
The team is run on an all-volunteer basis. This is YOUR team and all parents are welcome and needed to fill the many jobs that need to be done to run a successful season.

HELP NEEDED – CONCESSIONS - The team is in need of some parents to run our concessions – planning, shopping, staffing the meets and managing the funds. With some coordination, this job can be split over several families to lighten the load. Liz will assist. Perks include a key to the team closet and our everlasting gratitude! See Liz for more info.

HELP NEEDED - OFFICIALS TRAINING - The team needs stroke and turn, referee and starter officials for each meet. Please consider getting certified! After completing one of the clinics, you’ll be able to shadow experienced officials at our B and A meets. See details including locations online at: http://www.mcsl.org/Officials.aspx

For more information on opportunities contact us!