Assessing & Grading ELLs


NYS ELL Demographics Report

NYSESLAT Resources

Assessment for ELLs Booklist

Colorin Colorado provides several books which give us an introduction to

assessment best practices for English language learners.

Assessment for ELLs Video

Measuring What Matters, Educational Leadership, February 2018

Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for ELLs 

This guidebook for teachers by Shelley Fairbain and Stephaney Jones-Vo shows both general education and ENL teachers how to differentiate instruction and assessment for the English language learners in their classes.

Every teacher is a language teacher!

Margo Gottlieb-Assessing ELLs Video

ELLs come to school with more than one language which need to be assessed.

Assessing ELL Student Progress-YouTube

A discussion of alternative assessment practices for ELLs

Assessment for English Language Learners

This section of Colorin Colorado discusses how to properly assess and

place English language learners (ELLs). 

Five Non-Test Alternatives for Assessing ELLs  

Fluent U explains why testing is not an effective way to assess ELLs.

Supporting ELLs with Formative Assessments

by Sarah Ottow

Formative Language Assessment for ELLs

by Sarah Ottow

Common Assessments and ELLs

by Tammy King, WIDA Blog

Using Rubrics and Checklists for Language Proficiency Assessments

by Tammy King, WIDA Blog

Formative Assessment of Language Across Disciplines-Jeff Zwiers

Using conversation as formative data

ESL Authentic Assessment Pilot-Food

A short You Tube Video

Assigning Meaningful Grades for ELLs

This presentation outlines the current best practices. 

ESL Authentic Assessment-Home Country Project

A short You Tube Video

Five Pillars of Equitably Grading ELLs  

A new article by Diane Staehr Fenner, Jill Kester and Sydney Snyder

Free Webinar

This article discusses which aspects of computer-based assessment might prove to be especially challenging for ELLs

and provides resources to support ELLs’ success in computer-based testing.

Speed Up Grading With Rubric Codes

New Jersey Grading Recommendations for ELLs 

This grading system is based on Can-Do Descriptors and the five levels of Language proficiency.

Grading Newcomers with Sample Report Cards for all Levels 

A great article from the Empowering ELLs blog which utilizes the Can-Do Descriptors to create several

sample grade level report cards for ELLs. Excellent!

Harrisburg School District Assessment Forms

Progress Reports in many languages and by language proficiency level.

The Best Resources on Differentiated Grading 

Larry Ferlazzo asks the question: What do you know about differentiated grading for ELLs?

Could You Teach Without Grades?

Jennifer Gonzales asks the question in her Cult of Pedagogy blog

ENL Rubrics

Quick check comprehension rubrics

*ENL Report Cards: The linked ENL Report Cards were created by the Long Island RBE-RN Report Card Committee in August of 2016. They are available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. They include Targets of Measurement (TOMS) and the new proficiency levels for ELLs.  

Will Letter Grades Survive?  Edutopia asks that question as schools change to competency-based systems. 


 Some Ideas for Differentiating ELL Assessments