
NEAR has many wonderful friends, and we think you should know about them. This is the national site that addresses every possible bit of information that you might want to know about Airedales. NEAR is on the board of this group (called NAR for National Airedale Rescue). NAR does not rescue dogs, it supports the work all the rescue efforts done by volunteers around the country. Take some time to look through this site, you'll learn a great deal, and check it often as it is regularly updated. Annette's Airelooms is a shopping trip of countless unique Airedale-themed items. Its namesake, Annette, worked with NEAR actually driving dogs from Michigan to Connecticut to be sure they found great homes through NEAR. We will always miss this special person, but we can remember her when purchasing through this site, as the profit goes to helping Airedales in the ATRA group. Mimi is a fine artist living on Cape Cod. She has adopted three NEAR dogs, currently owning Rosie. If you commission a portrait of your dog by Mimi, a percentage of the price will be donated to NEAR. Adopter of Airedale Turbo , Josepha Hegan is an artist who will paint your pet and donate part of the commission price to NEAR. Check out her great work. Denis supports NEAR in all ways. Mostly by fostering and transporting and adopting, of course, his stories of NEARdales are legion, but he also makes small sculpture that are listed on our site, all which purchase price goes to NEAR. Stephanie has supported NEAR in a number of ways over the years and is currently our webmaster. She is a family and pet photographer and prefers when the two combine as pets are certainly part of our families!