David Clarke: Publications, conference presentations etc

Last updated 13th February, 2024

Please note: Some papers became available online in an earlier year than they appeared in print. For the sake of completeness, both versions are sometimes listed in their respective years.

• 1971

Clarke, D. D. and  Jones, S. (1971)  Foveal and peripheral detail vision. Undergraduate project, Cambridge University, Department of Experimental Psychology.

• 1972

Clarke, D. D.  (1972)  Nephron: a game.  Oxford Medical School Gazette 25(1), 41.

• 1973

Clarke, D. D.  (1973)  Rules and sequences in conversations.  Paper presented in special seminar series on 'Social Rules and Social Behaviour', Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, 14 May.

Clarke, D. D.  (1973)  Structures and sequences in verbal interaction.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section annual conference, Bristol University, 22 September.

• 1975

Clarke, D. D (1975) Paper presented at a one-day workshop 'New Developments in Social Psychological Methods',  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, 29 November.

Clarke, D. D.  (1975)  The structural analysis of verbal interaction.  Doctoral dissertation, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1975)  The use and recognition of sequential structure in dialogue. Brit. J. Soc. Clin. Psychol., 14, 333-339.

• 1976

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1976) The sequential structure of social behaviour. Annual research report to Social Science Research Council. Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Discourse analysis as third order psychology.  Paper presented to Kommunikations wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, des Instituts fur Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik, der UniversitŠt Bonn, 14 October.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Ethogenics and the work of Rom Harré.  Paper presented to Oxford Summer School in Social Psychology, 11 August.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Philosophy of psychology.  Paper presented to Oxford Summer School in Social Psychology, 5 August.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Report of workshop on 'Social Psychology and methodological issues in program evaluation'. Presentation to Oxford Summer School in Social Psychology, 20 August.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Rules and sequences in conversation.  In P. Collett (ed.)   Social rules and social behaviour.  Oxford: Blackwells.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  The linguistic model.  Paper presented to Oxford Summer School in Social Psychology, 11 August.

Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  The structure of sequences of action, using actors' understanding to reveal syntactical knowledge and theories of sociality.  Paper presented to Symposium on Understanding and Interpreting Social Reality, Sussex University School of Social Sciences, 25 March.

Lalljee, M.G. and Clarke, D. D.  (1976)  Facial and contextual information in the judgment of emotion.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

• 1977

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1977)  The sequential structure of social behaviour. Annual research report to Social Science Research Council. Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1977)  The syntax of action.  Paper presented to annual conference of British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section, Grey College, University of Durham, 24 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1977)  The syntax of action.  Paper presented to one-day symposium on 'The structure of action', Wolfson College,  Oxford, 5 December.

• 1978

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1978)  The sequential structure of social behaviour. Annual research report to Social Science Research Council. Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Breaux, J.J. and Clarke, D. D.  (1978)  Penetrating the news.  Department of Psychology, Surrey University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1978)  Conversation sequences. Presentation to symposium on the study of 'Conversation, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour', Cambridge University, April.

Clarke, D. D.  (1978)  Discourse analysis as third order psychology.  In  D. Wegner (Hsg.) Gesprachsanalysen.  Forschungsberichte des IKP Bd. 65 - I.  Hamburg: Buske.

Clarke, D. D.  (1978)  Social psychological methods in educational research.  Paper presented to one-day conference of the Oxford Educational Research Group, Department of Educational Studies, Oxford University, 29 April.

Clarke, D. D.  (1978)  The structuralist analysis of communication: An example of problem-centred methodology.  In M. Brenner, P. Marsh and M. Brenner (eds.) The social contexts of method.  London: Croom Helm.

• 1979

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1979)  The sequential structure of social behaviour. Annual research report to Social Science Research Council. Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  Behaviour sequences and the structure of conversation.  Proceedings of the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology, Summer School, Oxford, 1976.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  Formal and syntactic models of the structure of action.  Paper presented to conference on 'The organization of human action: Theory and empirical findings', European Laboratory of Social Psychology, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 13 January.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  Making sense of ethogeny: a reply to W. Barnett Pearce. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 9(1), 123-124.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  The linguistic analogy: When is a speech act like a morpheme?  In G. Ginsburg (ed.)  Emerging strategies in social psychological research.  London: Wiley.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  The syntax of action.  Oxford Review of Education, 4(3), 239-255.

Clarke, D. D.  (1979)  Workshop on methodology with special reference to programme evaluation: report.  Proceedings of the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology, Summer School, Oxford, 1976.

• 1980

Clarke, D. D.  (1980)  Developments in the syntax of action.  In M. Brenner (ed.)  The structure of action.  Oxford: Blackwells.

• 1981

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1981) Long-term relationships. Annual research report to Economic and Social Research Council.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1981)  Orders of approximation to English dialogue. Language and Communication 1 (2/3), 207-236.

Clarke, D. D.  (1981)  Sensible and nonsensical communication.  In A. McKendry (ed.)  The psychology of playing the goat: Essays to mark the occasion of Michael Argyle's 25th successful graduate student.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford.

Clarke, D. D.  (1981)  Sequences of social behaviour: Analysis and synthesis.  Paper to annual conference of British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section, Oxford, 18 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (ed.) (1981)  Project on sequential structure of social behaviour.  End-of-grant report to the Social Science Research Council.

Clarke, D. D. , Parry-Jones, W.LL., Gay, B.M. and Smith, C. (1981)  Disruptive incidents in secondary school classrooms: A sequence analysis approach. Oxford Review of Education 7(2), 111-117.

Collins, D., Howarth, R. and Clarke, D. D.  (1981)  The relation of language to number computation and reading.  Report to Oxford Area Health Authority.

Graham, J.A., Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Maxwell, G. (1981)  The salience, equivalence and sequential structure of behavioural elements in different social situations.  Semiotica 35(1/2), 1-27.

• 1982

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1982)  Long-term relationships. Annual research report to Economic and Social Research Council.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  Developments in the syntax of action.  In M. Brenner (ed.)  The structure of action.  Oxford: Blackwells.  (Paperback edition.)

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  Feelings, relationships, life-patterns and hierarchies of control.  Annual conference of the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section, Edinburgh, 25 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  The affective basis of meaningful action.  Paper to one-day workshop on 'Meanings and Situated Action', Linacre College, Oxford, 20 November.

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  The future machine: A study of the span of speakers' anticipations in conversation. Language and Communication 2 (1), 49-56.

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  The sequential analysis of action structure.  In  M. von Cranach and R. Harré (eds.)  The analysis of action.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris.

Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  The syntax of action.  Paper to the Haldane (Scientific) Society, Wolfson College, Oxford, 3 May.

Clarke, D. D.  and Argyle, M. (1982)  Conversation sequences.  In C. Fraser and K.R. Scherer (eds.)  Advances in the Social Psychology of Language.  Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, and Cambridge University Press.

Clarke, D. D.  and Curle, D. (1982)  Attitudes to smoking in a student sample.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  Computer allergy: reasons and remedies.  Radcliffe Science Library, Oxford.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  Computer systems for untrained users - the problems and their solution.  Radcliffe Science Library, Oxford.

Ross, J.E., Bron, A.J. and Clarke, D. D.  (1982)  Visual disbility as a function of visual disorder: a brief review.  Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Oxford.

• 1883

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1983)  Long-term relationships. Annual research report to Economic and Social Research Council.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Bron, A.J., Ross, J.E. and Clarke, D. D.  (1983)  Contrast sensitivity and other measures of visual function in chronic simple glaucoma.  International Symposium on Glaucoma, Jerusalem, August.

Bron, A.J., Ross, J.E. and Clarke, D. D.  (1983)  Contrast sensitivity and other measures of visual function in chronic simple glaucoma.  Meeting of the Association for Eye Research, Vienna, August.

Clarke, D. D.  (1983)  "Emotion and personality", "Homeostasis", "Hypothetical constructs and intervening variables" and "Sequential analysis".  In  R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The encyclopedic dictionary of psychology.  Oxford: Blackwell, and Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 186-88, 278, 290-291, 567. Also reprinted (1986) in three shorter volumes dealing with different specialisms.

Clarke, D. D.  (1983)  Language and action: A structural model of behaviour.  International Series in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 7. Oxford: Pergamon.

Clarke, D. D.  and Allen, C.M.B. (1983)  The effects of different types of residential accommodation on individuals' numbers and types of friendships: an exploratory study.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  and Jagodzinski, P.A. (1983)  A catalogue of user needs for a tailored fit. Computing, 24/3/83, 40-41.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1983)  Knowing the users - the new priority in computer system design.  Radcliffe Science Library, Oxford.

Ross, J.E., Clarke, D. D.  and Bron, A.J. (1983)  The measurement of visual disability: a pilot study.  Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Oxford.

Saville, D., Clarke, D. D.  and Collins, S. (1983)  An investigation into the way in which voice disorders affect listeners' judgments of age and personality of speaker.  Department of Applied Linguistics, Reading University.

• 1984

Argyle, M., Clarke, D. D.  and Collett, P.R. (1984)  Long-term relationships. Annual research report to Economic and Social Research Council.  Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University.

Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Are we governed by our emotions?  Paper presented to one-day conference on 'The social psychology of emotions', Oxford, 23 June.

Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Emotion as a regulator of social behaviour.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section annual conference, Oxford, 15 September.

Collins, S. and Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Attention, levels of speech planning and fluency.  Research report to the Stammer Trust of Great Britain.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Attitudes to Innovation: A guide for the systems analyst.  Radcliffe Science Library, Oxford.

Ross, J.E., Bron, A.J. and Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Contrast sensitivity and other measures of visual function in chronic simple glaucoma.  In U. Ticho and R. Davis (eds.)  Recent advances in glaucoma: Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series, Vol. 636.  Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Ross, J.E., Bron, A.J. and Clarke, D. D.  (1984)  Contrast sensitivity and visual disability in chronic simple glaucoma.  British Journal of Ophthalmology, 68(11), 821-827.

• 1985

Clarke, D. D.  (1985)  Cognition and high-level control: One system or two?  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Cognitive Psychology Section annual conference, St. Peter's College, Oxford, 6 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1985)  Meta is better: A theory of theories.  Paper presented in special seminar series on theoretical developments in social psychology, Oxford University, 17 May.

Clarke, D. D.  (1985) Science, sense and psyche: The requirements for a general theory.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section annual conference, Clare College, Cambridge, 17 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (ed.) (1985)  The social psychology of long-term relationships.  End-of-grant report to the Economic and Social Research Council.

Clarke, D. D. , Allen, C.M.B. and Dickson, S. (1985)  The characteristic affective tone of seven classes of interpersonal relationship.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2, 117-120.

Clarke, D. D.  and Hoyle, R. (1985)  Manifolds and mazes: An automata theoretic solution to the P x S debate.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, London Conference, City University, 17 December.

Clarke, D. D.  with Crossland, J. (1985)  Action Systems: An introduction to the analysis of complex behaviour.  London: Methuens.  Hard and paperback editions.

