

image = new SimpleImage("abby.jpg");

maxNumberOfVertices = 20;

numberOfVertices = 3;

maxIterations = 100000; // number of points plotted

dim = getMinDimension(); // dim is minimum of image height, width

magnification = 0.9; // fraction of dim / 2 used for plot

plotRatio = 0.5; // fraction of distance from curr. pt. to vertex

xUnit = magnification * (dim / 2);

yUnit = xUnit; // number of pixels for 1 unit of distance

color = new Array(maxNumberOfVertices); // color for each vertex

for (rep = 0; rep < maxNumberOfVertices; rep++){

color[rep] = new Array(3);


color[0] = [255, 0, 0]; // each color is an array of 3 integers

color[1] = [0, 255, 0]; // in [0, 255] for red, green, and blue

color[2] = [0, 0, 255];

color[3] = [255, 111, 255];

color[4] = [138, 111, 226];

color[5] = [100, 55, 180];

color[6] = [0, 155, 255];

color[7] = [0, 255, 255];

color[8] = [155, 155, 155];

color[9] = [255, 155, 255];

color[10] = [200, 055, 155];

color[11] = [55, 55, 255];

color[12] = [55, 255, 155];

color[13] = [0, 0, 55];

color[14] = [0, 0, 55];

color[15] = [0, 0, 255];

color[16] = [0, 255, 0];

color[17] = [255, 0, 155];

color[18] = [55, 155, 155];

color[19] = [55, 55, 255];

function setVerticies() {

vertex = new Array(numberOfVertices); // array for vertex coords

for (rep = 0; rep < numberOfVertices; rep++){

vertex[rep] = new Array(2); // array of 2 coordinates per vertex


vertex[0][0] = 0.0; // x = x'cosT - y'sinT

vertex[0][1] = 1.0; // y = x'sinT + y'cosT

angle = 2.0 * Math.PI / numberOfVertices;

theta = angle; // rotate vertex[0] theta to obtain other vertices

for (rep = 1; rep < numberOfVertices; rep++){

vertex[rep][0] = vertex[0][0] * Math.cos(theta) - vertex[0][1] * Math.sin(theta);

vertex[rep][1] = vertex[0][0] * Math.sin(theta) + vertex[0][1] * Math.cos(theta);

theta += angle;


currVx = vertex[0][0]; // inital point for start of game

currVy = vertex[0][1];

nextVx = currVx;

nextVy = currVy;


function getMinDimension()


if (image.height < image.width) // use min of height and width

return image.height; // for image dimension in order

return image.width; // to fit within the given image


function convertImageToWhite()


for (pixel: image) { // set RGB value to 255 for all pixels






function getNextCoordinate(next, vert, plotRatio)

{ // add to the current coordinate the plotRatio

// of the distance to the chosen vertex

return next + (vert - next) * plotRatio;


function drawPixel(pix, col)

{ /* create math fucntions for calculating color based on col

red = Math.floor( 3.5 * pix.getX() * (1+col) % 256 );

green = Math.floor( 6.5 * pix.getX() * (1+col) % 256 );

blue = Math.floor( 8.5 * pix.getX() * (1+col) % 256 );






pix.setGreen(color[col][1]); // use preset color values



function convertCoordToXPixel( coord )

{ // convert coord to pixel value for creative displays

// return image.width / 2 + 1.5*Math.sqrt(coord*coord)*xUnit*coord;

return image.width / 2 + xUnit * coord; // traditional


function convertCoordToYPixel( coord )

{ // convert coord to pixel value for creative displays

// return image.height / 2 - 1.1*Math.sin(1.2*Math.PI*coord) * yUnit * coord;

return image.height / 2 - yUnit * coord; // traditional




for (rep = 0; rep < maxIterations; rep++) {

vert = Math.floor( Math.random() * numberOfVertices );

currVx = getNextCoordinate(currVx, vertex[vert][0], plotRatio);

currVy = getNextCoordinate(currVy, vertex[vert][1], plotRatio);

pixelX = Math.floor( convertCoordToXPixel(currVx) );

pixelY = Math.floor( convertCoordToYPixel(currVy) );

if (pixelX >= 0 && pixelX < image.width && pixelY >= 0 && pixelY < image.height )


pixel = image.getPixel(pixelX, pixelY );

drawPixel(pixel, vert);



