Comments (mostly by recent students)


I was a student in your Patterns of Action class, I'd just like to say thank you for such a wonderful course.  I feel that (...) I've come away from the course with a different view point of Psychology and a new way of thinking and questioning the things I read. Once again thank you.


I just wanted to say a big thank you, not only for your amazing help prior to the Understanding Patterns of Action exam, but for giving great lectures throughout the module. For the first time during this degree I really enjoyed what I was learning and wanted to understand more, rather than just learning everything parrot fashion and repeating it simply to pass. I am pleased with my grade, and I really felt I gained something from taking this module that will stay with me forever. Once again, thank you so very much.


I have really enjoyed the lecture module [  ], it's been refreshing to be able to delve into a topic and feel like you really know about something, rather than just scratch the surface.


Just a quick message to say a big thank you for giving us Understanding Patterns of Action. It provided a window on psychology best described as 'refreshing'. Never before have i found myself photocopying books from the reading list purely out of interest, sometimes even knowing that i wouldn't be using the material in the exam. Weird? Possibly. Inspired? 100%. Thanks again,


Thank you so much for your help and support ! I enjoyed giving the exam.. specially the answer on common sense..


... a big thank you for the support with my dissertation and for the prize, I was so pleased that in my final year I was able to write about an area of Psychology that I have a personal genuine interest in and really enjoyed researching. It's nice to have a module which is so flexible, and I really valued your inspiring discussions and suggestions.


Hello! I just want to say that I really enjoyed the Patterns of Action module; it's a module that has revolutionized the way I think about Psychology. It has been my most exciting and intellectually stimulating semester here in Nottingham, both taking your module and working with you on my final year project. Thank you very much.


I just wanted to email you to let you know how much I am enjoying the module. I find the material challenging but extremely interesting and your lecture style is much better than some of the other modules I attend. It's great to listen to some one with such knowledge on the subject areas.


I just wanted to say really... How much I have enjoyed this module. I really have.... [ ] I just plainly in case you didn't hear it enough want to tell you, you really have a lovely way of teaching, even [my friend], who came in on emotion lecture said you were great. You really go the extra mile and explain and have real time for your students. And really want to teach. And your humorous touches are great too. That's all really just thank you... I like subjects and areas that make u wonder that little bit more... What do we really know??? Thank you.


These are the first real lectures I have been to since I came to Nottingham. Usually people just run through their hand-outs.


I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed 'Patterns of Action' last year, I learned very valuable insights. Your teaching is one of the things I most miss from my time at Nottingham. [...] Thank you.


Thank you for your immense help on POA.


Just wanted to say giving a refreshing slant to psychology. Really liked the first sem module and actually didnt mind reading tons of papers. In my three years here I've found there are too few lecturers who are willing to give much of their time outside lectures to students; and who have really inspired me to learn (as corny as that sounds). So anyways [   ] I just wanted to say thank you for putting some life back into Psyc for me. Your teaching got me my first 1st in 3 years.


I just came to thank you for Patterns of Action. It is totally awesome.


[Question from a parent on open day]  "What is the module that all the students are raving about, called 'Patterns of Action'?".


You have been an amazing lecturer and a real inspiration! I have learned so much in the past year doing your module, and it was by far my favourite learning experience as an undergrad! [Thank you card from finalist]


First of all, I have enjoyed your module so much and feel like I'm gaining a new perspective on things from what I learn in the lectures.


I just also wanted to take the opportunity to say thankyou for this module, it has been my favourite by a mile and its fantastic to study something that really opens your mind and is so different from the other psychology modules, but at the same time often fits in with them too. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and also enjoy doing the extra reading.


I'm changing one of my modules this term to the Patterns of Action dissertation, as I enjoyed the [lecture] module so much


. . . thanks for the link too, your website is amazing.


I really love this module. It's like proper lectures.


When you finished the lecture, I wanted to start clapping. Now I know why everything I learned for the last two years is bull****.


I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your teaching of the patterns of action module. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am actually quite sad its come to an end. your passion for the subject was clear and it opened my eyes to aspects of psychology I hadn't thought about previously


Just wanted to say thanks for all the help you're giving us. It's actually nice to see a lecturer care about the students for once


As a teacher in Patterns of Action you showed such passion and care for our learning as students, that it really helped to make my final year more meaningful and inspired me consider a career related to psychology. So thank you.


