Forensics Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Dwyer

Phone: (503) 399-3241




Forensic Science is a semester long course (0.5 credit) which introduces and develops the skills, understanding and knowledge of scientific processes and their application to forensic science. Topics include physical evidence, crimes scene analysis, fingerprint analysis, trace evidence, impression evidence, blood evidence, toxicology, and DNA analysis.

The course is designed to introduce the student to the application of scientific knowledge and techniques to answer legal questions. Forensics relies heavily on the student analysis of labs and scenarios. As in a working forensics lab, most of the lab activities will rely on collaboration with a team. The subject matter in Forensic Science can be of a serious and troubling nature. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

Tentative Schedule of Topics

1. Observation Skills

2. Crime-Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection

3. The Study of Hair

4. A Study of Fibers and Textiles

5. Fingerprints

6. Blood and Blood Spatter

7. Death: Meaning, Manner, Mechanism, Cause, and Time

8. Drug Identification and Toxicology

Class Requirements and Expectations

A dedicated notebook for Forensic class notes and classwork is strongly recommended. It is also expected that students will attend class prepared to learn (i.e., bring notebook and pencil/pen).

1. Be responsible. It is necessary for the operation and safety of the classroom to act responsibly.

2. Be courteous and respectful. One person at a time speaks in any discussion or lecture. Do not use vulgarities in the classroom. Include everyone in all activities.

3. Ask for permission to leave. I am responsible for you all period.

4. Eat and have drinks elsewhere.

5. Be in the classroom and prepared to begin lessons when the bell rings.

6. Do all assigned classwork and homework. It is the key to achieving a passing grade.

7. NO Electronics.

Grading Procedures/Attendance Policy:

Grades are bases on a standard scale.

100 - 90 = A

89 – 80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

<59 = F

abs, mis, inc = 0 (You were either absent, failed to turn in an assignment, or failed to complete the assignment.)

Grades are also weighted.

Classwork – 5%

Labs – 35%

Exams – 40%

Final Exam – 20%

It is critical to your success in this class to limit your absences. The vast majority of students who fail, will fail simply because they don’t show up to school. In the event that you are absent, you must make up the work that you are missing, regardless of the reason for your absence. All classwork and labs are due BEFORE the section exam. Late work will not be accepted.

TAG, IEP, 504 and other learning accommodations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the teacher for additional information.

Homework Requirements

Homework will be assigned periodically as needed. This class endeavors to use best teaching and learning practices to help students succeed. Homework is a very important part of learning. It is the expectation of this course that all students will do all of their homework.

Class Resources are posted at