2012 Tour
The 2012 “End of the Earth” Dunedin Morris Tour
Update ...
Thanks everyone who took the time to provide previous feedback.
The confirmed tour dates are now from Tuesday afternoon 3rd January to Sunday morning 8th January 2012
staying at a student hall of residence Carrington College at 57-69 Heriot Row, Central Dunedin.
The Ale will be on Saturday 7th January with a Steampunk/Apocalypse theme for those who want to dress up.
The selected tour dances are Saturday Night On and Black Joke.
The tentative program (still to be confirmed) is likely to include:
Cadbury World and Green Man Brewery tours, and dancing at Larnach Castle, The Octagon,
Railway Station, Farmers’ Market, Botanic Gardens and dancing the sun down at Signal Hill lookout.
Anyone wishing to make enquires or requests can e-mail Jules Mann at julesmann@yahoo.com
Note that this follows on very handily from the excellent Whare Flat Folk Festival, http://www.whareflat.co.nz/