[Card from departing finalist] Thank you so much for all your help and support this year, it has been greatly appreciated. Your module was excellent and allowed me to truly express myself and enjoy what I was doing. It was for modules like yours that I came to Uni and what I learnt from you has changed my perspective on so many levels, which is something I will keep for life. And you're such an interesting and caring person. I've enjoyed all our meetings, you've been thought-provoking and inspirational. I promise to stay in touch! You're amazing!


[A true story . . . ] One year a student told me in conversation part-way through the term that she found the 'Understanding Patterns of Action' module quite hard. "You seem to want us to think", she said rather dolefully. I confirmed that that was the case. "Oh" she said, in rather a glum voice, "The other lecturers don't expect us to do that."


Understanding Patterns of Action is the best course here. It helped me to be creative. All the others were just so flat.


As a student, no other module influenced my approach to psychology as much as Patterns of Action. I used ideas and skills that I originally picked up in Patterns of Action in all of my other modules including my project.


The subject not only provides a completely unique take on the study of human behaviour and mental processes but it also allows you to learn and perfect the use of two of the most powerful weapons any young professional has in his/her arsenal. Logical and innovative thinking.


[From a former PoA student who is now marketing director of an industrial chemicals company] The fundamental ideas behind the module can be applied to virtually any field, including marketing, management and strategic business development. As a professional, I find myself looking at every company, transaction or negotiation as a "system". The advantages of having this point of view (and many others alternative points of view like it) as an employee in a multinational company are countless. All of these were part of the outcome of having taken the Patterns of Action module and Patterns of Action Dissertation module.


I'd also like to thank you for everything this year, you have been an inspiration both as a lecturer and a tutor.


I'd just like to say how much I have enjoyed the module this term. I have found it extremely challenging it has to be said and thus intellectually stimulating in the extreme


Thank you that's been a massive help!


I can also say that the Patterns of Action lectures and dissertation were certainly the best module choices I made in third year. I have enjoyed all of my degree but from the start I felt as if psychology at BSc level was a very different subject from what I had experienced at A-level, and from what I was expecting. Taking the Patterns of Action lecture module, and being given the freedom to write my dissertation, both made clear why that might be, and gave a taste of the subject I first became so interested in. So- thank you!


Thank you for being a great lecturer


Have been so glad to have done patterns of action especially as one of the last to get to do the module. Will always appreciate having a wider perspective on psychology from other disciplines. Also thank you so much for your encouragement and time to talk through future options, it's helped me fully realise my enjoyment of the subject and how much I really want to carry on.


Once again thank you for your help over the past two years, both work-related and personally. I honestly don't think I would have done as well as I did without your help. I really enjoyed working with you and I'm glad I chose 'Patterns of Action' as you have made me think about things differently and in new ways. Thank you as well for being enthusiastic and passionate as you are about Psychology - hopefully some of that's rubbed off on me!


Thank you so much for all your help this year, especially in the 'Patterns of Action' dissertation. I think all the good marks in your modules are due to the immense time effort and support you offer to all the students you work with - not something I could say about all lecturers! I have really enjoyed the dissertation and it may become a good talking point for future interviews . . .  possibly! Thanks for everything and I wish you (even more) success at Nottingham.


It's just been this [UPA] and you that has been the side of my degree that I have really got something out of.


I am, of course, thinking a lot about what to do with my life now and I find myself at a bit of a dilemma [  ] A large part of me has really enjoyed the academic side of my life in the last three years, but little in Psychology that I have done has really inspired me, with the one notable exception being the topic I covered in my Patterns of Action Dissertation, which is something I would love to have read further into.


You are one of my favourite Profs. I really like coming to your lectures, because you are so enthusiastic, and you get us to think outside the box.


Thanks again for all the work you put into your modules, and taking the time to help me think about what it means to do a phd, i really consider it a very unique and fundamental part of my degree at Nottingham.


The beauty of your module is that it challenges our perceptions of what I thought i knew about psychology.


May I start by saying thanks for a great term of 3rd year UPA...although I was completely and utterly baffled and confused for the majority of the lectures, I liked your teaching style, enthusiasm & humour.


Thank you for all the thought-provoking talks and the wisdom that you imparted in those enjoyable (and, abstract) lectures


Thank you once again for being such a great supervisor and for helping me choose a project I was really interested in, it helped my third year immensely.


I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support, you are a brilliant project tutor!