Harré, R., Clarke, D. D.  and De Carlo, N. (1985)  Motives and mechanisms: An introduction to the psychology of action.  London: Methuen. Hard and paperback editions.

Harris, T.M., Collins, S.R.C. and Clarke, D. D.  (1985)  Multidisciplinary Voice Clinics: An appraisal.  Paper presented to symposium on 'Recent advances in voice conservation', Royal Society of London, 26 April.

Hilton, D.J., Jaspars, J.M.F. and Clarke, D. D.  (1985)  Pragmatic conditional reasoning: Context, content and process factors.  Paper to International Pragmatics Conference, Viareggio, Italy, 4 September.

Ross, J.E., Bron, A.J. and Clarke, D. D.  (1985)  Contrast sensitivity in chronic simple glaucoma and ocular hypertension.  Paper to the Glaucoma Meeting, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.

Ross, J.E., Clarke, D. D.  and Bron, A.J. (1985)  Effect of age on contrast sensitivity function: uniocular and binocular findings.  British Journal of Ophthalmology, 69(1), 51-56.

• 1986

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  Developments in the study of high-level action regulation.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section annual conference, University of Sussex, 27 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1986) Global architectures and the motive generator: The last black box?  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Cognitive Psychology Section annual conference, St. Peter's College, Oxford, 13 September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  High-level procedures in the control of action.  Paper presented in the Cognitive Science Seminars series, Oxford University Department of Experimental Psychology, 20 February.

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  The heart of the mind: A speculation on the fundamentals of human psychology.  In L. van Langenhove, J.M. de Waele and R. Harré (eds.) Individual persons and their actions - Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. J.P. de Waele.  Brussels: Free University of Brussels, University Press.

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  "Homeostasis",  and "Sequential analysis".  In  R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The Dictionary of Personality and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 167, 313. Reprinted from R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The encyclopedic dictionary of psychology.  Oxford: Blackwell, and Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (1983).

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  "Homeostasis".  In  R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The Dictionary of Physiological and Clinical Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, p. 116. Reprinted from R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The encyclopedic dictionary of psychology.  Oxford: Blackwell, and Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (1983).

Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  "Homeostasis", "Hypothetical constructs and intervening variables" and "Sequential analysis".  In  R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The Dictionary of Ethology and Animal Learning. Oxford: Blackwell, pp 63, 69-70, 140-141. Reprinted from R. Harré and R. Lamb (eds.) The encyclopedic dictionary of psychology.  Oxford: Blackwell, and Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (1983).

Clarke, D. D. , Allen, C.M.B. and Salinas, M. (1986)  Conjoint time-budgeting: Investigating behavioural accommodation in marriage. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 3, 53-69.

Harris, T.M., Collins, S.R.C. and Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  An interdisciplinary voice clinic.  In M. Fawcus (ed.)  Voice disorders and their management.  London: Croom Helm.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  A review of methods for measuring and describing users' attitudes as an essential constituent of systems analysis and design. The Computer Journal, 29(2), 97-102.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  Criteria and techniques for the objective measurement of users' reactions in the evaluation of man-machine interfaces.  Paper presented to the Fourth Symposium on Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Sciences: 'Empirical Methods of Evaluation of Man-Machine Interfaces', Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., 24 October.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  The evaluation of the user interface as an integral part of computer system implementation. Paper presented to the "Human-Computer Interface '86" conference, University of York, September.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D.  (1986)  Word waves: A simulation study of lexical semantic change.  Paper presented to British Psychological Society, Cognitive Psychology Section annual conference, St. Peter's College, Oxford, 13 September.

• 1987

Burnett, R., McGhee, P. and Clarke, D. D.  (eds.) (1987)  Accounting for relationships: Explanation, representation and knowledge.  London: Methuen.

Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  Doing it by numbers: Guidelines for research.  Paper presented to the Voice Research Society, Voice Conservation Symposium, City University, London, 24 October.

Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  Emotion, decision and the long-term course of relationships.  In R. Burnett, P. McGhee and D. D.  Clarke (eds.)  Accounting for relationships: Explanation, representation and knowledge.  London: Methuen. pp.3-21.

Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  Fundamental problems with fundamental research: A meta-theory for social psychology. Philosophica, 40, 23-61.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  Criteria and techniques for the objective measurement of users' reactions in the evaluation of man-machine interfaces.  In Proceedings of "Empirical Methods of Evaluation of Man-Machine Interfaces": Fourth Symposium on Empirical Foundations of Information and Software Sciences. U.S. Army Institute for Research in Management Information, Communications, and Computer Sciences. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Institute of Technology.

Jagodzinski, P. and Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  User systems analysis: A guide to computer users' conceptual models and attitudes for systems analysis and design.  Tunbridge Wells: Abacus, Information Technology Series. [The book was never released as the publisher went bankrupt during the final stages of production.]

Harris, T.M., Collins, S. and Clarke, D. D.  (eds.) (1987)  Recent advances in voice conservation: Proceedings of symposium at the Royal Society of Medicine, 26 April 1985.  London: Bruel and Kjaer.

Harris, T.M., Collins, S.R.C. and Clarke, D. D.  (1987)  The effectiveness of the Voice Clinic. In T.M. Harris, S.R.C. Collins and D. D.  Clarke (eds.) Recent advances in voice conservation.  London: Bruel and Kjaer, pp.40-51.

• 1988

Clarke, D. D.  (1988)  Configurations for autonomous development in cognitive systems. In R. Lewis (ed.) Research in progress, January 1988.  ESRC Information Technology and Education Programme Occasional Paper: ITE/256/88.  Lancaster: Lancaster University Psychology Department.

Clarke, D. D. (1988) In defence of 'Natural Psychology'. Paper to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, 24th September.

Clarke, D. D.  (1988)  The role of emotion in high-level processes of interaction and control.  End of award report to Economic and Social Research Council.

Clarke, D. D.  and Hoyle, R. (1988)  A theoretical solution to the P x S problem. Personality and Individual Differences, 9(1), 133-138.

Jagodzinski, P.A. and Clarke, D. D.  (1988)  The multidimensional approach to the measurement of human-computer performance.  The Computer Journal, 31(5), 409-419.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D.  (1988)  A dynamic model of semantic change. Journal of Literary Semantics 17(2), 73-90.

• 1989

Clarke, D. D. (1989) Concepts and strategies in basic research. In S. R. C. Collins and T. M. Harris (eds.) Selected papers from the Voice Conservation Symposia 1986 and 1987. London: The Voice Research Society.

Clarke, D. D.  (1989)  Configurations for autonomous development in cognitive systems.  End of award report to Economic and Social Research Council.

Clarke, D. D. (1989) The analysis of sequences of events leading to accidents. Paper presented to joint ESRC / TRRL conference on "Psychology on the Road", Reading University, 20th September.

Clarke, D. D.  and Wright, R. (1989)  Attribution theory in transport research.  End-of-award report to Economic and Social Research Council.

Harré, R., Clarke, D. D.  and de Carlo, N. (1989) Motivos y mecanismos: Introducción a la psicología de la acción. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós. (Spanish edition of 'Motives and Mechanisms', Methuen, 1985.)

• 1990

Clarke, D. D. (1990) Annual report to University of Nottingham Research Committee on the project "Rule-finder software: A new research tool for applied psychology".

Clarke, D. D. (1990) Methods of analysis for in-depth studies of road accidents. Invited presentation to representatives of The Transport and Road Research Laboratory and The Department of Transport, 13th June.

Clarke, D. D. (1990) Review of E. Moss: "Seeing man whole: A new model for psychology", The Book Guild. British Journal of Psychology, 81(3), 400-401.

Clarke, D. D. (1990) Seven-column forecasting: A technique for short-range behavioural prediction. Paper to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 14th September.

Clarke, D. D., Forsyth, R. and Wright, R. (1990) The analysis of police road accident files using sequence analysis and computational rule finding methods. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Economic and Social Research Council, and General Accident, Joint Conference on 'Psychology on the Road', University of Nottingham, 26th September.

Hilton, D. J., Jaspars, J. M. F. and Clarke, D. D. (1990) Pragmatic conditional reasoning: Context and content effects on the interpretation of causal assertions. Journal of Pragmatics, 14(5), 791-812.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1990) Outline for a model of semantic change. Paper to the 15th LAUD (Linguistic Agency of the University of Duisberg) Symposium on "Synchrony in Diachrony", University of Duisberg, West Germany, 26th March.

Slugoski, B. R. and Clarke, D. D. (1990) Effects of self-monitoring, sex and 'common ground' on the construction and reconstruction of conversation. Paper to the International Congress of the European Association for Experimental Social Psychology, Budapest.

Wright, R. L., Gilmore, D. J. and Clarke, D. D. (1990) An investigation of the effects of attention on recognition memory and affective reactions: Further evidence for implicit learning. University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology.

• 1991

Clarke, D. D., Bowers, J. M. and Iwi, K. (1991) A multi-disciplinary exploration of the problem of joint action. Poster at JCI HCI / Cognitive Science Annual Meeting, April, 1991, Leeds University.

Clarke, D. D.  and Bowers, J. M. (1991) A multi-disciplinary exploration of the problem of joint action. Annual Report to the Joint Research Councils' Initiative on Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Science. University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1991) The analysis of pre-accident sequences. Interim report to the Transport and Road Research Laboratory.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1991) The analysis of pre-accident sequences. Project final report to the Transport and Road Research Laboratory.

Clarke, D. D. and Nerlich, B. (1991) Word waves: A computational model of lexical semantic change. Language and Communication, 11(3), 227-238.

Clarke, D. D., Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. (1991) The analysis of police road accident files using sequence analysis and computational rule finding methods. In G. B. Grayson and J. F. Lester (eds) Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Proceedings of a Seminar at University of Nottingham, 26-27th September, 1990. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Report No. PA 2038/91, pp 47-58.

Clarke, D. D., Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1991) Decision trees for data description: An application to road accident records. Paper to 'Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety', Manchester University, 17-18th September.

Harris, T. M., Collins, S. R. C. and Clarke, D. D. (1991) An interdisciplinary voice clinic [updated chapter]. In M. Fawcus (ed.) Voice disorders and their management (Second edition). London: Croom Helm. pp356-375.

Iwi, K., Bowers, J. M. and Clarke, D. D. (1991) The construction of factual and interpretive discourse in social remembering. Paper to the International Conference on Memory 'ICOM92', 15-19 July, 1991, Lancaster University.

• 1992

Clarke, D. D. (1992) Qualitative judgemental forecasting methods for use in strategic decision making. In Proceedings of IDASCO '92: International Conference on Information-Decision-Action Systems in Complex Organisations. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, Conference Publication, No. 353.

Clarke, D. D. (1992) Structured judgement methods for behavioural road accident research. Paper to 'Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety', University of Kent at Canterbury, 22-23rd September.

Clarke, D. D. and Bowers, J. M. (1992) A multi-disciplinary exploration of the problem of joint action. Final Report to the Joint Research Councils' Initiative on Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Science. University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology.

