Senior Project



    Senior project of computer science department in National Tsing Hua University is a course named system integrated implementation in formal, for undergraduates senior students. Students have to follow a professor and try to develop and implement a large project including several technical issues. In addition, computer science department in NTHU has a senior project contest in October. Students have to make a poster and presentation about there senior project to other students and professors. Committee, which composed by invited professors from other universities and research institutes, will evaluate and decide the first, second and third place for all senior projects.


    Professor Chang's senior project topic is "CAD contest". Students have to attend to Computer Aided Design Contest hold by Ministry of Education. They have to develop efficient algorithm to solve the problem and implement it by using C/C++ programming language. During this contest, students will learn:

Honors (since 2011)


2014 CAD Contest at Taiwan 優 等

2014 清大資工第四屆專題競賽 特 優

題目:Test Scheduling for Core-based SoC

組員: 李侑倫、王韻婷、陳君函、吳伯恩、楊雅琪、吳家承


2012 CAD Contest at ICCAD  TOP 5

2012 CAD Contest at Taiwan 特 優

題目:Fuzzy Pattern Matching for Physical Verification



2012 清大資工第二屆專題競賽 優 等

題目:Finding the Minimal Logic Difference for Functional ECO

組員:楊庭量、林雪如、曹 靜、蔡昕霓

實驗室負責人:俞 浩

2011 清大資工第一屆專題競賽 亞 軍

題目:Formal Property Qualification


實驗室負責人:俞 浩