Firstly, a massive thank you to my supervisor Professor David Clarke whose patience, time, sound advice and general genius made this project a much less petrifying experience than it could have been. [From 'acknowledgements' in project report.]


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor David Clarke for his guidance and advice throughout the course of this project, and for making it such an enjoyable and rewarding experience from the beginning to the completion of it. [From 'acknowledgements' in project report.]


Now that the year has almost drawn to a close, I'm really happy with the way things turned out, and I'm really thankful for having done my project with you, you've taught me a lot!


Looking back on the past nine months, I know that my final year would have been very different without you as my supervisor. You have opened up for me many new ways of thinking and researching in psychology. Most importantly though, you have been a mentor as well as a friend to me. Thank you for your warmth, kind-heartedness, and willingness to teach and help in every way for your students. I am indeed very fortunate this year to be your project student! [From a thank-you card on graduation day]


...I also wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me throughout the year, you were really very supportive and I'm sure I wouldn't have done as well as I did without it!


I have really, really enjoyed doing this project. I get so excited about it when I tell all my friends.


I'd like to thank you now for being a great supervisor. You have been encouraging and supportive throughout the year, I really appreciate it.


I am obviously ecstatic with my results. I just want to say a huge thank you for helping me out with my project as I really enjoyed doing it.


I wanted to thank you for all your help and support with my project, I was thrilled with the mark and am extremely grateful for all of your input and guidance.


Just to say a huge thank you for your support and enthusiasm throughout my project and for making this year so rewarding and enjoyable - your guidance has been invaluable! [Thank you card from finalist]


Just wanted to say thank-you, you've supported me through a rough time. I really appreciate all the help you gave me. You really helped me to enjoy this year, and I really enjoyed working on my project with you. Thanks for dealing with all of my worry! Thank-you again . . .


Just a card to say thank you for all the support you have given me throughout the year for both my 3rd year project and the Patterns of Action dissertation. You have always given me your time when I needed help and I have thoroughly enjoyed working under your supervision during the year - so thank-you!


Just wanted to thank you for your advice and support during the last term. Felt like a priviledge to be under your supervision. [   ] Thanks for everything.


[From third year project, acknowledgements]  I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to Professor David Clarke, who never failed to make the time to guide and encourage me throughout every step of the project. His outlook on Psychology as a discipline has been a great inspiration for my work and is something I will take forward with me in my future studies and career.


Thank you so much for everything this year, especially for dealing with my emotional outbursts. I need to learn to control myself, so silly!


I just wanted to say thank you for being so supportive, especially over the last few months, I know it wasn't in any of our plans for it to be submitted so near the final deadline, but you have been very patient with me!


Thanks again for your help and encouragement recently, had a mini break-through last night when I realised I'd never considered doing anything else but psychology since I discovered it, and that the only way I'll really do that in the way I want is further study.


Thank you for being a champion! I really appreciate all this. Again many thanks for all your help.


I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of your help throughout this whole process. I really appreciate it and I couldn't have done it without you're help.


Just a small note of thanks for all your assistance and encouragement throughout this year - not only in my project, but through UPA and during Masters applications. It has been a privilege to work with you. I hope systems and sequence analysis continue to flourish & I promise to spread the word.


Throughout the research project, Jan was able to place me in contact with some invaluable professors: Prof. David Clarke and Dr David Keatley, who have taken time out of their already busy schedules to aid and direct my project. Their knowledge and expertise in the area of behavioural sequence analysis and forensic psychology have been immensely advantageous, of which I benefitted greatly from. The tools they have provided me with ensured a successful completion of the project. Their commitment to this project (out of their own choice), and support that has been given is inspirational. I could not be more grateful for the ongoing support, encouragement and provision that these two men have given to me. These are all traits I hope to carry in my future studies, and career, as the difference they have made to not only my project, but my outlook on life is extraordinarily rare and special. Thank you.


...thanks so much for helping make this year thoroughly enjoyable.


I need to say a big big thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed my final year at Nottingham and i think that was partly down to you. You were extremely supportive and encouraging throughout the year.


Once again, thank you so much for all your help, especially in my final year! You are an absolute inspiration!


Thank you for [ ] your help and encouragement in my final year!


Just wanted to say a MASSSIVE thank-you again for all your help over the years - this last year especially!  It's meant a lot, and maintained my sanity many a time when confronted with [certain aspects of the course] and all other woes.


