Goodchild Mathematical Chart

This was my first PostScript scale project, dating back to early 2001. The Goodchild Calculator is a paper Gunter scale printed in a gridiron pattern (100 segments over 2 pages; I believe the MIT museum has an example).

Scales were operated with a special tallying rule that had a movable cursor/pointer, but it should work with dividers.

Ed Chamberlain contacted the international slide rule group for assistance; he had the ruler but not the original scales. I offered to help, Ed forwarded me a low resolution photocopy of the page from an old K&E catalogue, and I used that as my model. Ed reported that the scales worked correctly with his ruler, and he kindly sent me copies of the scales on card stock, now mounted on my wall.

That success helped me on my second project, the much more ambitious Thacher Slide Rule.

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PDF formatted files are attached below. These can be printed on Letter or A4 paper.