Clarke, D. D., Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1992) Decision trees for data description: An application to road accident records. In G. B. Grayson (ed) Behavioural Research in Road Safety II: Proceedings of a Seminar at Manchester University, 17-18th September, 1991. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No. PA2193/92, pp 53-67.

Harré, R., Clarke, D. D.  and de Carlo, N. (1992) Teoria e pratica in psicologia dell' azione. Rome: Edizioni Guiffré. (Italian edition of 'Motives and Mechanisms', Methuen, 1985.)

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1992) Outline of a model of semantic change. In Kellermann G. and Morrisey, M. D. (eds) Diachrony within synchrony: Language history and cognition. (Papers from the International Symposium at the University of Duisberg, 26-28th March, 1990). Frankfurt am Main, New York and Paris: Peter Lang Verlag. pp 125-141.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1992) Semantic change: Case studies based on traditional and cognitive semantics. Journal of Literary Semantics, XXI/3, 204-225.

• 1993

Clarke, D. D. (1993) Asynchronous affect and virtual action. Paper to Workshop on Architectures Underlying Motivation and Emotion (WAUME 93), University of Birmingham, 11th August.

Clarke, D. D. (1993) Structured judgement methods for behavioural road accident research. In G. B. Grayson (ed) Behavioural Research in Road Safety III: Proceedings of a Seminar at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 22-23rd September, 1992. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No. PA3004/93, pp119-127.

Clarke, D. D.  (1993) The history of semantics and its consequences for a new theory of semantic change. Final report to the Leverhulme Trust on Grant F 114/AB.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1993) Causal mapping of selected road-accident cases: Rationale, method and preliminary findings. Paper to 'Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety', Brunel University, 6th September.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1993) The history of semantics and pragmatics: Progress report on two projects financed by the Leverhulme Trust. BeitrŠge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 3.1-2, 179-186.

• 1994

Alkhadher, O., Clarke, D. D. and Anderson, N. A. (1994) The effects of knowledge about adaptive tests on subjects' performance. Paper to British Psychological Society, Occupational Psychology Section, Annual Conference, Birmingham, 4th January.

Alkhadher, O., Anderson, N. A. and Clarke, D. D. (1994) Computer-based testing: A review of recent developments in research and practice. The European Work and Organisational Psychologist, 4(2), 169-187.

Clarke, D. D.  (1994) Emocje, decyzje i dlugoterminowe zwiazki interpersonalne. (Emotion, decision and the long-term course of relationships.) Polish translation in W. Domachowski (ed.) Reguly Zycia  Spolecznego: Oksfordzka Psychologia Spoleczna. (Readings in Oxford Social Psychology.) Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. pp 152-173. [From R. Burnett, P. McGhee and D. D.  Clarke (eds.)(1987) Accounting for relationships: Explanation, representation and knowledge. London: Methuen.]

Clarke, D. D. and Nerlich, B. (1994) Interim report to the Leverhulme Trust on the project 'Language, Action and Context - The History of Pragmatics in Europe and America'.

Clarke, D. D. , Parry-Jones, W.LL., Gay, B.M. and Smith, C. (1994) Incydenty zaclokajace w klasach szkoly sredniej - podejscie analizy sekwencyjnej. (Disruptive incidents in secondary school classrooms: A sequence analysis approach.) Polish translation in W. Domachowski (ed.) Reguly Zycia  Spolecznego: Oksfordzka Psychologia Spoleczna. (Readings in Oxford Social Psychology.) Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. pp 234-243. [From Oxford Review of Education 7(2), (1981) 111-117.]

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1994) Causal mapping of selected road-accident cases: Rationale, method and preliminary findings. In G. B. Grayson (ed) Behavioural Research in Road Safety IV: Proceedings of a Seminar at Brunel University, 6-7th September, 1993. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No. PA3035/94, pp24-36.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1994) Causal Mapping of Overtaking Accidents. Paper to 'Roadsafe 94'. International Conference of the Association of London Boroughs' Road Safety Officers, Guildhall, London.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1994) Overtaking decisions and risk. Paper to the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, New Hall, Cambridge, 2nd September.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1994) Causal Mapping of Overtaking Accidents. Paper to 'Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety', University of Nottingham, 6th September.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1994) Causal Mapping of Overtaking Accidents. In Roadsafe 94: 'Driving for Safety' (International Conference of the Association of London Boroughs' Road Safety Officers, Guildhall, London) Conference report, pp27-31.

Forsyth, R. S., Clarke, D. D. and Wright, R. L. (1994) Over-fitting revisited: An information-theoretic approach to simplifying discrimination trees. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 6(3), 289-302.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1994) Language, action and context: Linguistic pragmatics in Europe and America (1800 - 1950). Journal of Pragmatics, 22, 439-463.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1994) Pragmatics: The neglected heritage - a project. British Psychological Society, History and Philosophy Section Newsletter, No 18, 17-21.

• 1995

Al-Najjar, M. Y. and Clarke D. D. (1995) Self-esteem and trait anxiety in relation to drug abuse in Kuwait. International conference on AIDS drugs and alcohol. New Delhi, India, 22nd-27th January.

Al-Najjar, M. Y. and Clarke D. D. (1995) Self-esteem and trait anxiety in relation to drug abuse in Kuwait. Paper to international conference: 'Dealing with addiction: What measures at what price?'. Trieste, 10th June.

Clarke, D. D. (1995) Life scripts: Implicit representations of life-course patterns. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10(4), 871-884.

Clarke, D. D.  (1995) Socialising work. In P. Collett and A. Furnham (eds) Social psychology at work. London: Routledge. pp 159-175.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1995) The analysis of pre-accident sequences. Contractor Reports, 305, 1-63. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Department of Transport / Transport Research Laboratory. ISSN 0266-7045.

Clarke, D. D. and Letchford, A. N. (1995) Rules from behaviour: The use of a computational 'rule-finder' as a Social Psychological tool. British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Newsletter, (33), 4-13.

Clarke D. D. and Maskill, L. (1995) Qualitative matrix forecasting as a structured judgement method for research. Paper to International Institute of Forecasters 15th International Symposium on Forecasting, Toronto, June 5th.

Clarke, D. D. and Nerlich, B. (1995) Language, Action and Context: The History of Pragmatics in Europe and America, 1780-1930. Final report to the Leverhulme Trust on project F 114 AM.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1995) Causal Mapping of Overtaking Accidents. In G. B. Grayson (ed.) Behavioural Research in Road Safety V': Proceedings of a 'Seminar at University of Nottingham, 6-7th September, 1994. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No PA3081/95, pp 55-70.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1995) Overtaking accidents. Final report to the Transport Research Laboratory and The Department of Transport on the project 'Causal mapping of selected road accident cases'.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1995) A Clear Road Ahead: Beyond the Problems of Accident Causation Research. Paper to 'Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety', Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, 4-6th September.

Grayson A., Clarke, D. D. and Miller, H. (1995) Students' Everyday Problems: A Systematic Qualitative Analysis. Counselling, 6(3), 197-202.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1995) The 1930s: At the birth of a pragmatic conception of language. Historiographia Linguistica  22:3, 311-334.

• 1996

Alkhadher, O. H., Anderson, N. A. and Clarke, D. D. (1996) The equivalence and the predictive validity of the paper-and-pencil and computerised adaptive formats. Paper to XXVI International Congress of Psychology, MontrŽal, Canada, 19th August.

Alkhadher, O. H., Anderson, N. A. and Clarke, D. D. (1996) The equivalence and the predictive validity of the paper-and-pencil and computerised adaptive formats. International Journal of Psychology, 31(3/4), 3163. ISSN 0020-7594.

Al-Najjar, M. Y. and Clarke D. D. (1996) Self-esteem and trait anxiety in relation to drug misuse in Kuwait. Substance Use and Misuse, 31(7), 937-943. ISSN 1082-6084.

Al-Najjar, M. and Clarke, D. D. (1996) Personality characteristics of drug abusers in Kuwait.  South Asian Journal of Psychology, 1, 9-17. ISSN 1025 773x.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1996) A Clear Road Ahead: Beyond the Problems of Accident Causation Research. In G. B. Grayson (ed.) 'Behavioural Research in Road Safety VI'. Proceedings of a Seminar  at Royal Holloway, University of London, 4-6th September, 1995. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No PA3138/96, pp1-19.

Pearson-Woodd, N. J., Clarke, D. D. and Leather, P. J. (1996) The underlying structure of violent incidents in pubs: Work in progress. Paper to University of Nottingham Postgraduate School of Psychology Postgraduate Conference, 27-28 June.

Pearson-Woodd, N. J., Clarke, D. D. and Leather, P. J. (1996) The use of structured judgement methods in understanding pub violence: Work in progress. Paper to The Postgraduate Occupational Psychology Conference, University of Hull, 11-12 September.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1996) Language, Action and Context: The Early History of Pragmatics in Europe and America, 1780-1930. Amsterdam: Benjamins.  497 pages. ISBN: (USA) 1-55619-616-4; (elsewhere) 90-272-4567-3.

Todd, K. Z. and Clarke, D. D. (1996) When is a dead rainbow not like a dead rainbow? Investigating the differences between metaphor and simile. Paper to British Association for Applied Linguistics / Cambridge University Press, State of the Art Seminar on Researching and Applying Metaphor, University of York, 12-14 January.

• 1997

Beale, D., Cox, T., Lawrence, C., Leather, P., and Clarke, D. D. (1997) Modelling violent incidents at work. Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, 6-11 July.

Clarke, D. D. (1997) The recognition of spouses by their distinctive emotional characteristics. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12(2), 345-366. ISSN 0886-1641.

Clarke, D. D. and Blake, H. (1997) The inverse forecast effect. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12(4), 999-1018. ISSN 0886 1641.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke D. D. (1997)Polysemy: Patterns of meaning and patterns in history. Historiographica Linguistica, 24(3), 359-385. ISSN 0302 5160.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1997) Review of 'Re-reading Saussure: The dynamics of signs in everyday life' by Paul J. Thibault. London, Routledge, 1997. Newsletter of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas, 28, 18-22. ISSN 0267-4971.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D (1997) Review of 'Zum Arbitraritäsbegriff bei F. de Saussure. Eine exegetisch-philologische Untersuchung.' by Silvia B. Garciá.  Münster: Nous Publikationen. The Henry Sweet Society Bulletin, 29, 39-43. ISSN 0267-4971.

Nerlich, B. and D. D. Clarke (1997) "Humboldt, Wilhelm von". In J. Verschueren, J-O. Östman, J. Blommaert, & C. Bulcaen (eds.) Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-14. ISBN 90 272 2173 1. (Copyright 1997, published 1999).

Nerlich, B. Todd, K. Z. and Clarke D. D. (1997) Linking semantic knowledge and world knowledge: Metonymy in language acquisition. Paper to British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Loughborough, September 15th - 17th.

Pearson-Woodd, N. J., Clarke D. D. and Leather, P. J. (1997) The nature and causes of pub violence: A structured judgement approach. Paper to University of Nottingham Postgraduate School of Psychology Postgraduate Conference, 28-29 September.

