

Newbury Park High School

2007 – Present  Newbury Park, CA

Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor 

·  Teach Advanced Placement Computer Science A and Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles.

·  Taught mathematics courses including Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and AP Statistics.

·  Sponsor of the Code Nation and American Computer Science League Clubs.

·  Created and processed application databases for Common Scholarship and National Honor Society Applications.

·  Supported teacher and administrator use of technology and maintained and improved the school website.


New Trier High School

2005 – Present Winnetka, IL 

Department Chair for Technology Research and Curriculum Development

Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher 

·  Assessed the use of technology to support instruction and the curriculum.

·  Researched best practices and innovations in the use of technology in education.

·  Created and implement a technology plan for the support of instruction and learning.

·  Taught mathematics courses including Pre-Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, and Linear Algebra.

·  Taught computer science courses including Advance Placement Computer Science AB.

·  Supervised the technology staff development program.

·  Oversaw all computer labs and supervised related support staff.

·  Coached the girls’ junior varsity tennis team.


Educational Testing Service / College Board

1997 – Present Princeton Township, NJ 

   Consultant for AP Computer Science

·  Member of the AP Computer Science Principles Standard Setting Committee (2017)

·  AP Computer Science Principles Development Committee Co-chair (2013 to 2018).

·  Lead Writer for the K–12 Computer Science Framework (2015-2016)

·  Computer Science Principles Pilot Instructor (2011 to 2016).

·  Member of the Computer Science Principles Commission (2009 to 20011).

·  Question Leader for the AP Computer Science exam reading (2004 and 2005).

·  Member of the AP Computer Science Test Development Committee (2000 to 2004).

·  Member of the AP Computer Science Ad-hoc Committee (1999).

·  Exam reader for AP Computer Science (1999 to present).


Hinsdale Central High School

1994 – 2005 Hinsdale, IL

Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor 

·  Taught mathematics courses ranging from Geometry General to AP Calculus AB.

·  Taught computer science courses ranging from Introduction to Web Programming to AP Computer Science AB.

·  Presented training sessions for staff members on the use of the Internet in educational environments.

·  Developed and installed home pages on the World Wide Web server for High School District 86.

·  Wrote grant proposals for software and technology acquisition and program development.

·  Served as the co-sponsor of the computer club and an assistant coach of the boys’ varsity tennis team.

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)

1990 – 1994 Aurora, IL

Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor

·  Taught mathematics courses ranging from Mathematical Investigations (Pre-Calculus) to BC Calculus III.

·  Taught computer science courses ranging from Introduction to Pascal to Computer Seminar using C++.

·  Supervised independent study projects including research in the fields of neural networks, genetic algorithms, and communications over the Internet.

·  Created curriculum materials for various courses including Mathematical Investigations III, AP Calculus BC, Introduction to Pascal, Mathematica, and Computer Seminar.

·  Member of various committees including the Student Review, Student Selection, and Scholarship committees.

·  Coached the IMSA American Computer Science League team at four national all-star competitions.

·  Co-sponsored student training and support retreats such as Natural Helpers and Operation Snowball.

·  Collaborated with IMSA faculty and administrators and the Duke Ellington School for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. to develop interdisciplinary programs for both schools.


Alan  B. Shepard High School

1980 – 1990 Palos Heights, IL

   Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor 

·  Taught and developed curriculum for multiple mathematics and computer science courses.

·  Served as the school's gifted education coordinator.

·  Helped organize and run several Operation Snowball substance abuse prevention retreats.

·  Coached the chess, football, baseball, golf, and math teams.

·  Videotaped home and away football and basketball games.


Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)

·  Serve as a member of the Editorial Board (2022 to present).

·  Wrote and presented several papers and workshops on computer science in secondary education.


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

·  Served as a member of the Teachers Advisory Panel (2002).

·  Served as Chairman of the NCTM Annual Conference Technology Committee (2000 and 2006).

·  Co-edited the Technology Reviews section of the publication The Mathematics Teacher (1999).

·  Wrote and presented several papers on mathematics and technology in secondary education.


Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)

·  Served as Chairman of the Gifted Education Speaker Committee (1995 and 1996).

·  Served as Technology Coordinator (1997 and 1998).

·  Wrote and presented several papers on mathematics and technology in secondary education.


Adjunct Faculty and Other Experience

·  Wrote and presented talks and workshops at various math conferences including the AP National Conference, MathTech, Illinois AP Institutes, Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, Metropolitan Mathematics Club, Illinois Wesleyan University, Wisconsin Mathematics Council, and Eastern Illinois University (1981 to present).

·  Taught various introductory level computer science courses using C++ and Java at Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois College, Western Illinois University, and Aurora University (1995 to 2006).

·  Worked as a C++ programmer at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (summers, 1989 to 1992).

·  Served as a writer at the Illinois State Board of Education Mathematics Item Production Workshop (1987).

·  Taught Probability and Statistics at Moraine Valley Community College (1987).

·  Taught Linear Algebra, Pre-Calculus II, and Introduction to Data Processing with Pascal at Chicago State University (1986 and 1987).


Chicago State University

 1981 – 1984 Chicago, IL 

   Master of Science, Mathematics 

·  Outstanding Math Student award winner.

·  National Science Foundation scholar.

·  Master's Thesis: "Shannon's Theorem on Coding Theory with respect to the Binary Symmetric Channel.”


