Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS for self-hosted sites where the IP address changes.

https://www.dynu.com/ - free and lets you use own domain. Seems to be one of the easiest to set up.


Seems like we can use a full domain name with this.


freedns.afraid.org - use a subdomain on one of their domains, or point your own domain to your server. Has Clients for Mac, Linux, and windows. Many other services too, free.

duckDNS - not as many services but does dynamic DNS and is free.


Another possibility

With URL forwarding at the DNS provider, we could point any domain to the subdomain of the dynamic DNS provider and host anything on a cheap machine. People could even donate a small cheap pc connected to their home modem, which depending on the bandwidth available, would likely provide a far better service than a cheap VPS.

found this too:

