report in the AJHR.

"The maternity home Kelvin, in Clonbern Road, Remuera, again /been closed by the Health Department owing to the discovery of a case diagnosed as puerperal septicaemia. The patient has been removed to the Auckland Hospital, and was reported last evening to be doing well. It is understood there were no other patients in the home at the time. Dr J Foyd, assistant medical officer of health at Auckland, states that the home was closed on Tuesday, and the department is taking all precautions. Cases of puerperal septicaemia at Kelvin Hospital last year resulted in the institution being closed until the end of January last. A Royal Commission, of which Mr F Earl, KC, was chairman held an exhaustive inquiry into the occurrences." (NZ Herald 19 June 1924)

"Nurse Gibbons has voluntarily closed Kelvin Maternity Hospital and returned the register and license to Dr T J Hughes, the Medical Officer of Health. Not only has the matron closed the hospital, but she has announced her intention to take "a much-needed rest," and abandon practice as a maternity nurse.

"Writing to Dr. Hughes on July 3, Miss Gibbons said she would never again take obstetric cases, though she was abandoning the work with regret, for she had given the best years of her life to it, "to the exclusion of all private interests." However, she felt that she would suffer a final breakdown of health should she again take the risk of striking a bad case.

"If ever I re-enter the nursing world, it will certainly not be in the midwifery branch," added Miss Gibbons. "I am returning the register and license on Monday. I thank you and your staff for your unfailing fairness and kindness."

"Dr Hughes stated to-day that Kelvin had now ceased to be a private maternity hospital." (Auckland Star, 10 July 1924)

Nurse Leila Barker-Rosen, Norana Obstetric Hospital, 5 Norana Avenue (1927-1937)

Licence revoked in the public interest after it was discovered that Barker-Rosen had failed to take and record patients' temperatures, and had irregularity in her records. The revocation was carried out by Peter Fraser as Minister of Health 31 December 1937 by gazette notice. Two years later, the Medical Officer of Health discovered that the plate saying Norana Obstetric Hospital" was still up at the house, and ordered it removed. (R6901614, BAAK A49 19836, Archives NZ)

Nurse Marion E Bates, 7 Norana Avenue (1940s). No birth notices found, but a person has claimed to have been born there. By 1952, known as Merton Private Hospital (palliative). (Wises, info from internet)

Nurse Mabel Ellen Slater, "Atherstone", 23 Vincent Ave (1924-c.1939). Seems to be same Nurse Slater who practised at "Atherstone", Astley Ave, New Lynn from 1923-1924. Was a registered midwife by exam, patients taken in with or without doctor. Died 15 May 1941 at Auckland Hospital aged 58. Husband Albert Frank Sydney (Sid) Slater (died 19 September 1941, aged 65). Mr & Mrs Slater buried at Hillsborough Cemetery.

Sisters Budd and Howard, "Mount Nursing Home," "Mount Obstetric Hospital", 13 Vincent Ave (c.1932-c.1937) 

Nurse Mary Ruby Grace Edwards (1910-2002), Ormond Hospital, Ormond Obstetric Hospital 11A Ormond Road (c.1938-1943). Property up for mortgagee auction January 1941. "The property is a SIX-ROOMED VILLA situated at No. 11A ORMOND ROAD, REMUERA, with electric light and hot water, califont and other conveniences, and is occupied by a tenant as a nursing home." (NZ Herald,  3 December 1940)
A shift to Ormond Private Hospital at 459 Remuera Road from 1943. Resided there to c.1972. Mary Ruby Grace Parker married William Victor Norman Edwards in Kaitaia 1935.

St Heliers

Nurse Kathleen Dorothy Craven nee Carter, 11 Turua Street (1941-at least 1945). Born 1895, daughter of George Carter of "Netherseal", Northcote. Her sister Constance died tragically of drowning from sleepwalking off a cliff in Northcote, the body recovered at Collins Point near Avondale, May 1915. Married John Strangeways in 1924. As Nurse Strangeways, practised at Tennyson Ave, Takapuna from c.1929-c.1933. May have briefly worked at Kawakawa Hospital in 1934. She was working at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Waiuku by 1936. By 1939, she had moved to 39 Birdwood Crescent, Parnell, and was listed on social security rolls as an obstetric nurse providing services in relation to maternity benefits (Auckland Star, 13 May 1939). Married Richard James Craven 3 May 1941 at Mt Eden Methodist Church. Still living at Turua St as a widow 1963.


Nurse Christina R Comber, 47 Warwick Ave (1928-1929),  "Bromley", 100 West End Road (1931- at least 1945). By 1958, known as Bromley Obstetric Hospital, Matron Ms Mavis L Gollins. (Wises 1958). Registered as maternity nurse 7 July 1926. Trained at Glasgow Royal Maternity and Women's Hospital, Glasgow. (NZ Gazette, 1932). Lost her son Joseph Stanley Comber to a motorcycle accident 1934. Husband Henry Comber.