Todd, K. Z., Nerlich, B. and Clarke D. D. (1997) Develoment of the poetic mind. Symposium for the British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Loughborough, September 15th - 17th.

Todd, K. Z., Nerlich, B. and Clarke D. D. (1997) Coping with multiple meanings: The function of jokes in semantic development. Paper to British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Loughborough, September 15th - 17th.

• 1998

Alkhadher, O., Clarke, D. D. and Anderson, N. A. (1998) Equivalence and predictive validity of paper-and-pencil and computerized adaptive formats of the differential aptitude tests. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 71(3), 205-217. ISSN 0963-1798.

Barker, M. J., Clarke, D. D. and Cox, T. R. (1998) Student loneliness: A guide for Higher Education counsellors. Association for University and College Counselling Newsletter and Journal, November, 33-43.

Beale, D., Cox, T., Clarke, D. D., Lawrence, C., and Leather, P. (1998) Temporal architecture of violent incidents. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3(1), 65-82. ISSN 1076 8998.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1998) Behavioural factors in accidents at road junctions: The use of a genetic algorithm to extract descriptive rules from police case files. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 30(2), 223-234. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1998) Machine learning in road accident research: Decision trees describing road-accidents during cross-flow turns. Ergonomics, 41(7), 1060-1079. ISSN 0014-0139.

Clarke, D. D. and Letchford, A. N. (1998) Action rules extracted by machine induction from feature-coded self-reports. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 13(1), 33-50. ISSN 0886-1641.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1998) Overtaking accidents. TRL Report No 301. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport Research Laboratory. 33pp. ISSN 0968-4107.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1998) Overtaking road-accidents: Differences in manoeuvre as a function of driver age. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 30(4), 455-467. ISSN 0001-4575.

Grayson, A., Clarke, D. D. and Miller, H. (1998) Help-seeking among students: Are lecturers seen as potential sources of help? Studies in Higher Education, 23(2), 143-155. ISSN 0307-5079.

Grayson, A., Miller, H. and Clarke, D. D. (1998) Identifying barriers to help-seeking: A qualitative analysis of students' preparedness to seek help from tutors. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 26(2), 237-253. ISSN 0306-9885.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke D. D. (1998) The linguistic repudiation of Wundt. History of Psychology, 1(3), 179-204. ISSN 1093-4510.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1998) La pragmatique avant Austin: Fait ou fantasme? Histoire Epistémologie Language, 20(2), 107-125. ISSN 0750-8069.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1998) Reconstructing research programmes: Problems with semantics and pragmatics. In P. Schmitter and M. J. van der Wal (eds.)  Metahistoriography: Theoretical and methodological aspects of the history of linguistics. MŸnster: Nodus Publikationen. Pp 155-163. ISBN 3-89323-272-9.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke D. D. (1998) Review of 'Using language' by H. H. Clark. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Language, 74(2), 414-416. ISSN 0097-8507.

Nerlich, B., Todd, Z. and Clarke, D. D., (1998) The function of polysemous jokes and riddles in semantic development. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive / Current Psychology of Cognition, 17(2), 343-366. (Special issue on "Language play in children", ed. A. Dowker.) ISSN 0249-9185

• 1999

Al Najjar, M. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Self-esteem and state-trait anxiety in relation to drug misuse in Kuwait. Paper to Society for the Study of Addiction Meeting, Edinburgh, 4th-5th November. (Abstract http://www.addiction-ssa.org/ssa_21.htm & http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~sjp22/addiction/delpap.pdf)

Beale, D., Clarke, D. D., Cox, T., Leather, P. J. and Lawrence, C. (1999) Systems memory in violent incidents: Evidence from patterns of reoccurrence. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4(3), 233-244. ISSN 1076 8998.

Clarke, D. D. (1999) Super-reversal in judgemental forecasting. Paper to ISF'99 (International Institute of Forecasters, International Symposium on Forecasting, 1999). Washington DC, 27th-30th June.

Clarke, D. D. (1999) Remembrance of things past. Paper to British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, 13th-15th September.

Clarke, D. D. , Forsyth, R. S. and Wright, R. L. (1999) Junction road accidents during cross-flow turns: A sequence analysis of police case files. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 31(1-2), 31-43. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Jones, J. (1999) Processes and countermeasures in overtaking road-accidents. Ergonomics, 42(6), 846-867. ISSN 0014-0139.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (1999) Accident mechanisms of novice drivers. Paper to 'Behavioural Research in Road Safety IX'. Seminar at Sunningdale Conference Centre, 13-15th April, 1999.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (1999) Accident mechanisms of novice drivers. In G. B. Grayson (ed.) 'Behavioural Research in Road Safety IX'. Proceedings of a Seminar at Sunningdale Conference Centre, 13-15th April, 1999. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory. Technical Report No PA3524/99, pp26-38.

Milton, N. R., Clarke, D. D. and Shadbolt, N. R. (1999) Acquiring personal knowledge for theory and therapy. Paper to 'Reconstructing Health Psychology: An International Conference on Critical  and Qualitative Approaches to Health Psychology', St Johns Newfoundland, Canada, 29th-31st July.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Champ, schéma, sujet: Les contributions de Bühler, Bartlett et Benveniste â la construction d'une théorie du texte. Langue Française, 121, 36-55. E. S. Karabétian (ed.) Special issue on 'Grammaire de phrase, grammaire de texte'. ISSN 0023-8368.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Synecdoche as a cognitive and communicative strategy. In A. Blank and P. Koch (eds) Historical Semantics and Cognition - Cognitive Linguistics Research 13. pp197-214. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. ISBN 3 11 016614 3.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Protopragmatic theories of language in Europe, 1780-1930. In P. Schmitter (ed) Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, Volume 4: Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit I - Der Epistemologische Kontext Neuzeitlicher Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. ISBN 3 8233 5010 2. Pp 254-300.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Review of C. Mandell & A. McCabe (eds.) The problem of meaning: Behavioural and cognitive perspectives. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997. Journal of Pragmatics, 31, 441-448. ISSN 0378-2166.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Review of A. Kasher (ed.) Pragmatics: Critical concepts. Volume 1: Dawn and delineation London & New York: Routledge, 1998. Journal of Pragmatics, 31, 735-743. ISSN 0378-2166.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) Are rules and entries enough? Historical reflections on a long-standing controversy. (Commentary on target article by Harald Clahsen: Lexical entries and rules of language: A multidisciplinary study of German inflection.) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(6), 1032-1033.  ISSN 0140-525X.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D. and Dingwall, R. (1999) The influence of popular cultural imagery on public attitudes towards cloning. Sociological Research Online, 4(3), 1-15. http://www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/4/3/nerlich.html (Ed: Stanley, L) ISSN 1360-7804.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D. and Todd, K. Z. (1999) "Mummy I like being a sandwich": Metonymy in language acquisition. In K-U. Panther and G. Radden (eds) Metonymy in Language and Thought - Human Cognitive Processing, Volume 4. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins. ISBN 90 272 2356 4 (Europe) / 1 55619 204 5 (US). Pp 361-383.

Todd, K. Z. and Clarke, D. D. (1999) When is a dead rainbow not like a dead rainbow? A context-sensitive method for investigating differences between metaphor and simile. In L. Cameron and G. Low (eds.) Researching and Applying Metaphor. (Proceedings of the 'State of the Art' Seminar, University of York, 12-14 January, 1996.) Cambridge: CUP. ISBN 0 521 64022 9 & 0 521 64964 1. Pp 249-268.

• 2000

Al Najjar, M. and Clarke, D. D. (2000) Self-esteem and state-trait anxiety in relation to drug misuse in Kuwait. Symposium Abstracts - Society for the Study of Addiction: 'From biology to sociology: evidence base and implementation strategies for alcohol, drugs and tobacco policies'. Addiction Biology, Vol. 5, (2), p215. ISSN 1355-6215.

Clarke, D. D. (2000) Actions, minds and the arrow of time. Inaugural lecture, University of Nottingham. 8th May.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2000) Profiles and prototypes: The mechanisms of novice drivers' accidents. Paper to DETR 'Behavioural Studies Seminar 2000', Esher Place, Surrey, 3-5th April, 2000.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2000) Analysis of novice driver accidents. Paper to RoSPA/DETR Novice Drivers Conference. Swallow Royal Hotel, Bristol, 1-2/6/00.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2000) Analysis of novice driver accidents. In Clinton, K. (ed.) Novice Drivers Conference Proceedings. Swallow Royal Hotel, Bristol, 1 and 2 June 2000. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.


Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000) Semantic fields  and frames: Historical explorations of the interface between language, action and cognition. Journal of Pragmatics, 32(2), 125-150. ISSN 0378-2166.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000) Blending the past and the present: Conceptual and linguistic integration, 1800 -  2000. Logos and Language: Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory, 1(1), 3-18. ISSN 1439-9849, ISBN 3-8233-9720-6.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000). Elements for an Integral Theory of Semantic Change and Semantic Development. In: Regine Eckardt & Klaus von Heusinger (eds.). Meaning Change - Meaning Variation. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der UniversitŠt Konstanz. Arbeitspapier Nr. 106, pp 123-134. (Workshop held at Konstanz, February, 1999, Vol. 1). [no ISBN]

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000) Using signs in situations: Pragmatic sign theories before Austin. RSSI [Recherches Semiotiques / Semiotic Inquiry], 20(1-3), 187-209. ISSN 0229-8651.

Nerlich, B., Clarke D. D. and Dingwall, R. (2000) Clones and crops: The use of stock characters and word play in two debates about bioengineering. Metaphor and Symbol, 15(4), 223-239. ISSN 1092-6488.

• 2001

Clarke, D. D. (2001) Sequences of social behaviour. Symposium convened at British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Social Psychology European Research Institute, University of Surrey, 18th - 20th July.

Clarke, D. D. (2001) The sequential approach to the study of social behaviour. Paper in 'Sequences of social behaviour' symposium, British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Social Psychology European Research Institute, University of Surrey, 18th - 20th July.

Clarke, D. D. (2001) Sequential case-study of police road-accident files. Paper in 'Sequences of social behaviour' symposium, British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Social Psychology European Research Institute, University of Surrey, 18th - 20th July.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2001) Profiles and prototypes: The mechanisms of novice drivers' accidents. In G. Grayson (ed.) 'Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety, 3-5th April, 2000. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Pp 84-108. ISBN 1 85112 461 6.



Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. and Truman, W. (2001) Novice Drivers' Accident Mechanisms: Sequences and Countermeasures. Paper to 'Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eleventh Seminar', Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, Manchester University, April 2nd-4th.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2001) In-depth accident causation study of young drivers. Interim report to Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire. University of Nottingham School of Psychology. July.

Grayson, A., Clarke, D. & Miller, H. (2001). 'Students' everyday problems: A systematic qualitative analysis'. In P. Milner and S. Palmer (Eds). Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader. London: Sage. (Invited update and reprint of 1995 paper) pp. 532-542. ISBN 0 7619 6420 7 and 0 7619 6419 3.

