Nozomu Muto 


Department of Economics,

Hitotsubashi University,

2-1 Naka, Kunitachi,

Tokyo 186-8601, Japan. 

Email: nozomu.muto (at) gmail (dot) com


Curriculum Vitae (May 2024)


(with Saptarshi Mukherjee and Arunava Sen),  Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 216, 105783.

(with Yasuhiro Shirata and Takuro Yamashita), Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 1284-1320

(with Saptarshi Mukherjee, Eve Ramaekers, and Arunava Sen), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 180, pp 229-243.

(with Shin Sato), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 106, pp 1-15.

(with Saptarshi Mukherjee and Eve Ramaekers), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 104, pp 613-631.

(with Yasuhiro Shirata), Mathematical Social Sciences, Volume 87, pp 75-84.

(with Shin Sato), Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 65, pp 1-15.

(with Shin Sato), Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 47, Issue 2, pp 277-294.

(with Dinko Dimitrov and Saptarshi Mukherjee), Theory and Decision, Volume 81, Issue 1, pp 17-31.

Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 83, pp 45-52.

(with Stefano Galavotti and Daisuke Oyama), Economic Theory , Volume 48, No. 1, pp 87-123.

Working Papers

  (Other versions: version with additional materials in the main text and earlier version in June 2011)