Dear Prof Clarke (aka Santa!) - Thanks for everything over the last 2 years! You have been an amazing personal tutor. [Thank-you card from finalist.]


Many thanks for your openness, attention and care. It has been a wonderful experience knowing you and knowing that such a warm and welcoming tutor exists.


Just a note to say thank you for all your support during the exam period. Thanks for all the inspiring chats and helping me to cope with the stress and anxiety and worries . . .  Thanks for being such a great tutor and of course, a good listener. Will miss you after graduation for sure. [ ] Take care and stay in touch.


 i am truly touched by your concern, but i think for now, i am full steam ahead - just get through these exams!!! i just want to do well!! [ ] thank you David, as always a wise soul you are [ ] sorry just i guess i trust you a little more than anyone else to speak to  [ ] anyway THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT, utterly grateful


 Thanks so much Professor Clarke! Thanks for the inspiring quote as well. I am so glad to have you as my tutor! I enjoyed our little chat so much yesterday =) And of course, thank you for your essay advice and all the listening.


 Many thanks once again for being a brilliant personal tutor and friend these past two years. I would very much like to keep in touch.


 I would like to congratulate you on obtaining the position of Head of School. I believe it was you who gave a talk at an Open Day I attended before applying to University, you sold the school to me and I have not been disappointed in my nearly three years here.


Everybody thinks you have really turned the psychology department around - it is not just me, thank you for everything you have done.


Thank you ever so much for all that you have done for me over the past three years as my tutor and supervisor. I am very grateful for all your help, support and advice. Thank you again. Take care. Best wishes. [Thank you card from finalist]


The students all love you so much. You are a legend. I can't imagine what will happen to the School of Psychology when you go.


I wanted to say a huge thank you for being a great Head of School and thank your family for supporting you too.


Thanks for running the School so brilliantly and for having a sense of humour about it . . .  there's too many stuffy academics around as it is!


Thank you very much for your kindness and support. [  ] I am feeling more positive and I will contact you if I have any trouble.


Thank you for all the support! Love, Psych-Soc, x.


Thank you very much for all your advice and support over the last three years, and particularly during the last couple of months! You have been absolutely wonderful! I feel very fortunate [  ] and I really appreciate your efforts in making the process less daunting for me.


. . . just to let you know how grateful I am for everything you did whilst I was at Nottingham University. [   ] I can't tell you or begin to think how different my time would have been there if it wasn't for you guidance as a tutor [   ] because of your patience, good humour, kindness and care for people I really felt I learnt not only about psychology, but more about myself and a little more about my potential, so thank you so much!


You have been so supportive - I am very lucky!


[Following farewell e-mail to finalists] Your email just made me cry. Although I never worked with you, I'd like to thank you anyway... I'm so glad I chose to study Psychology at Nottingham.


Thank you for the lovely message you sent out today and for everything you've done over the past three years. For me in particular you have been a great help when I have had troubles with the course and the most supportive member of the department that I have encountered.


[Card from departing finalist.] I would like to take this time to say thank you very much. You have helped me to enjoy Psychology and to think outside of the box. You have inspired me to read more and to understand more. Your wisdom has amazed and inspired me to dig deeper into Psychology and explore areas I would have never explored before. Thanks for all the help and support.


I have got so much out of our tutorials. We have had absolutely fantastic discussions that have motivated me all the more towards my course for next year.


[Student comment on hearing that I might become Head of School again] I wish you would, then people would start to love Psychology again.


Bless, speaking to other students ridiculous how much more involved you are than the others. Very glad I have you as my tutor.


I just wanted to thank you for your lovely gestures in the tutorial today, it was a really nice end to the semester and I found it very interesting. Thank you for your continued support


Thank you so much this is exactly the information I needed to put my mind at rest


Thank you so much, it's very thoughtful of you! [  ] Thank you for your help and kindness


 You have really cheered me up! You have been such a great support, thank you so much!


I would just like to thank you for being a wonderful personal tutor and for helping me to adapt to University life and settle in during my first year of University. The level of support and guidance that you have provided has been amazing, enabling me to approach my first year positively and with a lot more confidence.


Thank you so much for being such a great tutor and lecturer - you are always available to help. I really appreciate it I'm sure along with the rest of your students. I also want to thank you for all your extra help with references etc.


