Blood and Blood Spatter

Lessons will be presented using lectures, videos and labs. When lectures are scheduled, I would recommend that you download and print out the lectures notes before each class and use them to follow along. The lecture notes are also helpful to use to review for tests. I will not print lecture notes for you unless required by an IEP.

Be aware: Printing out lectures notes does not mean that you can skip class or sleep through lectures! In fact, the notes that I provide you are meant to help you to maximize learning in the classroom. A successful student should print out the notes and practice active listening skills as I discuss each slide. Ask questions! Jot down additional information. Review your notes each day.

Labs are not available on-line. You must be present in order to complete the lab exercises.

Blood Typing Worksheets and Labs

Blood Typing Game

Blood Typing Worksheet

Presumptive Test for Blood Lab

Blood Typing Lab

Blood Spatter Worksheets and Labs

Blood Spatter On-line Simulation Lab

Links for On-line Simulation Lab





Effect of Height on Blood Spatter Lab

Effect of Angle on Blood Spatter Lab

Blood Spatter Lab