Middleton, K. and Clarke, D. D. (2001) Sequential patterns of emotional accounts. Paper in Sequences of social behaviour. Symposium at British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2001, University of Surrey, 18th - 20th July.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001) Mind, meaning and metaphor: The philosophy and psychology of metaphor in 19th-century Germany. History of the Human Sciences, 14(2), 39-61. ISSN 0952 6951.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001) Serial metonymy: A study of reference-based polysemisation. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 2(2), 245-272. ISSN 1566 5852.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D. and Dingwall, R. (2001) Fictions, fantasies and fears: The literary foundations of the cloning debate. Journal of Literary Semantics, 30, 37-52. ISSN 0341-7638.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001) Ambiguities we live by: Toward a pragmatics of polysemy. Journal of Pragmatics, 33, 1-20. ISSN 0378-2166.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D.  (2001) Elements for an integral theory of semantic change and semantic development. Studia Anglica Resoviensia (International English Studies Journal) 2, 71-84. ISSN 1643-0484.

Todd, Z. and Clarke, D. D. (2001) Interpretations of metaphor and simile in poetry. Paper to Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 12 - 14th.

Todd, Z. and Clarke, D.D. (2001) Differences in the interpretation of poetic metaphor and simile. Paper to the Poetics and Linguistics Association Annual Conference, Budapest.

• 2002

Ainsworth, S. E., Clarke, D. D. and Gaizauskas, R. (2002) Using edit distance algorithms to compare alternative approaches to ITS authoring. Paper to Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference - ITS2002, Biarrritz. June 2nd - 7th.

Ainsworth, S. E., Clarke, D. D. and Gaizauskas, R. (2002) Using edit distance algorithms to compare alternative approaches to ITS authoring.  In S. A. Cerri, G. Gouardres and F. Paraguau (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2363. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Proceedings of 6th International Conference ITS 2002, Biarritz and San Sebastian, June 2-7. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 3540 43750 9. Pp 873-882.


Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2002) Novice drivers' accident mechanisms: Sequences and countermeasures. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eleventh Seminar. London: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions. ISBN 1 85112 527 2. Pp125-144.



Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. and Truman, W. (2002) In-depth accident causation study of young drivers. Report No TRL542. Crowthorne, Berkshire: TRL Limited. ISSN 0968-4107. PDF summary http://www.trl.co.uk/abstracts/542summary.pdf

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2002) Sequential case-study of police road accident files involving young drivers, motorcycles or work-related accidents. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Twelfth Seminar.  Temple Bar Hotel, Dublin. April 8-10th.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2002) Sequential case-study of police road accident files involving young drivers, motorcycles or work-related accidents. In proceedings of Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Twelfth Seminar. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 1 85112 593 0. Pp 16-35.

http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_rdsafety/documents/page/dft_rdsafety_508279.pdf E-pp 22-41.

Fossi, J. and Clarke, D. D. (2002) Patterns and sequences of behaviour within sexual and indecent assaults.  Paper to Psychology and Crime Investigation: 7th International Investigative Psychology Conference. University of Liverpool, 12th June.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2002) Blending the past and the present: Conceptual and linguistic integration, 1800 -  2000. In R. Dirven & R. Pörings (eds.) Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3110 73735. Pp 555-593. (Updated version of paper in Logos and Language, 2000.)

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D.  (2002). Contextual  competence: Its growth, use and loss. Studia Anglica Resoviensia (International English Studies Journal), 1, 64-78. Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed).  Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Invited paper. ISSN 1643-0484.

Nerlich, B., Dingwall, R. and Clarke, D. D. (2002). The Book of Life: How the human genome project was revealed to the public. Health: An interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine 6(4), 445-469. ISSN 1363-4593.

Townsend, E. and Clarke, D. D. (2002) Risk, feelings and biotechnology: An exploratory study using message framing. Paper to BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, University of Huddersfield. 12th September.

• 2003

Blake, H., Lincoln, N. B., and Clarke, D. D. (2003) Caregiver strain in spouses of stroke patients. Clinical Rehabilitiation, 17(3), 312-317. ISSN 0269-2155.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2003) Motorcycle accidents: Preliminary results of an in-depth case-study using police road accident files. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Thirteenth Seminar.  Burleigh Court, University of Loughborough, April 7th-9th.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2003) Motorcycle accidents: Preliminary results of an in-depth case-study using police road accident files. Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Thirteenth Seminar.  London: Department for Transport. Pp 153-164. ISBN 1 904763 00 6.


Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2003) In depth study of motorcycle accidents.  Interim report for Department for Transport, London, on Contract PPAD 9/31/67. Nottingham: University of Nottingham School of Psychology.

Nerlich, B., and Clarke, D. D. (2003). Anatomy of a media event: how arguments clashed in the 2001 human cloning debate. New Genetics and Society, 22, 43-59. ISSN 1463-6778.

Nerlich, B.,  Todd, Z.,  Herman, V.  and Clarke, D. D. (eds.)(2003) Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 142). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-017616-5.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) Polysemy and flexibility: Introduction and overview. In B. Nerlich, Z. Todd, V. Herman and David D. Clarke (eds.)(2003) Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 142). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-017616-5. Pp 3-30.

Nerlich, B., Johnson, S. and Clarke, D. D (2003) The first 'designer baby': The role of narratives, clichŽs and metaphors in the year 2000 media debate. Science as Culture, 12(4), 471-498. ISSN 0950 5431.

Nerlich, B., Todd, Z. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) Emerging patterns and evolving polysemies: The acquisition of get between four and ten years. In B. Nerlich, Z. Todd, V. Herman and David D. Clarke (eds.)(2003) Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 142). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-017616-5. Pp 333-360.

Townsend, E. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) The effects of context, stress and arousal on risk ratings about biotechnology.  Paper to Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section. London School of Economics. 10-12 September.

Townsend, E. and Clarke D. D. (2003) Effects of context and affect (integral and incidental) on risk judgements about biotechnology. Paper to annual meeting of The Society For Risk Analysis, Renaissance Harborplace Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland. 10th December.

Weyman, A. K. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) Investigating the influence of organisational role on perceptions of risk in deep coal mines. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(3), 404-412. ISSN 0021-9010.

Weyman, A. K. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) The effects of familiarity on workplace risk assessment - Contextual insight or cognitive availability. In P. T. McCabe (ed) Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp463-470. ISBN/SKU 0415309948

Weyman, A. K., Clarke, D. D. and Cox, T. (2003) Developing a factor model of coal miners' attributions on risk-taking at work. Work & Stress, 17(4), 306-320. ISSN 0267-8373.

• 2004

Clarke, D. D. (2004) 'Structured Judgement Methods' - The best of both worlds? In Todd, K. Z., Nerlich, B., McKeown, S. and Clarke D. D. (eds.) Mixing Methods in Psychology: The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice. Hove & New York: Psychology Press. ISBN 0-415-18649-8 (Hbk) ISBN 0-415-18650-1 (Pbk) Pp 81 - 100.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2004) In depth study of motorcycle accidents.  Final report for Department for Transport, London, on Contract PPAD 9/31/67. Nottingham: University of Nottingham School of Psychology.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2004) Causal factors in motorcycle accidents of different types. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Fourteenth Seminar. Esher Place, Surrey, April 19th.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2004) Driver behaviour and road accidents - Investigations using police accident reports. Poster presentation at ICTTP 2004 - The 3rd International Conference on Traffic and Transport Safety, Albert Hall, Nottingham, 5-9th September, 2004. (Abstract no 38, p170, ICTTP 2004 Abstract Book.)

Clarke, D. D. (2004) Understanding the causes of road traffic accidents. Invited address to World Health Day special conference "Safer Roads for Everyone", Church House, Westminster, London, April 7th.

Todd, K. Z., Nerlich, B., McKeown, S. and Clarke D. D. (eds.)(2004) Mixing Methods in Psychology: The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice. Hove & New York: Psychology Press. ISBN 0-415-18649-8 (Hbk) ISBN 0-415-18650-1 (Pbk).

Townsend, E., Clarke, D. D. and Travis, B. (2004) Effects of context and feelings on perceptions of genetically modified food. Risk Analysis, 24(5), 1369 - 1384. ISSN 0272-4332

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C., and Truman, W. A. (2004) In Depth Study of Motorcycle Accidents. Road Safety Research Reports No. 54. London: Department for Transport. ISSN 1468-9138.


Seeparsand, F. M., Jordan, T. R., and Clarke, D. D. (2004) The audiovisual perception of laughter: The roles of configurational and featural processing. BPS XXI Annual Cognitive Section conference. Leeds University, 6th September.

Clarke, D. D. , Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. (2004) An in-depth case study of motorcycle accidents using police road accident files. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2004: Fourteenth Seminar. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 1 904763 50 2. Pp 5-20.


• 2005

Clarke, D. D. (2005) Current challenges for Psychology as a scientific academic discipline. Invited talk at a seminar given by UCL and The University of Nottingham on 'Educational Psychologists as Modern Scientist Practitioners: Identifying our Distinctive Contribution', School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, 13th June.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J. and Truman, W. A. (2005) Voluntary risk-taking and skill deficits in young driver accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 37(3), 523-529. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2005) A Multiple Case Study of Work-Related Road Traffic Collisions. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Fifteenth Seminar. Highgate House, Creaton, Northamptonshire, April 19th.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2005) An In Depth Study of Work-Related Road Traffic Accidents. Final Report for the Department for Transport on Contract No. PPAD 9/31/67. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, School of Psychology, April 2005.

Clarke, D. D., Forsyth, R. S., and Wright, R. L. (2005) A statistical profile of road accidents during cross-flow turns.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, 37(4), 721-730. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2005) An In Depth Study of Work-Related Road Traffic Accidents.  Road Safety Research Report No. 58 August 2005, London: Department for Transport. ISSN 1468-9138.


Fossi, J., Clarke, D. D. and Lawrence, L. (2005) Bedroom rape: Sequences of sexual behavior in stranger assaults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(11), 1444-1466. ISSN 0886-2605.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P.,Truman, W. and Bartle, C. (2005) A multiple case study of work-related road traffic collisions. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2005: Fifteenth Seminar. London: Department for Transport. pp 104-118. ISBN 13 978 1904763618.


Clarke, D. D., Ward, P.,Truman, W. and Bartle, C. (2005) Interim report on fatal vehicle occupant collisions. Report to UK Department for Transport. University of Nottingham School of Psychology, November 2005.

Townsend, E. and Clarke, D. D. (2005) Appraisals, emotions and risk perception. Paper to Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, December 4-7, Wyndham Palace, Orlando, Florida.

• 2006

Clarke, D. D. (2006) Extending the scientific discipline of psychology in order to deal with the complexity of applied practice. Invited keynote address at BPS Division of Educational and Child Psychology annual conference 'Moving educational and child psychology forward: Issues and evidence', Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth, January 4th - 6th. (Slides published on DECP Website.)