[After a talk I gave to another research group, one of the one of the researchers said she had read some papers beforehand and was dying to know more.]  It was like listening to a song that ends too soon.


[From the acknowledgements section of a PhD thesis] David’s lectures in my undergraduate module Patterns of Action ignited my interest in studying human behaviour using different approaches. He has continued, and will always continue, to be an incredible inspiration to me as a researcher, and as a person. His passion for science and psychology, not to mention his warm nature (which first struck me during his university open day talk in 2011) has bought me great comfort and confidence over the years. I hope his mind will continue to inspire many students and people to come.


I feel like we all got a taste of Cambridge at Nottingham. I imagine one of the reasons you love Cambridge is the academic excellence. [   ] Well, I had that experience at Nottingham - because of you. I know of many of the academics at Cambridge. I've spoken to a few. I have yet to find anyone close to your level. So to me, Nottingham / you offered everything that Cambridge could have. In fact more.


You are 'the Fairy Godmother' of all new students.


I wanted to send my sincere thanks and gratitude for your time, support and enthusiasm with my thesis. Your knowledge and wisdom has been so inspiring and helpful for me to move forward successfully with my project. I cannot thank you enough for the confidence you have installed in me.


Thank you for today and your continued support. Whatever happens, I am so grateful! I would not have got the interview without your reference.


You are honestly the greatest! Irrespective of the outcome, I am incredibly grateful.


[From a former PhD student] . . . we all talked about how brilliant David Clarke was as a psychologist, researcher, and a scholar. . . . you were highly admired by your students. You introduced me to a [  ] doctoral student under your supervision. He invited me to his house for dinner to meet his wife. All he talked about that evening was how brilliant you were. He couldn’t stop. You were not only highly respected by us, but truly loved ...


[When I was Head of School, the students had a favourite nickname for me – Dumbledore. Also on occasion, Santa.]


I never had a white man stand up for me like you did on that day in Oxford, David, and it truly forever changed my attitude and who I became in life. I just want to say Thanks. I never forgot.


[From a PhD student who always called me Dumbledore, on the day she passed her viva] I DID IT!  Thank you for being you throughout this journey. 


[From a former PhD student, now a professor at the university] I cannot believe I have been at the University for 30 years!!! Every time I see your name it makes me smile. We don't work together but your presence at UoN has been very reassuring for me over these decades.




[From an old – now very old – ­Oxford DPhil student] In my 80th year now. Long overdue for me to thank you for your inspiring guidance at Oxford.



I was in your last tutor group alongside 4 other girls before you retired from The University of Nottingham. A lot of things have changed since then. And for most of them, I have you to thank for. I believe that my year spent at The University of Nottingham under your tutelage (although, sadly it was only 1 year) was most impactful to me and where I currently am in life. [  ] I often think about you fondly and wonder how you and your family are. I can never condense in a few sentences the gratitude that I feel for those 3 years in Nottingham. You were and still are an outstanding and marvelous professor and tutor. And for me, you were a tremendous support system through what I thought was one of my toughest times. I felt quite lost at university, I suppose, as do most students who leave the nest without their frontal cortex fully developed yet. However, through all the tumultuous periods, I never felt alone, since I felt like I always had you there to offer me a helping hand. [  ] Thank you for everything Dr. Clarke, but most of all, thank you for always believing in me.



[From a former PhD student on the occasion of his promotion to Professor] Your constant support, guidance, advice, chats, and friendship have lead to this and I am forever indebted. [  ] . . . a large thank you to YOU for your continued support, help, mentoring, and collaboration 



Thank you for all your support of our teaching group over the last year. I have really appreciated you finding the time to come along and share your insights. Please, do come in the future if you have time. I hope to see you there. With very best wishes for the future. 


Thank you so much for all the support and advice you've provided over the past few years. Without this I may not have made it past the first week! It has been brilliant to know that there was always someone so kind and friendly to help out and you will really be missed! 


 [Evaluation by a senior colleague] David is interesting because on the surface he is as conventional as it is possible to be, [ ] but his ideas are quite radical. David may just be the most unconventional thinker I have encountered. [ ] David describes his research interests as concerning “Action Analysis” and has methodology as its focus. This work is unique. I cannot name another University that has such a group. There are no journals dedicated to this approach, and the only texts are those that he has written himself. It is entirely possible that at some point in the future Nottingham Psychology will be best known as the place where David Clarke worked. His work might eclipse everything that the rest of us are doing. David does not tackle one specific kind of problem, but he has developed his own method for tackling a variety of problems. The aim is to analyse cause and effect in behaviour, and David is prepared to adapt ideas and methods from any number of disciplines. The method is the key, not the content, and David’s end point is an understanding of the events and actions that contribute to a critical event such as a road accident or a career decision or an act of violence.