University of Illinois

1978 – 1980 Urbana-Champaign, IL 

   Bachelor of Science, Teaching of Mathematics 

·  Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society inductee.

·  Member of the baseball team.

·  Math tutor for the athletic department.

Additional Graduate Coursework 

More than thirty hours of graduate coursework in mathematics and computer science at Northern Illinois University, Aurora University, Governors State University, Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, and National-Louis University.


Honors and Awards

·  State Finalist for the National Science Foundation Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2023, California).

·  2017 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Educator Award Honorable Mention.

·  Distinguished alumnus honored at the Kankakee Community College Century Club meeting (2003).

·  Illinois High School Tennis Coaches Association Assistant Coach of the Year (2002).

·  Delegate to the National Education Association Representative Assembly in Los Angeles (2001).

·  State Finalist for the National Science Foundation Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2000, Illinois).

·  Tandy Technology Scholar for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Teaching (1996).

·  Wolfram Research High School Grant recipient (1995).

·  Nominee for and participant at the Illinois State University Discrete Mathematics Honors Workshop (1985).



Baker Franke, and Kick, Richard. “Chapter 4: Data Structures.” Computer Science in K-12: An A-To-Z Handbook on Teaching Programming, edited by Shuchi Grover, Edfinity, 2020.

Gray, J., Haynie K., Trees, F., Astrachan O., Uche C., Cooney S., Kick, R., Infusing Cooperative Learning into AP Computer Science Principles Courses to Promote Engagement and Diversity, SIGCSE '19: Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education February 2019 Pages 1190–1196

Diaz, L., Trees, F., Reed, D., Kick, R., Kuemmel, A., Social Justice and Equity in CS Education: Inaugural Launch of AP Computer Science Principles, SIGCSE '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education March 2017 Pages 653–654

Kick, Richard, et al. “K-12 Computer Science Framework.” K-12 Computer Science Framework | ASTRA, Nov. 2016,

Diaz, L., Kick, R., Kuemmel,, A., SIGCSE '16: Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education February 2016 Pages 720

Kick, Richard. “AP Computer Science Principles Course Pacing and Planning Guide.” APCentral, College Board, 2015,

Astrachan, O., Diaz, L., Briggs, A., Trees, F., Kick, R., Computer Science Principles: Expanding the Community, SIGCSE '15: Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education February 2015 Pages 697

Kick, Richard. Computer science principles at Newbury Park High School, ACM Inroads, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, pp 75–77

Kick, Richard. “TEDxConejo Presentation: Computer Science Education.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Apr. 2010,

Kick, R. (2005).  Can you keep a secret? Cryptography and inverse functions.  Points and Angles, Vol. XL(2),  p.3.

AP Computer Science Development Committee (2000 to 2004).  AP computer science A and AB exams and course descriptions.  CollegeBoard AP.

Bergin, J., Hromcik, J., Kick, R., and Larson, K. (2002). The object is objects.  SIGGCSE Bulletin, ACM 2002, p.251.

Kick, R. (2000). Error correcting codes.  Illinois Mathematics Teacher

Brunsting, J. and Kick, R. (1997).  PBL and mathematics? Yes, you can!. The Problem Log, 2(3), pp.4-5.

Gabella, W., Rosenzweig, J., Kick, R., and Peggs, S. (1993). RF voltage modulation at discrete frequencies, for application to proton extraction using crystal channeling. Particle Accelerator, Vol. 1, pp. 233-235.

Hamberg, R. and Kick, R. (1993). Using technology to represent mathematical identities. IMSA Math Journal, Vol. 2, pp.19-23.

Kick, R. (1993). Mathematical explorations with a pendulum.  IMSA Math Journal, Vol. 2, pp.24-27.

Gabella, W., Rosenzweig, J., Kick, R., and Peggs, S. (1992). Discrete modulations of the RF as a tool for controlling proton diffusion. The Fermilab Meeting, DPF 92, Vol. 2, pp. 1610-1614.

Gabella, W., Rosenzweig, J., Kick, R., and Peggs, S. (1992). RF voltage modulation at discrete frequencies with applications to crystal channeling extraction. Particle Accelerator, Vol. 42, pp 235-257.

Michelotti, L. and Kick, R. (1990). CANVAS: C++ objects for easy graphics on an Evans & Sutherland PS390 Terminal, SPIRES, pp.1-20.



·  Host school of the 2017 American Computer Science League International All-Star Competition.

·  2017 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Educator Award Honorable Mention.

·  Multi-year participant and fund raiser for the March of Dimes Walk for Maddie in Los Angeles, CA.

·  Basketball player for the Chicago Bears vs Alan B. Shepard High School Faculty charity basketball  1988

·  Tennis player on the Southern California USTA 4.5 Seekers team.

·  Volunteered for Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (Naperville, IL) and DuPage County Habitat for Humanity.

·  Trumpet player with the Waubonsee Community College Jazz Band, performing at the 1996 Atlanta IAJE Conference, the 1997 Western Illinois University Jazz Festival, the 1998 University of Florida Jazz Festival, and the 1998 Walt Disney World Music Celebration.  Guest soloist with the Hinsdale Central Jazz Band.

·  Tennis player on the 1994 Illinois State Champion Naperville Tennis Club traveling team (USTA 4.5).

·  Volunteer for Acing Autism, a group of local students that provide positive experiences on the tennis courts
    for students with autism.