from the discord

jiggytomToday at 9:22 PM

@clickforafrica you can change the download location on the settings page, and then move all your LBRY downloads there. For the blob files, it's in the lbrynet folder ( You can configure this by changing the daemon_settings.yml file to include a data_dir setting to the new path. Or you can use a symlink (google it) on Windows to just redirect that folder. A sample of what the daemon_settings.yml will look like is at the bottom of (see the last note about keeping the daemon_settings.yml file in the original directory - the downloads directory can go here as well and will override anything set in the app).


LBRY Startup Troubleshooting

LBRY Startup Troubleshooting

ClementToday at 10:10 PM

@jiggytom i think he is referring to his publishes, the videos he uploads

jiggytomToday at 10:11 PM

yep, the blobs for those videos are in the blob_files folder as well. The original files themselves can be moved to a different drive - as the blobs are used for hosting.