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2006) Killer crashes: A multiple case-study of fatal road-traffic collisions. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Sixteenth Seminar. Department for Transport.  Bailbrook House, Bath, 3 - 5 April.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P., Truman, W. and Bartle, C. (2006) Fatal vehicle-occupant collisions: an in-depth study. Final report on Contract No. PPAD 9/031/138 to UK Department for Transport. University of Nottingham School of Psychology, April 2006.

Clarke, D. D. (2006) The language of common sense: Form and content in everyday experience. Invited talk in the series 'Showcasing Qualitative Psychology', organized by the BPS Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section, University of Nottingham, June 19th.

Forsyth, R. S., Ainsworth, S. E., Clarke, D. D., Brundell, P. R., and O'Malley, C. E. (2006) Linguistic-computing methods for analysing digital records of learning. Paper to Second International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 June, Manchester, UK. Proceedings published on CD-ROM by ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science, Manchester. See also


French, A., Wright, M., Greenhalgh, C., Knight, D., Brundell, P., O'Malley, C., Ainsworth, S., Clarke, D. D. and Rodden, T (2006) Replay software in practice. Poster at Second International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 June, Manchester, UK.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. (2006) Young driver accidents in the UK: The influence of age, experience, and time of day. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38(5), 872-879. ISSN 0001-4575.

Townsend, E. and Clarke, D. D. (2006) Appraisals, emotions and GM food. Paper to 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece, 16 - 21 July.

Lee, M., Harris, S. R. C., and Clarke, D. D. (2006) The reliability and validity of patient rating of voice quality. Paper to 6th Congress of the European Laryngological Society, Albert Hall, Nottingham, England, Thursday 31st August - Saturday 2nd September.

Milton, N., Clarke, D. and Shadbolt, N. (2006). Knowledge engineering and psychology: Towards a closer relationship. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(12), 1214-1229.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2006) Killer crashes: A multiple case-study of fatal road-traffic collisions. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2006: Sixteenth Seminar. London: Department for Transport. pp5-16. ISBN 1 904763 70 7.


• 2007

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A. and Bartle, C. (2007) Fatal Vehicle-occupant Collisions: An In-depth Study. Road Safety Research Report No. 75. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 978 1 904763 76 5


Ward, H., Christie, N., Lyons, R., Broughton, J., Clarke, D. D. and Ward, P. J. (2007) Trends in Fatal Car-occupant Accidents: Road Safety Research Report No. 76. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 978 1 904763 77 2


Clarke, D. D., Thompson, R., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. (2007) Child Pedestrian Road Traffic Collisions in Disadvantaged Areas of Greater Manchester: A study of injured children and their families. Project final report. Manchester: Neighborhood Road Safety Initiative.


Crundall, D. E., and Clarke, D. D. (2007) Car driver skills and attitudes in relation to motorcycle safety. Project final report to Department for Transport, London. University of Nottingham.

Clarke, D. D., and Ward, P. J. (2007) In-Depth Analysis of Road Traffic Collisions: Reflections on Twenty Years Of Research. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Seventeenth Seminar. Department for Transport. Branksome Place, Haselmere, Surrey, April 30th - May 2nd.

Crundall, D. E., Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. L. and Bibby, P. (2007) Drivers' attitudes and self-reported behaviours towards motorcyclists. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Seventeenth Seminar. Department for Transport. Branksome Place, Haselmere, Surrey, April 30th - May 2nd.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D. and Ulph, F. (2007) Risks and benefits of nanotechnology: How young adults perceive possible advances in nanomedicine compared with conventional treatments. Health, Risk & Society, 9(2), 159 - 171. ISSN: 1469-8331 (electronic), 1369-8575 (paper).

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C., and Truman, W. A. (2007) The role of motorcyclist and other driver behaviour in two types of serious accident in the UK. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39(5), 974-981. ISSN 0001-4575.

Ainsworth, S.E., Forsyth, R.S., Clarke, D.D., Robertson, L. & O'Malley, C. (2007). Automatic coding of learners' self-explanation when learning from diagrams. Invited Talk, European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, EARLI-2007, ELTE, Budapest, 28 August  - 1 September.

Forsyth, R.S., Clarke, D.D. & Lam, P. (2007). Timelines, transcription and turn-taking: A corpus-driven approach to simultaneous speech. Paper to  CL-2007, International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, University of Birmingham, 27-30 July 2007.



Forsyth, R.S. Clarke, D.D. & Ainsworth, S.E. (2007). Automated categorical coding of transcribed talk: A system that forecasts its future performance. Paper presented at CAQDAS-07 Conference: Advances in Qualitative Computing, Royal Holloway College, 19 April 2007.


Forsyth, R.S., Ainsworth, S. & Clarke, D.D.(2007). An evaluation of self-prediction models for adaptive text-categorization. School of Psychology, Technical Report. University of Nottingham, October.


Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2007) Cognitive linguistics and the history of linguistics. In D. Geeraerts and H. Cuyckens (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN13: 9780195143782, ISBN10: 0195143787.

Clarke, D. D. and Truman, W. A. (2007) The role of social deprivation in fatal road traffic accidents. Final report to the Transport Research Laboratory and the Department for Transport on project RUSD/T501P. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, School of Psychology.

• 2008

Clarke, D. D. (2008) Causes of motorcycle accidents. Keynote presentation to Department for Transport Road Safety Research Dissemination and Action Learning Conference: 'Motorcyclists as Vulnerable Road Users', Birmingham Town Hall, January 22nd.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D., and  Champness, N. (2008) Children's perceptions of nanotechnology: A classroom experiment. In Sweeney, A. E. and Seal, S. (eds) Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education: Issues, trends and future directions. Los Angeles: American Scientific Publishers. Pp 535-546. ISBN: 1-58883-085-3.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. L. (2008) A poor way to die: Social deprivation and road traffic fatalities. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eighteenth Seminar. Department for Transport. Chartridge Conference Centre, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, March 31 - April 2.

Crundall, D. E.,  Poulter, D., Chapman, P. R., Clarke, D. D., and Bibby, P. (2008) A survey of on-road behaviour and regulation compliance in truck drivers. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eighteenth Seminar. Department for Transport. Chartridge Conference Centre, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, March 31 - April 2.

Crundall, D. E., Humphrey, K., and Clarke, D. D. (2008) Perception and appraisal of approaching motorcycles at junctions. Transportation Research Part F, 11, 159-167. ISSN 1369-8478.

Crundall, D. E., Bibby, P., Clarke, D. D., Ward, P., and Bartle, C. (2008) Car drivers' attitudes towards motorcyclists: A survey. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40, 983-993. ISSN 0001-4575.

Forsyth, R. S., Clarke, D. D., and Lam, P. (2008) Timelines, talk and transcription: A chronometric approach to simultaneous speech. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 13(2), 225-250. ISSN 1384-6655.

Brundell, P., Knight, D., Tennent, P., Naeem, A., Adolphs, S., Ainsworth, S., Carter, R., Clarke, D., Crabtree, A., Greenhalgh, C., O’Malley, C., Pridmore, T. and Rodden, T. (2008) The Experience of using 'Digital Replay System' for social science research. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, June 18-20, University of Manchester: ESRC NCeSS.


Brundell, P., Tennent, P., Greenhalgh, C., Knight, D., Crabtree, A., O’Malley, C., Ainsworth, S., Clarke, D., Carter, R. and Adolphs, S. (2008) Digital Replay System (DRS) – a tool for interaction analysis. Paper to the 2008 International Conference on Learning Sciences (Workshop on Interaction Analysis), June 23-24, Utrecht.

Ward, P. J., Crundall, D. E., Clarke, D. D., Bibby, P. and Bartle, C. (2008) Assessing and intervening in car drivers’ attitudes towards motorcyclists. Paper to 4th International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Capitol Hilton, Washington DC, USA, August 31 – September 4.

Poulter, D. R, Crundall, D. E., Chapman, P. R., Bibby, P., and Clarke, D. D. (2008) Identifying risk factors in truck driving. Paper to 4th International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP), Capitol Hilton, Washington DC, USA, August 31 – September 4.

Crundall, D. E., Clarke D. D., Ward, P. J. and Bartle, C. (2008) Car drivers skills and attitudes to motor cycle safety: A review. DfT Road Safety Research Reports 85. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 978 1 904763 87 1


Rodden, T., Crabtree, A., Greenhalgh, C., Benford, S., Carter, R., Adolphs, S., O'Malley, C., Clarke, D. D., and Ainsworth, S. E (2008) Understanding new forms of digital record for eSocial Science. End of Award report to the Economic and Social Research Council on grant number RES-149-25-0035. Nottingham: University of Nottingham.

Clarke, D. D. (2008) Road Traffic Collisions: Analysis of Police Files. Invited presentation to Technical meeting of Nottingham Asphalt Research Consortium, University of Nottingham, December 16th.

Poulter, D., Chapman, P., Bibby, P., Clarke, D. D., & Crundall, D. (2008). An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to truck driving behaviour and compliance with regulations. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40, 2058-2064.

Shahar, A., Crundall, D. Bibby, P., Clarke, D., Ward, P., Bartle, C. (2008) Car drivers' attitudes towards motorcyclists: a survey. Presentation to Department for Transport Road Safety Research Dissemination and Action Learning Conference: 'Motorcyclists as Vulnerable Road Users', Birmingham Town Hall, January 22nd.

Shahar, A., Clarke, D., Crundall, D. (2008) The role of driving experience on the conspicuity of vehicles in static scenes. COST Action 357 Meeting: EICMA Congress Centre, Milan, Italy, November.

Shahar, A., Poulter, D., Clarke, D., Crundall, D. (2008) Characteristics of riders’ and drivers’ hazard perception. COST Action 357 Meeting, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, April.

• 2009

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P., Truman, W., and Bartle, C. (2009) In-depth analysis of road traffic collisions: Reflections on twenty years of research. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2007: Seventeenth Seminar. London: Department for Transport, pp 5 - 23. ISBN 978 1 904763 82 6.

Crundall, D. E., Bibby, P., Clarke, D. D., Ward, P., and Bartle, C. (2009) Car drivers' attitudes towards motorcyclists and their relationship to accidents. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2007: Seventeenth Seminar. London: Department for Transport, pp 103 - 111. ISBN 978 1 904763 82 6.

Clarke, D. D. (2009) Social deprivation and the causes of fatal road traffic collisions. Presentation to Department for Transport research dissemination event: 'Road Safety and Disadvantage/Deprivation'. Legacy Aston Court Hotel, Derby,  January 21st.

Clarke, D. D. (2009) Safety: all in the mind. Invited presentation to the Institution of Highways and Transportation meeting: 'The Highway: Britain's hidden killer', Village Hotel, Chilwell, Nottingham, 22 January.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2009) Work-related road traffic collisions in the UK. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41, 354-351. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D. and Ward P. J. (2009) Older drivers' traffic collisions: 'In youth we run into difficulties; in old age difficulties run into us.' Paper to Department for Transport Behavioural Studies Seminar 2009, Horsley Park, Surrey, March 30 - April 1.

