Britannic Bedlam Morris Gentlemen

Britannic Bedlam Morris Gentlemen

Morris Dancing side located in Wellington, New Zealand 

Based originally upon that of Headington Quarry, our tradition has evolved 

over the years into the world-renowned Bedlam 

Formed 22nd February 1682 (or possibly 1982)

Media Celebrities

We have been seen advertising mobile phones for Telecom, also an appearance on What Now. And we were mentioned in a story on National Radio (with a few liberties taken in describing us!) that was in a prize-winning book. And the various papers often like to feature us. 

 We were shown in a BBC Documentary, Get a New Life.

Bedlam Practice night

Wednesday 7:45pm at the Tawa Pipe Band Hall beside Redwood Station. From end June to end September we practice as Vergin Morris doing a different style, Border. 

On the first Wednesday of the month we go for a meal instead. 

We have their own tradition of Cotswold morris, Bedlam, originally based upon that of Headington Quarry but with additions and variations that have engrained themselves on the gentlemen over the course of the years. 

On the street

 On the Saturday closest(ish) to 22 February we dance on the streets of Wellington to celebrate our Founders' Day with a Day of Drink.

 On the 1st Sunday of December we appear at the Thorndon Fair, just outside the pub...


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