 [From Pro-Vice Chancellor at School Plan Review Meeting] I would like to end the meeting with my personal congratulations to David in particular, for turning this School around. There has been a sea change in the time I have been associated with it, and it has gone from troubled times to a very collegial high-performing School, thanks to many people but most especially to David.


[From report to the University Management Group on annual School Plan Review Meeting] Professor Clarke was congratulated on his stewardship of the School through a turbulent time with the outcome of a much happier and more cohesive School. Overall the School's research is stronger and more coherent than a few years ago and probably aiming for the top five or six Schools in the country.


[From a Pro-Vice-Chancellor after my term as Head of School] If, as I gather, you are stepping down as HoS, then may I say how much I've enjoyed working with you,  and I have some idea, at least, of how being Head of Psychology is a more demanding Headship than most! Have a well-deserved break from power, authority and - more like the reality - overwork.


[From a colleague, when I was Head of School] I often return to our conversations in the Autumn term, when the shock of learning about the cancer diagnosis, and the delay in getting through to treatment meant that life looked very bleak. Your sympathetic understanding were part of the support system that helped me to cope and move on. You probably don't fully recognise the impact of your always making time for me when I knocked on your door, and putting aside your own work and giving me your calm, full attention. That has stayed with me - and [  ], my wife - and will continue to do so. Thank you from both of us.


[A Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s remarks at the conclusion of a meeting] ...turning now to this 'Professor Clarke': I know what you have done - turned the School around completely. [  ] All of the MB [University Management Board] is grateful for everything you have done.


[Introductory comments from an incoming Head of School] Thanks to David Clarke, under whose stewardship, the School has grown in many ways. Importantly, the mechanisms for allocating resources such as studentships, pump-priming and internships are fair, openly debated and transparent; the distribution of loads of teaching/admin is carefully balanced; the organisation of space is sensible and is going to improve even further; and perhaps above all, the collegial atmosphere of the School is exemplary. Thank you Dave for your excellent headship and now let’s work together to build upon this solid foundation.


[From an academic colleague] Your success of Head of School was that you defined it in terms that were to do with people as well as tasks and achievements, and took a lot of time, risk and flak to try to balance those goals.


[From the Vice-Chancellor] I visited Psychology yesterday and was hugely impressed with everything the School is doing.  I would like to thank you personally for the part you have played in the School's current and continuing success.  A lot of the progress must be due to your period as Head of School.


[External examiner’s comment at the conclusion of a final exam board] Last year we had difficulty getting to see some very good projects. But this year I was able to get hold of one project which was quite remarkable. I was totally blown away by this project. It was absolutely exceptional -- about police interviewing, and student perceptions of police interviewing.


[From Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor] You have made an enormous contribution to the University, your School and your discipline. It is wonderful to see. We will miss you very much.  On a personal note, thank you for all the support you have shown to me as well over the years. It is very much appreciated.


[From the Vice-Chancellor] For now let me just say thank you for your many years of dedicated service, both to the School and university more generally. We rely very heavily on colleagues with your commitment and loyalty and I do not take it for granted.


In May 2003, while I was Head of School, the Nottingham University School of Psychology was ranked number one in Times Good University Guide, League Table of Psychology Departments in the UK (above Cambridge and then Oxford).


In March 2014, The University of Nottingham Student’s Union selected me as one its ‘100 Heroes of the last 100 years’.


[From a Civil Service colleague introducing Behaviour Sequence Analysis into an increasing range of projects] It’s hard to stop doing sequence analysis – it’s addictive.


[From a Psychology teacher] I just wanted to write and thank you for your list of conversation-starters.  [   ] Your letter is the most enjoyable thing I've read all year.  It really made me smile and remind me of the simple pleasures of psychology that made me want to be a part of it. I'm definitely sharing some of your quotes for my modules this year.


In his closing remarks after my inaugural lecture as a Professor (8th May, 2000), the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Science – a chemistry FRS – thanked me for a 'spectacular inaugural lecture'.