Crundall, D. E., Shahar, A., and Clarke, D. D. (2009) Developing a multiple screen hazard perception test to assess car-motorcycle interactions. Paper to Department for Transport Behavioural Studies Seminar 2009, Horsley Park, Surrey, March 30 - April 1.

Turner, K. and Clarke, D. D. (2009) Aggression in Intellectual Disability - A New Approach. Mental Health Review Journal, 14(2), 28-36. ISSN 1361-9322.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2009) Wilhelm von Humbolt. In G. Senft, J-O Östman and J. Verschueren (eds) Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, Volume 2: Culture and Language Use. Amsterdam: Benjamins. ISBN 978 90 272 0779 1& 978 90 272 8930 8.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. L. (2009)

Collisions Involving Older Drivers: An In-depth Study . Road Safety Research Report 109. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 978 1848 64 025 2


Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. L. (2009) A poor way to die: Social deprivation and road traffic fatalities. Paper to Behavioural Research in Road Safety: Eighteenth Seminar. Department for Transport. Chartridge Conference Centre, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, 2008. Specially re-published on Department for Transport Website 21st April 2009 as supporting research for the Road Safety Strategy Post 2010 consultation: 'A Safer Way: Consultation on Making Britain's Roads the Safest in the World'.


Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Cobb, S., and Clarke, D. (2009). Predicting the human response to an emergency. In P. D.  Bust (Ed) Contemporary Ergonomics 2009, Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society’s Annual Conference, London 22-23 April 2009. pp.525-532. Taylor and Francis: London.

Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Clarke, D., and Cobb, S. (2009). The use of experts for predicting human behaviour in fire. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire, Cambridge 13-15 July 2009. pp. 493-500. Interscience Communications: London.

Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Clarke, D., and Cobb, S. (2009). Development of a technique for predicting the human response to an emergency situation. In D. Harris (Ed) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, EPCE 2009. (Held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego 19-24 July 2009.) pp 22-31. Springer: Heidelberg.

Joseph, S., Beer, C., Clarke, D. D., Forman, A., Pickersgill, M., Swift, J., Taylor, J. and Tischler, V. (2009) Qualitative Research into Mental Health: Reflections on Epistemology. Mental Health Review Journal, 14(1), 36 - 42. ISSN 1361-9322.

Clarke, D. & Ward, P. (2009) Fatal Feasibility Study. Technical report to Transport Research Laboratory, submitted 26/5/2009. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, School of Psychology.

• 2010

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2010) Killer Crashes: Fatal Road Traffic Accidents in the UK. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(2), 764-770. ISSN 0001-4575.

Clarke, D. D.,  Ward, P. J.,  Bartle, C. and Truman, W. A. (2010) Older drivers' road traffic crashes in the UK. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1018-1024. ISSN 0001-4575.

Lawrence, C., Fossi, J. and Clarke, D. D. (2010) A sequential examination of offenders' verbal strategies during stranger rapes: the influence of location. Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(5), 381-400. ISSN: 1477-2744.

Shahar, A., Alberti, C. F., Clarke, D. D. and Crundall, D. E. (2010) Hazard perception as a function of target location and the field of view. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1577-1584. ISSN 0001-4575.

Turner, K., Clarke, D. D. and Clegg, J. (2010) Sequence Analysis - A Mixed Methods Approach to Prediction Using Observational Data. Paper to Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiM) Conference 2010, University of Nottingham, 23-25 August.

Turner, K. and Clarke, D. D. (2010) Five Years of Challenging Behaviour - Patterns to Take into Account. Paper to 7th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability, Amsterdam, 3-5 September.

Shahar, A., Poulter, D., Clarke, D. D. and Crundall, D. E. (2010) Motorcyclists’ and car drivers’ responses to hazards. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 13(4), pp 243-254. ISSN: 1369-8478.

Clarke, D. D., Ward, P. J., Truman, W. A., and Bartle, C. L. (2010) A poor way to die: Social deprivation and road traffic fatalities. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2008: Eighteenth Seminar in Road Safety. London: Department for Transport. pp 81-93. ISBN 978 1 84864 010 8.


Crundall, D. E., Poulter, D., Bibby, P., Clarke, D. D. and Chapman, P. R. (2010) Truck drivers’ compliance with road laws, regulations and researchers. In Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2008: Eighteenth Seminar in Road Safety. London: Department for Transport. pp 69-80. ISBN 978 1 84864 010 8.


Shahar, A., van Loon, E., Clarke, D., Crundall, D. (2010). Are drivers less likely to spot overtaking motorcycles than cars when changing lanes? Proceedings of the International Conference on Safety and Mobility of Vulnerable Road Users: Pedestrians, Motorcyclists, and Bicyclists. Jerusalem, Israel, May 30-Jun 2, 2010.

• 2011

Crundall, D. E., Clarke, D. D. and Shahar, A. (2011) Car Drivers’ Attitudes and Visual Skills in Relation to Motorcyclists. Road Safety Research Report No. 121. London: Department for Transport. ISBN 978 1 84864 107 5.

Shahar, A., Clarke, D., Crundall, D. (2011) Applying the motorcyclist's perspective to improve car drivers' attitudes towards motorcyclists. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43 (5), pp. 1743-1750.

Barsky. A., Clarke, D. D., Nerlich, B. and Maroto-Valer, M. (2011) Factors Influencing Public Perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage – a Vignette Study. Nottingham: Nottingham Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage.

Nerlich, Brigitte; Clarke, David D. 2011. “인지 언어학 과 언어학 의 역사”. In Dirk Geeraerts & Hubert Cuyckens (eds), 인지언어학 옥스퍼드 핸드북. Seoul: Logos Lime. 668-690. Korean translation of Nerlich & Clarke (2007).

• 2012

Crundall, D. E., Crundall, E., Clarke, D. D. and Shahar, A. (2012) Why do car drivers fail to give way to motorcycles at t-junctions? Accident Analysis and Prevention. 44 (1), pp. 88-96.

Keatley, D., Clarke, D. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2012). Investigating the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures of motivation on condom use, physical activity and healthy eating. Psychology & Health, 27(5), 550-569.

Nerlich, B., Forsyth, R.S., and Clarke, D. D. (2012) Climate in the news: How differences in media discourse between the US and UK reflect national priorities. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 6(1), 44-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2011.644633

Shahar, A., van Loon, E., Clarke, D. D. and Crundall, D. E. (2012) Attending to overtaking cars and motorcycles through the mirrors before changing lanes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 44 (1), pp. 104-110.

Clarke, D. D. and Barsky, A. (2012) Predicting CCS Attitudes: Costs, Timeframes and Efficacy. In C. R. Jones and B. Nerlich (eds) Public Engagement with CCS: A Different Perspective - Workshop Report. Nottingham: Nottingham Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage.

Keatley, D., Clarke, D. D., and Hagger, M. (2012) The role of implicit and explicit motivation across health-behaviours. Psychology and Health, 27, p66. Special Issue: Abstracts Supplement: 'Resilience and Health': 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 21st - 25th August 2012.

Keatley, D. Clarke, D. D. Ferguson, E. et al. (2012) The effects of implicit measures of self-determination theory, and priming of motivation on goal-directed behavior. Psychology and Health, 27, p244. Special Issue: Abstracts Supplement: 'Resilience and Health': 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 21st - 25th August 2012.

Keatley, D. A., Clarke, D. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2012, August). The interaction between measuring and manipulating motivation. Poster presented at European Health Psychology Society Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

• 2013

Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Clarke, D. D. and Cobb, S. (2013) Validating a low cost approach for predicting human responses to emergency situations. Applied Ergonomics, 44, 27-43. ISSN 0003-6870.

Briffa, M,. Hardy, I. C. W., Gammell, M. P., Jennings, D. J., Clarke, D. D. and Goubault, M. Analysis of animal contest data. In Ian C. W. Hardy and M. Briffa (eds) (2013) Animal Contests. Cambridge: CUP ISBN. 978-0-521-88710-6.

Keatley, D., Clarke, D. D., and Hagger, M. (2013) Investigating the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures of motivation in problem-solving behavioral tasks. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52(3), 510-24. ISSN 2044-8309.

Keatley, D., Clarke, D. D., and Hagger, M. (2013) Assessing the predictive validity of implicit measures of self-determined motivation across health-related behaviours. British Journal of Health Psychology, 18, 2-17. ISSN 1359-107X.

• 2014

Keatley, D., Clarke, D. D., Ferguson, E. and Hagger, M. (2014) Effects of pretesting implicit self-determined motivation on behavioral engagement: evidence for the mere measurement effect at the implicit level. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science, 5 (125), pp 1-6. ISSN 1664-1078.

Wadman, R., Townsend, E., Sayal, K., Harroe, C.,  Vostanis, P., Clarke, D. & Armstrong, M. (2014) Understanding self-harm maintenance and recovery in young people: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Division of Clinical Psychology conference, Glasgow, December 2014.

Ferguson, E., Buttery, A., Miles, G., Tatalia, C., Clarke, D. D., Lonsdale, A. J., Baxendale, B. and Lawrence, C. (2014) The Temporal Rating of Emergency Non-Technical skills (TRENT) index for self and others: psychometric properties and emotional responses. BMC Medical Education, 14(1), 240 - 251.

Anderson, J. and Clarke, D. D. (2014) Fatal collisions and road user offending. Final technical report to The Department for Transport. Sheffield: South Yorkshire Police.

Keatley, D. A., Clarke, D. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2014). The role of implicit motivation in health behaviours. Oral Presentation at the Australasian Society for Behavioural and Health Medicine Conference. Auckland, New Zealand.

• 2015   

Harré, R., Clarke, D. D. and De Carlo, N. (2015) Motives and mechanisms: An introduction to the psychology of action. London: Routledge. Hardback and e-book editions. Republication of 1985 Methuen edition in the Routledge 'Psychology Revivals' series. ISBN 978-1-13894776-4 & 978-1-315-66945-8.

Wadman, R., Armstrong, A., Clarke, D., Harroe, C., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P. and Townsend, E. (2015) Understanding self-harm in young people in foster or residential care: a qualitative interview study. Poster presentation to IASP Conference: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention, Montréal, Canada, June 16-20.

Townsend, E. Sayal, K, Harroe, C., Vostanis, P., Clarke, D., Armstrong, M., Berry, A., Sawyer, C. (2015) Which clinical services and supports help with recovery in looked-after young people who self-harm? Paper to IASP Conference: New Discoveries and Technologies in Suicide Prevention, Montréal, Canada, June 16-20.

Wadman, R., Armstrong, A., Clarke, D., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., Sayal, K., Vostanis P., & Townsend E. (2015) A comparison of the ‘lived experience’ of self-harm in young people with and without experience of foster or residential care: A synthesis of qualitative interviews with two groups. Poster presentation to International Academy of Suicide Research conference, New York. October.

Townsend, E., Wadman, R., Clarke, D., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P., Armstrong, A., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., Sawyer, C., and Berry, A. (2015) Recovery from self-harm in looked-after young people: Which supports and clinical services help? Poster presentation to International Academy of Suicide Research Conference, New York. October.

I retired in September 2015, so there may be fewer publications after this date.

• 2016

Wadman, R., Clarke, D., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., and Townsend, E. (2016) An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults. Journal of Health Psychology. doi 10.1177/1359105316631405. [Epub, March 6th. See 2017 for print version.]

Keatley, D. A., Barsky, A. D., Clarke, D. D. (2016). Drink driving in the UK: A sequence analysis approach. Oral Presentation at the British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences. Nottingham, UK, April.

Townsend, E., Wadman, R. Sayal, K., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., Vostanis, P., and Clarke, D. (2016) Uncovering key patterns in self-harm in adolescents: Sequence analysis using the Card Sort Task for Self-harm (CaTS). Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 206, p161–168. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.07.004.

Keatley, D. A., Barsky, A. D., & Clarke, D. D. (2016). Understanding Patterns of Action: A guide to using sequence analysis. Workshop presentation at the BPS Social Psychology Section Annual Conference. Mercure Holland House, Cardiff, 31 August - 2 September.

Keatley, D. A., Barsky, A. D., & Clarke, D. D. (2016). Understanding Patterns of Action: Sequence Analysis in a Military Context. Oral presentation at the 5th BPS Military Conference, 'Defence & Security - Fragile States and Global Instability: Responding to the Consequences, Stabilisation and Peacekeeping'. The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke, 2nd November.

Keatley, D. A. and Clarke, D. D. (2016) Understanding patterns of terrorism. Society for Terrorism Research, 10th Annual International Conference, The Hague, 7-8 November.

• 2017

Keatley, D. A., Barsky A. D. and Clarke, D. D. (2017) Driving under the influence of alcohol: a sequence analysis approach. Psychology, Crime & Law. 23(2), 135-146. ISSN 1068-316X. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2016.1228933.

Taylor, O., Keatley, D. A., and Clarke, D. D. (2017) A behavior sequence analysis of perceptions of alcohol-related violence surrounding drinking establishments. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1 –16. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517702490.

Marono, A., Clarke, D. D., Navarro, J., & Keatley, D. A. (2017) A behaviour sequence analysis of nonverbal communication and deceit in different personality clusters. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24 (5), pp 730-744.
Published online: 05 May 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2017.1308783.

Wadman, R., Clarke, D., Sayal, K., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., Vostanis, P. and Townsend, E. (2017) A sequence analysis of patterns in self-harm in young people with and without experience of being looked-after in care. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56(4), 388–407.
Version of Record online : 8 June 2017, DOI: 10.1111/bjc.12145

Wadman, R., Armstrong, M., Clarke, D., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P., and Townsend, E. (2017) Experience of self-harm and its treatment in looked-after young people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Archives of Suicide Research. Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13811118.2017.1355286. In print (2018)  22(3), 365-379.

Ellis, H. E., Clarke, D. D., and Keatley, D. A. (2017) Perceptions of behaviours in stranger rape cases: A sequence analysis approach. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 23(3), 328-337.
Published online 10th August, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13552600.2017.1361618

Kurup, S., Golightly, D., Clarke, D. D., and Sharples, S. (2017) Ride Along: Frequent Travelers and Information Use During the Work Commute. Paper to The Sixth International Human Factors Rail Conference, London, 6-9 November. RSSB, Network Rail and the University of Nottingham, in association with the European Union Agency for Railway (ERA), the International Union of Railways (UIC), the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) and the Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Wadman, R., Clarke, D., Sayal, K., Vostanis, P., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Majumder, P., and Townsend, E. (2017) An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults. Journal of Health Psychology,  vol. 22, 13: pp. 1631-1641.
First published online, March 6, 2016. doi 10.1177/1359105316631405.

Marono, A. J., Reid, S., Yaksic, E., Clarke, D. D. and Keatley, D. A. (2017) A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Serial Killers’ Lives: From Childhood Abuse to Methods of Murder. Paper submitted to ‘The Journal of Criminal Justice’, ‘The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency’, and to ‘Criminology’. However, following a clerical error by the corresponding author, it was finally published with an incomplete author list as Marono, A. J., Reid, S., Yaksic, E. and Keatley, D. A. (2020) A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Serial Killers’ Lives: From Childhood Abuse to Methods of Murder. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, Vol. 27, No. 1, 126–137. 

• 2018

Clarke, D. D. (2018) Forward to D. Keatley, Pathways in Crime: An Introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan (Springer). Cham, Switzerland.

Keatley, D. A., Marono, A., & Clarke, D. D. (2018) Unmaking a murderer: Behaviour sequence analysis of false confessions. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 25(3), 425-436.
Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2018.1463875 and https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/xQVG82VV8iE6udhYBSWa/full.

Keatley, D. A. & Clarke, D. D. (2018) Indicator Waves: A new temporal method for measuring multiple behaviours as indicators of future events. Paper in Symposium 'Sequence Analysis Approaches to Discovering Hidden Temporal Patterns in Behaviour', at the 11th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research: Measuring Behavior. Manchester, UK, 5-8 June.
(http://www.measuringbehavior.org/files/2018/MB2018 Proceedings.pdf, pp 92-95).

Lavelle‐Hill, R. E., Bibby, P. A., Goulding, J., Clarke, D. D. & Skatova, A. (2018) Using Machine Learning Techniques to Examine the Relationship between Money, Personality, and Well‐being. 19th European Conference on Personality. 17-21 July. Zadar, Croatia.

Keatley, D. A. & Clarke, D. D. (2018). Case Matching with Indicator Waves: A method for matching behaviour profiles as indicators for future events. Paper to the European Methodology for the Analysis of Social Interaction (MASI) Annual Conference, Tenerife, Spain. September.

Wadman, R., Vostanis, P., Sayal, K., Majumder, P., Harroe, C., Clarke, D., Armstrong, M., and Townsend, E. (2018) An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young people's self-harm in the context of interpersonal stressors and supports: Parents, peers, and clinical services. Social Science and Medicine. September, 212, pp 120-128. doi: 10.1016

Pownall, M. (2018) [Interviewing David Clarke] ‘A rigorous way of dealing with some messy real-world data.’ The Psychologist, August, 38-41.

Marono, A., Clarke, D. D., Navarro, J., & Keatley, D. A. (2018) A Sequence Analysis of Nonverbal Behaviour and Deception. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33(2),109–117.
First Online: 22 June 2017. doi: 10.1007/s11896-017-9238-9.

• 2019

Keatley, D. A., Walters, I., Parke, A., Joyce, T. and Clarke, D. D. (2019) Mapping the pathways between recreational cannabis use and mood disorders: A Behaviour Sequence Analysis approach. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
Published as ‘Early View’, 20/6/19.

Keatley, D., Parke, A., Townsend, E., Markham, C. and Clarke, D. (2019) A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Young People and Gambling-Related Harm. Journal of Gambling Issues, Volume 43. ISSN (electronic): 1910-7595.
Early View: https://jgi.camh.net/index.php/jgi/article/download/4054/4455 DOI: 10.4309/jgi.2019.43.2

Keatley, D. A. & Clarke, D. D. (2019) A Timeline Toolkit for Cold Case Investigations. Journal of Criminal Psychology. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 47-63.

• 2020

Keatley, D. A., Walters, I., Parke, A., Joyce, T. and Clarke, D. D. (2020) Mapping the pathways between recreational cannabis use and mood disorders: A Behaviour Sequence Analysis approach. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 31(1), 38-46. [First published: 26 May 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.261]

Holland, J., Sayal, K., Berry, A., Sawyer, C., Majumder, P., Vostanis, P., Armstrong, M., Harroe, C., Clarke, D., and  Townsend, E. (2020) What do young people who self-harm find helpful? A comparative study of young people with and without experience of being looked after in care. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 25(3), 157-164.

Taylor, O., Keatley, D. A., and Clarke, D. D. (2020) A Behavior Sequence Analysis of Perceptions of Alcohol-Related Violence Surrounding Drinking Establishments. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35 (9-10), pp 1982-1997. First published online: April 3, 2017.

Keatley, D.A., and Clarke, D.D. (2020) Matrix Forecasting and Behaviour Sequence Analysis: Part of the Timeline Toolkit for Criminal Investigation. J Police Crim Psych.

Lavelle-Hill, R., Goulding, J., Smith, G., Clarke, D. D. and Bibby, P. A. (2020) Psychological and demographic predictors of plastic bag consumption in transaction data. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72.

Longridge, R., Chapman, B., Bennell, C., Clarke D. D. and Keatley D. (2020) Behaviour Sequence Analysis of Police Body-Worn Camera Footage. J Police Crim Psych.

Keatley, D.A., Clarke, D.D. (2020) Crime Linkage: Finding a Behavioral Fingerprint Using the “Path Similarity Metric”. J Police Crim Psych. 35, 240 - 246.
Online (2019) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-019-9315-3

• 2021

Keatley, D. and Clarke, D.D. (2021), Waypoint sequencing: simplifying behaviour sequence analysis for criminal cases, Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 72-82.

Clarke, D. D. (2021) Assorted aphorisms and slogans. The Psychologist, September, Vol 34, p2.

Kurup, S., Golightly, D., Clarke, D., and Sharples, S. (2021) Passenger information provision: Perspectives from rail industry stakeholders in Great Britain. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, Volume 19

Keatley, D.A., Arntfield, M., Gill, P., Clare, J., Oatley, G., Bouhana, N. and Clarke, D. D. (2021) Behaviour tracking: using geospatial and behaviour sequence analysis to map crime. Security Journal, 34, 184–201.
Online (2019) https://doi.org/10.1057/s41284-019-00216-3

• 2022

Keatley, D. A., O’Donnell, C., Chapman, B., & Clarke, D. D. (2022) The psycho-criminology of burial sites: Developing the Winthropping method for locating clandestine burial sites. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 37, 91 - 100.

Keatley, D. A., Arntfield, M. and Clarke D. D. (2022) Crime Script Sequencing: An optimal forensic combination for cold case analysis. Forensic Science International: Synergy. Volume 5, 100278

Keatley, D.A., Clarke, D.D. (2022) Matrix Forecasting and Behaviour Sequence Analysis: Part of the Timeline Toolkit for Criminal Investigation. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 37, 1–8.

• 2023

Lockwood, J., Babbage, C., Bird, K., Thynne, I., Barsky, A., Clarke, D. D. and Townsend, E. (2023) A comparison of temporal pathways to self-harm in adolescents compared to adults: A pilot test of the Card Sort Task for Self-Harm online using Indicator Wave Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatry Section.

Keatley, D A., Marono, A. J., and Clarke, D. D. (2023) Prevalence scores: an addition to behaviour sequence analysis, Journal of Criminal Psychology 13(4)


Ligovich. M., Richards, Y.,  Clarke D. D., and Keatley, D. A. (2023) Deceptive indicators: Using Indicator Waves to measure deception. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 30(2):268-292.
