You'll note a certain consistency about these puddings. Loads of different ice creams, cheesecakes (baked and fridge ones), plus chocolate, fruit and booze. Most try to reduce the sugar and fat content as much as possible and many are gluten free - see the Japanese Cheesecake as an example, but there are some decadant exceptions - Extra Gooey Chocolate Brownies we are looking at you.
Cardamom and Almond Milk Pudding with Roasted Plums
Chocolate and Raspberry Mousse
Chocolate Topped Baileys Brulee
Cinnamon, Armagnac and Prune Panna Cotta
Compressed Apple Terrine with Apple Crisps
Extra Gooey Chocolate Brownies
Frozen Yoghurt with a Hint of Coconut
Gluten Free New York Baked Cheesecake with Raspberry Coulis
Hazelnut Meringues with Mango Sauce
Hibiscus Raspberry Parfait with Apple Jellies
Lime and Vanilla Cheesecake with Rhubarb Compote
Nougat Semifreddo with Chocolate Dusting
Oven Poached Apricots with Apricot Ice Cream and Pistachio Sugar Dust
Passion Fruit & White Chocolate Mousse
Petit Pots au Chocolat a la Lavande
Pomegranate and Rose Ice Cream
Raspberry Gelato with Cocoa Nibs
Roast Quince with Honey and Cinnamon
Sorrel Ice Cream with Strawberries
Spring and Autumn Apricot Ice Cream
Strawberry Ice Cream Flavoured with Balsamic Vinegar